Fabien Lafont
2014-09-12 11:05:41 UTC
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if it was possible to load a package before the preambule
of the document?
My problem is that I load \usepackage{cmbright}
And if it comes after \usepackage{fontspec} when I use Xelatex the text
switch to latin letters while the maths keep the cmbright font. If I
inverse the two packages I do not have any problem but I can't do it in Lyx
since lyx load automatically fontspec at the beginning
I was wondering if it was possible to load a package before the preambule
of the document?
My problem is that I load \usepackage{cmbright}
And if it comes after \usepackage{fontspec} when I use Xelatex the text
switch to latin letters while the maths keep the cmbright font. If I
inverse the two packages I do not have any problem but I can't do it in Lyx
since lyx load automatically fontspec at the beginning