letterhead with Koma2 or letter
2014-09-25 20:11:55 UTC
please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I read the
same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm in the same
How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page?


2014-09-25 22:14:15 UTC
On Thu, 25 Sep 2014 22:11:55 +0200
Post by renato
please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I
read the same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm
in the same situation...
How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page?
I have had a great deal of help from Jean-Marie Pacquet with my
problems tweaking the Koma letter environment. I will attempt to pass
on his wisdom.

Where you see “Sender name” in the Koma letter template place your
graphic, or your other entry and then move your graphic accordingly,
maybe using Ctrl+space as often as you require.

In the footer you may have to do much the same.

I see you have had some good advice from Jean-Marie on your request
last time.

Prior to using the Koma-Script letter template, I rolled my own letter
template with a plain Koma-Script article page and just placed all the
elements where I wanted much like suggested above for placing the

I have also created a graphic with the GIMP with all the writing, with
the font I wanted and graphic placed accordingly and just inserted that
into the “Sender name” area.

Not much help, but maybe a start to what you need.

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Jean-Marie Pacquet
2014-09-26 05:57:43 UTC
Post by renato
please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I read the
same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm in the same
How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page?

Did you try the example ksl2pro.lyx shown here:
http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/KomaLetter2 ? It has an image on the top left.
If that does not work for you, please indicate exactly what kind of
error you get, then I might be able to help.

2014-09-26 16:41:51 UTC
I followed your tips, and I obtained the file attached Here. But I need to
obtain something like the other file that I attach (Meridiana.pdf)

I mean:
- the logo on the header is on the right
- the footer could be an image (can I can realize it with script?, it would be
better. This, is an image of a letterhead realized wiith latex)

I would use Lyx, because it will better to write simple letter. But to do
that, I need a letterhead (I hope to explain myself).

Thank you

Post by Jean-Marie Pacquet
Post by renato
please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I read
the same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm in the
same situation...
How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page?
http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/KomaLetter2 ? It has an image on the top left.
If that does not work for you, please indicate exactly what kind of
error you get, then I might be able to help.
Benedict Holland
2014-09-26 19:37:51 UTC
You might have to get your configuration with ERT. I find a lot of
formatting is complicated with koma. You could also play around with your
din.lco file. That is where all of the spacing is defined unless
overridden. I might suggest an ERT of \raggedright with the includeimage
command. It is hard without seeing your document but specific formatting
that differs from the defaults I always find is better done with ERT. As a
really bad alternative, you can play around with the din file but I would
really not recommend that unless you absolutely have to.

BTW. I should note this because these seem to be a lot of koma questions
cropping up. Koma is extremely complicated and powerful. The manual is over
200 pages. It can do anything you want but the trick is to get it
configured the exact way you want. At one point I did actually go through
about a quarter of the manual. I found that playing around with the margins
to get exactly what I needed was the easiest approach.

Post by renato
I followed your tips, and I obtained the file attached Here. But I need to
obtain something like the other file that I attach (Meridiana.pdf)
- the logo on the header is on the right
- the footer could be an image (can I can realize it with script?, it would be
better. This, is an image of a letterhead realized wiith latex)
I would use Lyx, because it will better to write simple letter. But to do
that, I need a letterhead (I hope to explain myself).
Thank you
Post by Jean-Marie Pacquet
Post by renato
please, help me to set letterhead. I tried koma2 and letter class. I
Post by Jean-Marie Pacquet
Post by renato
the same document (in different site) googling around. But I'm in the
same situation...
How can I put Image on the top left and the bottom of the page?
http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/KomaLetter2 ? It has an image on the top
Post by Jean-Marie Pacquet
If that does not work for you, please indicate exactly what kind of
error you get, then I might be able to help.