stefano franchi
2014-10-03 22:15:49 UTC
Dear all,
I have encountered an annoying problem: compilation of a
luatex+biblatex+biber document from within lyx fails with the following
report the same error. However, it seems to be able to recover from it.
So the first question is: how come LyX cannot recover from the error while
lualatex can?
Second issue is the error itself. The full log of the command line
compilation shows that the error is probably biblatex- or biber- related,
as it occur in the bibliography. The context of the error is as follows:
Overfull \hbox (6.58478pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 309--309
[][][][][]\EU2/MinionPro(0)/m/n/10.95 (ï²ï°ï°ïµ). â Au-topoiesis, Adap-t
iv-ity, Tele-ol-ogy, Agencyâ. In: \EU2/MinionPro(0)/m/it/10.95 Phe-nomenol-
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
I cannot quite figure out what is wrong from the above. Line 309 is the
blank line immediately following the \printbibliography command in the
master file.
I thought the error could be in the .bbl file, but can't find any
enlightenment there either: the section of the bbl file that contains the
ref above is as follows:
\field{labeltitle}{Autopoiesis, Adaptivity, Teleology, Agency}
\field{journaltitle}{Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences}
\field{title}{Autopoiesis, Adaptivity, Teleology, Agency}
\field{pages}{429\bibrangedash 452}
\verb DiPaolo2005.pdf:AI, ALife and Information sciences/Cybernetics,
on C., Cybernetic paradigm/DiPaolo2005.pdf:PDF
\keyw{Ashby; Homeostat; Evolutionary Robotics}
I am really clueless...
I have encountered an annoying problem: compilation of a
luatex+biblatex+biber document from within lyx fails with the following
Missing number: treated as zero
Compilation from the command line succeeds, even though Luatex does indeedreport the same error. However, it seems to be able to recover from it.
So the first question is: how come LyX cannot recover from the error while
lualatex can?
Second issue is the error itself. The full log of the command line
compilation shows that the error is probably biblatex- or biber- related,
as it occur in the bibliography. The context of the error is as follows:
Overfull \hbox (6.58478pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 309--309
[][][][][]\EU2/MinionPro(0)/m/n/10.95 (ï²ï°ï°ïµ). â Au-topoiesis, Adap-t
iv-ity, Tele-ol-ogy, Agencyâ. In: \EU2/MinionPro(0)/m/it/10.95 Phe-nomenol-
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
A number should have been here; I inserted `0'.
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `weird error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
I cannot quite figure out what is wrong from the above. Line 309 is the
blank line immediately following the \printbibliography command in the
master file.
I thought the error could be in the .bbl file, but can't find any
enlightenment there either: the section of the bbl file that contains the
ref above is as follows:
\field{labeltitle}{Autopoiesis, Adaptivity, Teleology, Agency}
\field{journaltitle}{Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences}
\field{title}{Autopoiesis, Adaptivity, Teleology, Agency}
\field{pages}{429\bibrangedash 452}
\verb DiPaolo2005.pdf:AI, ALife and Information sciences/Cybernetics,
on C., Cybernetic paradigm/DiPaolo2005.pdf:PDF
\keyw{Ashby; Homeostat; Evolutionary Robotics}
From the (very) little I know of biblatex's internal language, it seems to
be okay. Or perhaps not.I am really clueless...
Stefano Franchi
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Stefano Franchi
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