Generating a Tex
William Hanson
2014-08-27 14:57:57 UTC
To All,

I have a document that I want to submit to a Springer journal. Their web
site won't accept my LyX file. It wants a TeX file. How do I convert LyX
to TeX?

Bill Hanson
Eisa Alanazi
2014-08-27 15:02:48 UTC
Did you try "export" on the file menu? I remember LyX had this feature.
Post by William Hanson
To All,
I have a document that I want to submit to a Springer journal. Their web site won't accept my LyX file. It wants a TeX file. How do I convert LyX to TeX?
Bill Hanson
2014-08-27 15:06:54 UTC
"Export" gives you five different options to generate a LaTeX file.
Surely one of them ("plain" would be my first choice) would work.
Post by Eisa Alanazi
Did you try "export" on the file menu? I remember LyX had this feature.
Post by William Hanson
To All,
I have a document that I want to submit to a Springer journal. Their
web site won't accept my LyX file. It wants a TeX file. How do I
convert LyX to TeX?
Bill Hanson
William Hanson
2014-08-27 15:40:24 UTC
Thanks. That worked.
Post by t***@wescottdesign.com
"Export" gives you five different options to generate a LaTeX file.
Surely one of them ("plain" would be my first choice) would work.
Post by Eisa Alanazi
Did you try "export" on the file menu? I remember LyX had this feature.
To All,
Post by William Hanson
I have a document that I want to submit to a Springer journal. Their
web site won't accept my LyX file. It wants a TeX file. How do I convert
LyX to TeX?
Bill Hanson
stefano franchi
2014-08-27 15:47:41 UTC
Post by t***@wescottdesign.com
"Export" gives you five different options to generate a LaTeX file.
Surely one of them ("plain" would be my first choice) would work.
Post by Eisa Alanazi
Did you try "export" on the file menu? I remember LyX had this feature.
To All,
Post by William Hanson
I have a document that I want to submit to a Springer journal. Their
web site won't accept my LyX file. It wants a TeX file. How do I convert
LyX to TeX?
For Springer, it is sometimes a bit more complicated than just exporting to
LaTeX. You also have to take care of inserting the bibliography into the
main LaTeX file, as they usually don't accept separate bib files. It
depends on the journal/book series, though. In case they don't, you
basically, you have to do the following:

1. Export to LaTeX (to, say "myfile.tex)
2. Run pdflatex (or xelatex or lualatex) on myfile.tex from the command line
3. run bibtex or biber on myfile.tex from the command line
4. Open the myfile.bbl in an editor, copy all the bibitems to clipboard
5. Open the myfile.tex file in an editor and paste all the bibitems you
copied inside the bibliography environment you will find at the end of the
6. Send the myfile.tex file to Springer

See [1] for an example.



Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

stefano franchi
2014-08-27 17:15:51 UTC
(please, always respond to the list---other users may help or find the
discussion helpful)
You're right, the file I uploaded to the Springer site did not include my
1. Which of the various LaTeX export options should I choose?
That depends on what TeX engine you are using (pdfteX, XeTeX, LuaTeX). If
you don't know what I am taking about, it is safe to assume you are using
the default engine (pdfTeX). Choose either File>>Export>>LaTeX(plain) or
File>>Export>>LaTeX(pdfLaTeX). Either should work.
And how do I export TO something like myfile.tex? When I choose one of
the Exports from the file menu I don't get to choose a file name or a
LyX chooses filename and destination for you: you get a file with exactly
the same filename as your lyx file, in the same directory. The only
difference will be the extension, which is changed from .lyx to .tex. For
instance, if yo are working on "MyGreatPaperForSpringer.lyx", you will find
a file called "MyGreatPaperforSpringer.tex" in the same directory where the
.lyx file is.

And I get a warning that the filename it says it's working with can cause
You probably have spaces in the filename and/or the directory structure.
Never a good idea when working with pure LaTeX from the command line. LyX
takes care of this problem when you compile a LyX file, but you are on
your own when using LaTeX yourself. Better to rename the files (and/or
directories) without spaces before exporting to LaTeX
2 & 3. I'm not sure I have the programs you mention. Are they part of
The are part of your TeX installation (TexLive, or MacTeX, or MikTeX,
depending on whether you are on Linux, Mac, or Windows, respectively). LyX
can't produce pdf files without TeX, so, yes, if you have ever produced a
pdf file with LyX, you definitely have all these programs. You just never
see them, because it is LyX that calls them, not you.

The only program you need in addition to those provided by TeX is a plain
text editor. You certainly have one on your system. It may be as
sophisticated as emacs or as simple as textedit. It does not matter, since
you will be using the most basic functionality (cut and paste). I don't
know which platform you are on, so I can't direct you to a specific
program. But I can guarantee you will have one installed already. Just
don't use a word processor (Word, LibreOffice, etc.) to open your tex and
bbl files. The will most likely save them in a non-text format (doc, odt,
etc.) that will mess up everything. There are ways to force
Word/Libreoffice to work as text editors, but if you know how to do that,
then you don't need any help on editors...


Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

William Hanson
2014-08-27 19:26:09 UTC
Well, I got as far as your 3, that is I ran bibtex on myfile.tex from the
command line. It gave me lots of LateX Errors, like

LaTeX Warning: Citation `plantinga:1985a' on page 2 undefined on input line

But it didn't seem to produce myfile.bbl; at least I don't see it
anywhere. Maybe it didn't generate because of all the errors?
So I'm stuck at this point.

By the way, I did find a space in the filename, which I closed. I don't
know how to tell if there are spaces in the directory structure.

Thanks for the help.

Post by stefano franchi
(please, always respond to the list---other users may help or find the
discussion helpful)
You're right, the file I uploaded to the Springer site did not include my
1. Which of the various LaTeX export options should I choose?
That depends on what TeX engine you are using (pdfteX, XeTeX, LuaTeX). If
you don't know what I am taking about, it is safe to assume you are using
the default engine (pdfTeX). Choose either File>>Export>>LaTeX(plain) or
File>>Export>>LaTeX(pdfLaTeX). Either should work.
And how do I export TO something like myfile.tex? When I choose one of
the Exports from the file menu I don't get to choose a file name or a
LyX chooses filename and destination for you: you get a file with exactly
the same filename as your lyx file, in the same directory. The only
difference will be the extension, which is changed from .lyx to .tex. For
instance, if yo are working on "MyGreatPaperForSpringer.lyx", you will find
a file called "MyGreatPaperforSpringer.tex" in the same directory where the
.lyx file is.
And I get a warning that the filename it says it's working with can cause
You probably have spaces in the filename and/or the directory structure.
Never a good idea when working with pure LaTeX from the command line. LyX
takes care of this problem when you compile a LyX file, but you are on
your own when using LaTeX yourself. Better to rename the files (and/or
directories) without spaces before exporting to LaTeX
2 & 3. I'm not sure I have the programs you mention. Are they part of
The are part of your TeX installation (TexLive, or MacTeX, or MikTeX,
depending on whether you are on Linux, Mac, or Windows, respectively). LyX
can't produce pdf files without TeX, so, yes, if you have ever produced a
pdf file with LyX, you definitely have all these programs. You just never
see them, because it is LyX that calls them, not you.
The only program you need in addition to those provided by TeX is a plain
text editor. You certainly have one on your system. It may be as
sophisticated as emacs or as simple as textedit. It does not matter, since
you will be using the most basic functionality (cut and paste). I don't
know which platform you are on, so I can't direct you to a specific
program. But I can guarantee you will have one installed already. Just
don't use a word processor (Word, LibreOffice, etc.) to open your tex and
bbl files. The will most likely save them in a non-text format (doc, odt,
etc.) that will mess up everything. There are ways to force
Word/Libreoffice to work as text editors, but if you know how to do that,
then you don't need any help on editors...
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA
stefano franchi
2014-08-27 19:47:21 UTC
Post by William Hanson
Well, I got as far as your 3, that is I ran bibtex on myfile.tex from the
command line. It gave me lots of LateX Errors, like
LaTeX Warning: Citation `plantinga:1985a' on page 2 undefined on input
line 103
That probably means bibtex cannot find your bib file(s). Look at the .tex
file in anb editor. At the very end (most likely the next to last line),
you'll see a line like:

Inside the braces you will have the complete path to your bibtex file (the
.bib file, but without the extension). Check that:
1. That path is indeed correct (is the file really there?).
2, There are no spaces in the path (fix the problem if otherwise. Easiest
way is to copy your lyx file and your bib file to a temporary directory in
your home directory)

If neither of these suggestions works, please post the complete output of
the bibtex run (from the terminal)
Post by William Hanson
But it didn't seem to produce myfile.bbl; at least I don't see it
anywhere. Maybe it didn't generate because of all the errors?
So I'm stuck at this point.
Yes, it was not generated because bibtex ran into troubles.
By the way, I did find a space in the filename, which I closed. I don't
know how to tell if there are spaces in the directory structure.
Which system are you on (Mac, Linux, Win)? I can help with the first two,
but I am hopeless on Windows.



P.S. Also, please do not "top post." Answer in line with your replies
immediately following the relevant point you are responding to. It makes
for easier and faster reading. Besides, it is the list convention....
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

William Hanson
2014-08-28 04:09:46 UTC
Sorry, but I do not seem to be able to reply except by "top posting".

I'm using Windows, 64 bit.

Here's the very end of my .tex file:






I have tried removing the space in "...My Documents ...", but it doesn't
help. In fact in the process of removing the spaces I've somehow managed
to mess up my document so that now when I convert it to a pdf file there
are no references at the end. And in the text all the citations say [?].

Post by stefano franchi
Post by William Hanson
Well, I got as far as your 3, that is I ran bibtex on myfile.tex from the
command line. It gave me lots of LateX Errors, like
LaTeX Warning: Citation `plantinga:1985a' on page 2 undefined on input
line 103
That probably means bibtex cannot find your bib file(s). Look at the .tex
file in anb editor. At the very end (most likely the next to last line),
Inside the braces you will have the complete path to your bibtex file (the
1. That path is indeed correct (is the file really there?).
2, There are no spaces in the path (fix the problem if otherwise. Easiest
way is to copy your lyx file and your bib file to a temporary directory in
your home directory)
If neither of these suggestions works, please post the complete output of
the bibtex run (from the terminal)
Post by William Hanson
But it didn't seem to produce myfile.bbl; at least I don't see it
anywhere. Maybe it didn't generate because of all the errors?
So I'm stuck at this point.
Yes, it was not generated because bibtex ran into troubles.
By the way, I did find a space in the filename, which I closed. I don't
know how to tell if there are spaces in the directory structure.
Which system are you on (Mac, Linux, Win)? I can help with the first two,
but I am hopeless on Windows.
P.S. Also, please do not "top post." Answer in line with your replies
immediately following the relevant point you are responding to. It makes
for easier and faster reading. Besides, it is the list convention....
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA
Scott Kostyshak
2014-08-28 04:51:04 UTC
Post by William Hanson
Sorry, but I do not seem to be able to reply except by "top posting".
I'm using Windows, 64 bit.
I have tried removing the space in "...My Documents ...", but it doesn't
help. In fact in the process of removing the spaces I've somehow managed to
mess up my document so that now when I convert it to a pdf file there are no
references at the end. And in the text all the citations say [?].
I believe there are some plans for LyX to export bbl files. In the
meantime I suppose the script will work but you have to set it up
manually. Note that I have no experience doing this, but see
http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/4624 (note that any comments regarding
the implementation should be posted at


stefano franchi
2014-08-28 14:03:48 UTC
Post by William Hanson
Sorry, but I do not seem to be able to reply except by "top posting".
I'm using Windows, 64 bit.
I have tried removing the space in "...My Documents ...", but it doesn't
help. In fact in the process of removing the spaces I've somehow managed
to mess up my document so that now when I convert it to a pdf file there
are no references at the end. And in the text all the citations say [?].
I suppose removing the space in "My Documents" won't help---not, that is,
unless you actaully rename the "My Documents" directory in Windows to
"MyDocuments". And that is not a great idea, as "My Documents" is a Windows
standard directory and renaming it will undoubtedly mess things up badly,
At any rate, since the the address of your bib file is wrapped by a \string
command, it should actually work even if it contains a space---that is what
the \string command should take care of. In theory at least.
We need to know exactly what is the problem that prevents bibtex from
producing a bbl file. I would suggest the following if you'd like more help:

1. Export your file to Latex(plain) and produce something called
2. Run "pdflatex myfile.tex" in a terminal.
3. You will see that pdflatex produces (in addition to myfile.pdf) a file
called myfile.log.
4. Post that file to the list
5. Run "bibtex myfile" and cut and paste everything bibtex spits to the
terminal into another file. Call it myfile.bib.log.
6. Post that file to the list as well

(there are more elegant ways to collect a program's output than what I just
suggested, but I don't know how to accomplish them in Windows. Perhaps
other users may help. But the above should work)

Post by William Hanson
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 2:47 PM, stefano franchi <
Post by stefano franchi
Post by William Hanson
Well, I got as far as your 3, that is I ran bibtex on myfile.tex from
the command line. It gave me lots of LateX Errors, like
LaTeX Warning: Citation `plantinga:1985a' on page 2 undefined on input
line 103
That probably means bibtex cannot find your bib file(s). Look at the
.tex file in anb editor. At the very end (most likely the next to last
Inside the braces you will have the complete path to your bibtex file
1. That path is indeed correct (is the file really there?).
2, There are no spaces in the path (fix the problem if otherwise. Easiest
way is to copy your lyx file and your bib file to a temporary directory in
your home directory)
If neither of these suggestions works, please post the complete output of
the bibtex run (from the terminal)
Post by William Hanson
But it didn't seem to produce myfile.bbl; at least I don't see it
anywhere. Maybe it didn't generate because of all the errors?
So I'm stuck at this point.
Yes, it was not generated because bibtex ran into troubles.
By the way, I did find a space in the filename, which I closed. I don't
know how to tell if there are spaces in the directory structure.
Which system are you on (Mac, Linux, Win)? I can help with the first
two, but I am hopeless on Windows.
P.S. Also, please do not "top post." Answer in line with your replies
immediately following the relevant point you are responding to. It makes
for easier and faster reading. Besides, it is the list convention....
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA

William Hanson
2014-08-28 16:47:43 UTC
The first time I tried to execute your step 1, immediately above, I got an
error saying that it wouldn't work because of spaces. I tried it again
and I did get myfile.tex. I then ran pdflatex myfile.tex (your step 2).
But, contrary to your 3, I did not get a file called myfile.log. (It did,
however, produce the following files: myfile.toc, myfile.aux,

So I'm stuck at this point.


Post by stefano franchi
Post by William Hanson
Sorry, but I do not seem to be able to reply except by "top posting".
I'm using Windows, 64 bit.
I have tried removing the space in "...My Documents ...", but it doesn't
help. In fact in the process of removing the spaces I've somehow managed
to mess up my document so that now when I convert it to a pdf file there
are no references at the end. And in the text all the citations say [?].
I suppose removing the space in "My Documents" won't help---not, that is,
unless you actaully rename the "My Documents" directory in Windows to
"MyDocuments". And that is not a great idea, as "My Documents" is a Windows
standard directory and renaming it will undoubtedly mess things up badly,
At any rate, since the the address of your bib file is wrapped by a
\string command, it should actually work even if it contains a space---that
is what the \string command should take care of. In theory at least.
We need to know exactly what is the problem that prevents bibtex from
1. Export your file to Latex(plain) and produce something called
2. Run "pdflatex myfile.tex" in a terminal.
3. You will see that pdflatex produces (in addition to myfile.pdf) a file
called myfile.log.
4. Post that file to the list
5. Run "bibtex myfile" and cut and paste everything bibtex spits to the
terminal into another file. Call it myfile.bib.log.
6. Post that file to the list as well
(there are more elegant ways to collect a program's output than what I
just suggested, but I don't know how to accomplish them in Windows. Perhaps
other users may help. But the above should work)
Post by William Hanson
On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 2:47 PM, stefano franchi <
Post by stefano franchi
Post by William Hanson
Well, I got as far as your 3, that is I ran bibtex on myfile.tex from
the command line. It gave me lots of LateX Errors, like
LaTeX Warning: Citation `plantinga:1985a' on page 2 undefined on input
line 103
That probably means bibtex cannot find your bib file(s). Look at the
.tex file in anb editor. At the very end (most likely the next to last
Inside the braces you will have the complete path to your bibtex file
1. That path is indeed correct (is the file really there?).
2, There are no spaces in the path (fix the problem if otherwise.
Easiest way is to copy your lyx file and your bib file to a temporary
directory in your home directory)
If neither of these suggestions works, please post the complete output
of the bibtex run (from the terminal)
Post by William Hanson
But it didn't seem to produce myfile.bbl; at least I don't see it
anywhere. Maybe it didn't generate because of all the errors?
So I'm stuck at this point.
Yes, it was not generated because bibtex ran into troubles.
By the way, I did find a space in the filename, which I closed. I
don't know how to tell if there are spaces in the directory structure.
Which system are you on (Mac, Linux, Win)? I can help with the first
two, but I am hopeless on Windows.
P.S. Also, please do not "top post." Answer in line with your replies
immediately following the relevant point you are responding to. It makes
for easier and faster reading. Besides, it is the list convention....
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA
Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA
stefano franchi
2014-08-28 16:58:16 UTC
Post by William Hanson
The first time I tried to execute your step 1, immediately above, I got an
error saying that it wouldn't work because of spaces. I tried it again
and I did get myfile.tex. I then ran pdflatex myfile.tex (your step 2).
But, contrary to your 3, I did not get a file called myfile.log. (It did,
however, produce the following files: myfile.toc, myfile.aux,
This is strange, pdflatex always produces a log file unless instructed
otherwise. Are you calling pdflatex from the command line or are you using
a latex editor (such as texmaker or winedit, for instance). That would
explain the lack of a log file, as these editors may be configured to erase
log files and/or move them to other directories.

Do you also have a myfile.pdf file? That would indicate that the pdflatex
run was at least partially successful.

And what did you see on the console when you ran pdflatex (assuming you are
using a terminal-like interface and not a LaTeX editor)?

Stefano Franchi

***@gmail.com <***@tamu.edu>
William Hanson
2014-08-28 17:26:10 UTC
I am calling pdflatex from the command line of TeXworks.

It did also produce a myfile.pdf file.

What I see on my screen after running pdflatex is a window labeled
myfile.tex - TeXworks. It contains what apparently is myfile.tex, which I
assume is the TeX version of my paper,
Post by stefano franchi
Post by William Hanson
The first time I tried to execute your step 1, immediately above, I got
an error saying that it wouldn't work because of spaces. I tried it again
and I did get myfile.tex. I then ran pdflatex myfile.tex (your step 2).
But, contrary to your 3, I did not get a file called myfile.log. (It did,
however, produce the following files: myfile.toc, myfile.aux,
This is strange, pdflatex always produces a log file unless instructed
otherwise. Are you calling pdflatex from the command line or are you using
a latex editor (such as texmaker or winedit, for instance). That would
explain the lack of a log file, as these editors may be configured to erase
log files and/or move them to other directories.
Do you also have a myfile.pdf file? That would indicate that the pdflatex
run was at least partially successful.
And what did you see on the console when you ran pdflatex (assuming you
are using a terminal-like interface and not a LaTeX editor)?
Stefano Franchi
William Hanson
2014-08-28 18:54:48 UTC
Breaking News! I just ran LaTeX(plain) on myfile.lyx and it produced
mytext.bbl. I've never gotten a bbl file before. This is good, isn't it?
Is there an easy way forward from here?
On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 12:55 PM, stefano franchi <
Post by William Hanson
I am calling pdflatex from the command line of TeXworks.
It did also produce a myfile.pdf file.
What I see on my screen after running pdflatex is a window labeled
myfile.tex - TeXworks. It contains what apparently is myfile.tex, which I
assume is the TeX version of my paper,
If you use texworks, you should just be able to select pdflatex from the
Typeset menu, and it will compile your file to myfile.pdf and also produce
a myfile.log. For instance, this is what I see in TeXWorks console, when I
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) (preloaded
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
Babel <3.9k> and hyphenation patterns for 79 languages loaded.
Document Class: article 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
x.map}] (./test.aux)
Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 13144 bytes).
SyncTeX written on test.synctex.gz.
Transcript written on test.log.
Notice how on the last line it informs me that it has produced a log file.
At any rate, try recompiling your file, and if you cannot find the log
file, juct cut and paste everything you see in TeXWorks's console output
window into an email message and send it to the list.
Do the same for a compilation with bibtex (just select bibtex from the
Typeset menu and hit ctrl-T). Cut and paste the console output into an
email message and send it to the list.
That should give us enough info to understand what's going wrong.
The alternative is to use a good old-fashioned terminal---I believe it is
called "Command prompt" in Windows, or at least it used to be. See here [1]
on how to do it in Windows 7 (with apologies if it is obvious to you).
Stefano Franchi
stefano franchi
2014-08-28 19:12:55 UTC
Post by William Hanson
Breaking News! I just ran LaTeX(plain) on myfile.lyx and it produced
mytext.bbl. I've never gotten a bbl file before. This is good, isn't it?
Is there an easy way forward from here?
Assuming your bbl file is correct, you're almost there. You just:

1. open the myfile.bbl file in TeXWorks (be sure to select "all files"
ffrom the open dialog or it won't show up)
2. Select and copy everything in the bbl file
3, go to your myfile,.tex file in TeXWorks, delete the two lines (at the
end), that begin with, respectively, \bibliographystyle and \bibliography
and replace them with the content you just copied from the bbl file.
4. Compile the file again with pdflatex to be sure everything works
correctly and the pdf is how it should be (with all the refs, etcetera).
5. Send to Springer!


Stefano Franchi

***@gmail.com <***@tamu.edu>
William Hanson
2014-08-28 19:46:52 UTC
So close, but my bbl file does not show up om TeXWorks. I don't see any
""all files" ffrom the open dialog".
Post by stefano franchi
Post by William Hanson
Breaking News! I just ran LaTeX(plain) on myfile.lyx and it produced
mytext.bbl. I've never gotten a bbl file before. This is good, isn't it?
Is there an easy way forward from here?
1. open the myfile.bbl file in TeXWorks (be sure to select "all files"
ffrom the open dialog or it won't show up)
2. Select and copy everything in the bbl file
3, go to your myfile,.tex file in TeXWorks, delete the two lines (at the
end), that begin with, respectively, \bibliographystyle and \bibliography
and replace them with the content you just copied from the bbl file.
4. Compile the file again with pdflatex to be sure everything works
correctly and the pdf is how it should be (with all the refs, etcetera).
5. Send to Springer!
Stefano Franchi
William Hanson
2014-08-28 20:22:44 UTC
Foiled again, I'm afraid. All that's in the bbl file is



Cheers nonetheless.
Post by William Hanson
So close, but my bbl file does not show up om TeXWorks. I don't see any
""all files" ffrom the open dialog".
Look at the last line in the open file dialog screen (see attached
screenshot, where it says "Filter"). It is a pop up menu, you need to click
on it and select the last item "all files"
Stefano Franchi
stefano franchi
2014-08-28 20:39:20 UTC
Post by William Hanson
Foiled again, I'm afraid. All that's in the bbl file is
Cheers nonetheless.
That means that the bibtex run failed. Run bibtex again from within
TeXworks, and cut and paste the console output into an email message to the
It is hard to help without knowing what is wrong.

Stefano Franchi

***@gmail.com <***@tamu.edu>
William Hanson
2014-08-28 21:49:47 UTC
Here's the contents of file I get when I export from LyX using LaTeX
(plain). It is followed by the output from TeXWorks's console output
window after running bibtex.

This is really long. Stefano asked for it.


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\title{Actualism, Serious Actualism, and Quantified Modal Logic }


\date{August 27, 2014}



Actualism is the view that whatever is, in any sense of the word,

is actual. Serious actualism is the view that a sentence consisting

of a predicate applied to a singular term is false if the term does

not denote. In this paper I develop SAT, a seriously actualistic quantified

modal logic based on T, that also supports an actualistic interpretation.

SAT contains an abstraction operator by means of which predicates

can be created out of complex formulas. This makes it possible to

prove a uniform substitution theorem: If a sentence $\phi$ is logically

true, then any sentence that results from substituting a (perhaps

complex) predicate abstract for each occurrence of a simple predicate

abstract in $\phi$ is also logically true. (This solves a problem

identified by Kripke at the very beginning of the modern semantic

study of modal logic.) Following an approach developed by Menzel I

also show that SAT supports a thoroughly actualistic definition of

truth \emph{simpliciter}. I also present a tableau proof system and

prove that it is sound and complete with respect to logical truth.

Extension of the tableau rules, and corresponding soundness and completeness

results, to systems based on other propositional modal logics (e.g.,

K, B, S4, and S5) is straightforward. Such extensions preserve uniform

substitution and other metatheorems. \medskip{}













How should we deal with subject-predicate sentences containing non-denoting

singular terms? Suppose \textquoteleft{}Dweet\textquoteright{} is

a name that doesn't denote anything, and consider the following sentences.


\item [{(1)}] Dweet is a sexagenarian.

\item [{(2)}] Dweet enjoys messing about in boats.


It seems perfectly plausible to construe \textquoteleft{}is a

and \textquoteleft{}enjoys messing about in boats\textquoteright{}

as predicates, and thus to take the sentences in question to be of

subject-predicate form. I\textquoteright{}ll call such

that result from applying a predicate to a singular

sentences}. I'll also use this term for sentences like (3) that apply

a relational predicate to two or more singular terms.


\item [{(3)}] Obama is taller than Dweet.


How should truth values be assigned to attributive sentences like

(1)-(3) that contain at least one non-denoting singular term?

One answer to this question is that such sentences have no truth values.

Another is that they have truth values, some of them being true and

others false, just like ordinary attributive sentences. A third answer,

the one I advocate and want to explore here, is that all such attributive

sentences are false. If there is no such thing as Dweet, then all

claims to the effect that Dweet has such and such properties (or stands

in such and such relations) are incorrect, and all sentences that

express such claims are false. This view has been called \emph{serious


\footnote{For example by Plantinga, \cite{plantinga:1985a}, p. 93, and

p. 316, and by Stephanou \cite{stephanou:2007}, 219. %


Intuitively, serious actualism provides a model for understanding

ordinary language that is at least as plausible as those provided

by the other two alternatives. And when properly developed it has

advantages, both technical and philosophical, over them. Or so I claim.

Briefly put, serious actualism is superior to the no-truth-value view

because it does not require that we abandon two-valued logic. It is

superior to the some-are-true-some-are-false alternative because it

is less likely to tempt us with metaphysical excess, and because it

forces us to draw a sharp line between the logic of fiction and the

logic of non-fictional discourse. More fundamentally, serious actualism

reflects some basic intuitions about objects and predication better

than the other two approaches.%

\footnote{Burge endorses this view in \cite{Burge1974}, 313. He doesn't use

the term ``serious actualism'', but he presents a first-order schema

that expresses it using primitive predicate and relational terms.

Of this schema he says, ``It expresses a deep and widely held intuition

that the truth of simple singular sentences (other than those implicitly

embedded in intensional contexts) is contingent on the contained singular

terms' having a denotation. The pre-theoretic notion seems to be that

true predications at the most basic level express comments on topics,

or attributions of properties or relations to objects: lacking a topic

or object, basic predications cannot be true.'' %


I also advocate \emph{actualism}, the view that everything that is,

in any coherent sense of `is', is actual. According to actualism

there are no merely possible things, things that don't exist but somehow

manage to subsist or have some alternative kind of being. Non-denoting

names like \textquoteleft{}Dweet\textquoteright{} and `Pegasus'

really are non-denoting. They don't denote, designate or refer in

any sense.

In what follows I develop a system of quantified modal logic that

is both seriously actualistic and actualistic. A major goal is to

extend the thesis of serious actualism to complex predicates without

giving up desirable logical properties, the most important of which

is uniform substitution. Substituting a complex predicate for each

occurrence of a simple predicate in a logical truth should yield a

logical truth.

Any seriously actualistic attempt to deal with sentences more complex

than simple attributive sentences faces two problems. One is easily

solved; the solution to other is more difficult. The first problem

is that in standard modern logic connectives and quantifiers are usually

treated only as devices for generating more complex sentences out

of simpler ones. But in natural language they play a second role as

well, allowing us to generate more complex predicates and relational

terms out of simpler ones. This point is easily illustrated, using

negation, with the following sentence.


\item [{(4)}] Dweet is not a sexagenarian.


Is (4) an attributive sentence, with \textquoteleft{}is not a

as its predicate, or is it simply the negation of the attributive

sentence (1)? If we choose the former answer, we seem to be multiplying

primitive predicates needlessly. But if we choose the latter, we are

forced to say that (4) is true, since it negates (1), which is false.

Yet this seems arbitrary, because \textquoteleft{}is not a

appears to have as good a claim to being a predicate as \textquoteleft{}is

a sexagenarian\textquoteright{}. And if (4) is an attributive sentence,

then under the seriously actualistic approach to non-designating singular

terms it is false, not true.

This problem is easily solved by adopting a suitable device for

the scopes of negation and other logical operators. We want to distinguish



\item [{(4a)}] Dweet is a non-sexagenarian.




\item [{(4b)}] It is not the case that Dweet is a sexagenarian.


In the formal language developed in later sections this distinction

will be marked using a predicate abstraction operator ($\lambda$),

that allows us to render (4a) and (4b) as follows.


\item [{(4a{*})}] $\langle\lambda x.\neg Sx\rangle(d)$

\item [{(4b{*})}] $\neg\langle\lambda x.Sx\rangle(d)$


In (4b{*}) the predicate $\langle\lambda x.Sx\rangle$ (is a sexagenarian)

is applied to the singular term $d$ (Dweet), and the resulting sentence

is negated. But in (4a{*}) negation is involved in forming the predicate

$\langle\lambda x.\neg Sx\rangle$ (is not a sexagenarian). Predicate

abstraction allows us to control the scope of negation and thereby

distinguish two senses of (4), using $S$ as the only primitive predicate.

Augmenting modal languages with predicate abstraction is not a new

idea, but its usefulness has not been fully exploited.%

\footnote{Modal languages with a predicate abstraction operator can be found

in Stalnaker and Thomason \cite{Stalnaker1968}, Thomason and Stalnaker

\cite{Thomason1968}, Fitting and Mendelsohn \cite{Fitting1998},

and Fitting \cite{Fitting2002a}, but none of the logics discussed

by these authors are seriously actualistic. Similarly, the non-modal

logic studied by Lambert and Bencivenga in \cite{Lambert1986} contains

a predicate abstraction operator, but it is not seriously actualistic. %

} The first-order modal system developed here contains a predicate

abstraction operator, and it embodies serious actualism in the manner

just described. I'll focus on the version of this system based on

the propositional modal logic T, which I call SAT (seriously actualistic

T), but the results obtained apply to languages based on several other

propositional modal logics.

The second, and more difficult problem facing the serious actualist

in developing a system worthy of being called a logic involves uniform

substitution. The result of substituting a complex predicate for each

occurrence of a simple predicate in a logically true sentence should

also be logically true. In section 5.1 I show that when complex predicates

are defined using predicate abstraction uniform substitution does

indeed preserve logical truth in SAT. But none of the work on serious

actualism of which I am aware deals with this matter fully and

\footnote{Systems that are seriously actualistic with respect to

sentences have been studied by Fine \cite{fine_k:1981a}, Jager

and \cite{Jager1988}, Menzel \cite{menzel:1991a}, and Stephanou

\cite{Stephanou2002} and \cite{stephanou:2005}. But because these

systems lack a predicate abstraction operator, none of them support

uniform substitution. In \cite{Stalnaker1977}, however, Stalnaker

gives a subtle and insightful discussion of logical form in a first-order

non-modal language supplemented with a predicate abstraction operator.

He also discusses a seriously actualistic modal extension of this

logic, emphasizing the importance of the scope of the abstraction

operator in determining the logical form of a sentence. And he suggests

(pp. 335-336), but does not prove, that in this modal extension uniform

substitution preserves logical truth. Stalnaker further explores this

same logic in \cite{Stalnaker1995}, which is reprinted with minor

changes in \cite{Stalnaker2003}. I discuss his work in section 6.2.%


It is hard to over-emphasize the importance of uniform substitution.

There is nearly universal agreement among logicians that a formal

system is not a logic unless it respects logical form in this way.

The reason that seriously actualistic modal systems have not been

more widely studied is probably that they appear not to support uniform

substitution. But this is only because attention has been focused

on languages that lack a means of properly handling predication. In

such languages uniform substitution does indeed fail to preserve logical

truth. This was noticed by Kripke at the very beginning of the modern

semantic study of modal logic:


It is natural to assume that an \emph{atomic} predicate should be

\emph{false} in a world \emph{H} of all those individuals not existing

in that world; that is, that the extension of a predicate letter must

consist of actually existing individuals. ... We have chosen not to

do this because the rule of substitution would no longer hold; theorems

would hold for atomic formulae which would not hold when the atomic

formulae are replaced by arbitrary formulae. (This answers a question

of Putnam and Kalmar.)%

\footnote{\cite{kripke:1963b}, p. 86, emphasis in the original.%



Kripke's insight can be illustrated using sentences that express existential

generalization, such as


\item [{(5)}] $Fa\rightarrow\exists xFx$




\item [{(5{*})}] $\neg Fa\rightarrow\exists x\neg Fx$.


If we adopt the view that Kripke says ``is natural to assume'',

(5) is valid but (5{*}) is not. If\emph{ a} does not denote at a world

and the extension of \emph{F} is the entire domain of that world,

$\neg Fa$ is true but $\exists x\neg Fx$ is false. So if we make

the natural assumption that primitive predicates behave in accordance

with serious actualism, we must accept the unnatural result that complex

predicates do not. Uniform substitution fails.

In section 5.1, however, I show that when a complex predicate abstract

replaces each occurrence of a primitive predicate abstract in a sentence,

logical truth is preserved. So if $\phi(y)$ is any formula with free

occurrences of \emph{y} (but no free occurrence of any other variable)

every instance of


\item [{(6)}] $\langle\lambda y.\phi(y)\rangle(a)\rightarrow\exists
x\langle\lambda y.\phi(y)\rangle(x)$


is valid.

Just as predicate abstraction facilitates a plausible account of serious

actualism, so an actuality connective ($\mathbf{\mathsf{A}}$) facilitates

the expression of actualism itself.%

\footnote{Modal languages augmented with an actuality connective have been

studied. See, for example, Hodes \cite{Hodes1984c}, \cite{Hodes1984a},

and more recently Gilbert and Mares \cite{Gilbert2012}. %

} Letting $\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}(x)$ abbreviate $\exists y(y=x)$,

actualism can be formalized as


\item [{(7)}] $\forall x\mathsf{A}\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}(x)$.


Although (7) is not valid, it is true. That is, it is true at the

actual world element of the intended model of SAT, which is defined

in section 7. Indeed (7) is knowable \emph{a priori}. For I know,

independently of experience, that I and all my surroundings are part

of the actual world. Hence I know that everything actually exists.%

\footnote{I've discussed formulas of propositional logic with a structure

to that of (9) in \cite{Authora} and \cite{Author}.%

} There is a tableau for (7) in section 8.3.7 that illustrates this


It is also worth noting that since SAT contains $\mathbf{\mathsf{A}}$

it is able to capture the content of sentences that cannot otherwise

be expressed in first-order modal languages. An example is


\item [{(8)}] There might have been something that doesn't actually exist,


which can be rendered


\item [{(9)}] $\lozenge\exists x\neg\mathsf{A}\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}(x)$.


Without an actuality connective, there is no way to express (8) in

a first-order modal language.%

\footnote{See Hodes \cite{Hodes1984b}, \cite{Hodes1984c},


Several other features of SAT should be noted before delving into

the details. SAT is a version of free logic and as such has three

important features. First, as has already been stated, it makes all

attributive sentences with non-denoting singular terms false. Hence,

second, unrestricted universal instantiation is not valid. One cannot

infer the formal analogue of (2) from that of


\item [{(10)}] Everyone enjoys messing about in boats.


Third, SAT allows models in which quantifiers range over the empty

domain. So no existentially quantified sentence is a logical truth,

and all inferences from a universal sentence to the corresponding

existential sentence are invalid.%

\footnote{In logicians\textquoteright{} jargon SAT is a negative universally

free logic. It is free because (as is now common) primitive predicates

may have a null extension and because universal instantiation for

individual quantifiers is not valid, universally free because it includes

interpretations in which individual quantifiers range over the empty

domain, and negative because atomic sentences containing non-denoting

singular terms are always false. For these terms, and a comprehensive

account of free logic, see Lambert \cite{Lambert2003}, especially

pp. 124-127, and 131.%


To summarize, and to provide some additional information as a guide

to the details that follow, SAT has the following noteworthy features.


\item The object language contains the usual symbols of a first-order modal

language plus a predicate abstraction operator ($\lambda$) and an

actuality connective ($\mathsf{A}$).

\item Names are non-rigid. SAT is thus a contingent identity system. An

identity statement containing two names may be true at some worlds

and false at others.

\item A name need not denote at each world. Indeed a name need not denote

at any world.

\item If a name denotes at a world, it denotes an object that exists in

that world. This makes an actualistic interpretation possible. Indeed

the sentence $\forall x\mathsf{A}\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}(x)$, which

expresses the core tenet of actualism, is true in the intended model.

\item An atomic sentence is false at a world unless all the terms it

denote objects in the domain of that world. Since identity is a primitive

predicate, this holds for identity sentences. And since names need

not denote, even a self-identity sentence can be false at a world.

Thus no self-identity sentence is a logical truth.

\item Far from being a flaw, the fact that self-identity sentences are not

logically true is an advantage. For it avoids the result that $\exists

is a truth of logic without artificially restricting necessitation

or existential generalization.

\item The extension of a predicate abstract at a world, like that of a

predicate, is restricted to objects that exist in that world. Thus

SAT embodies serious actualism. All sentences of the form $\forall
x\square(\langle\lambda y.\phi\rangle(x)\rightarrow\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}(x)$)

are logical truths.

\item There are models in which some or all worlds have empty domains. (In

the latter case the domain of the entire model is also empty).

\item The actual world element of a model plays no special role in the

of validity and logical consequence. Validity is thus general validity,

truth at every world in every model.


In sections 2-4 I present the syntax and semantics of SAT. Section

5 contains important semantic metatheorems, including Uniform Substitution

and Replacement (substitution of logically equivalent sub-formulas).

Section 6 compares SAT with the work of others, and section 7 presents

an actualistic account of truth. Section 8 contains semantic tableau

proof rules and some examples of their application. Section 9 is a

brief conclusion. In the Appendix (section 10) I prove the tableau

proof rules sound and complete with respect to validity as defined

for SAT. These proofs extend straightforwardly to several related



The language under consideration, \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}, is a first-order

modal language supplemented with a predicate abstraction operator

and an actuality connective.


The non-logical symbols of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} are \emph{individual

constants} (names) and \emph{predicate constants} (predicates). The

former are the lower case letters \emph{a} through \emph{j}; the latter

are the upper case letters \emph{A} through \emph{Z}.%

\footnote{Subscripts can be used to insure an infinite supply of names and

superscripts to indicate the arity of predicates. In practice I'll

have no need for subscripts, and I'll let context indicate arity.

The lower case letters `\emph{k}' through `\emph{t}' are reserved

for use in tableau proofs. See section 6.%

} The logical symbols are the \emph{variables}, which are the lower

case letters \emph{u} through \emph{z}%

\footnote{The remark made in the previous footnote about individual

and subscripts applies also to variables.%

}, plus the following symbols




The first ten of these are the usual truth-functional and modal connectives,

quantifiers, and the identity predicate. The next two are the actuality

connective and the abstraction operator. The remaining five are punctuation

marks. The term \emph{term} applies to both individual constants and


\subsection{Formulas and Sentences}

Formulas and sentences of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} are as usual. An\emph{

atomic formula} is either an \emph{n}-ary predicate followed by \emph{n}

terms, or the identity sign flanked by two terms (the whole being

enclosed in parentheses). All occurrences of variables in atomic formulas

are \emph{free occurrences}. Thus the following are atomic formulas


Bx\,\,\,\, Gxy\,\,\,\,(z=c)\,\,\,\, Xzyz\,\,\,\, Gyb\,\,\,\,(d=h)\,\,\,\,


and all the occurrences of variables in them are free. The notions

of\emph{ formula}, \emph{free occurrence of a variable in a formula},

and \emph{predicate abstract} are defined simultaneously, as follows.


\item [{1.}] Every atomic formula is a formula, and every occurrence of

a variable in an atomic formula is a free occurrence.

\item [{2.}] If $\phi$ is a formula, so are $\neg\phi,$ $\square\phi,$

$\lozenge\phi,$ and $\mathsf{A}\phi.$ The free occurrences of variables

in these formulas are the same as those in $\phi.$

\item [{3.}] If $\phi$ and $\psi$ are formulas, so are $(\phi\wedge\psi),$

$(\phi\vee\psi),$ $(\phi\rightarrow\psi),$ and $(\phi\leftrightarrow\psi).$

The free occurrences of variables in these formulas are the same as

those in $\phi$ together with those in $\psi.$

\item [{4.}] If $\phi$ is a formula, $\alpha$ is a variable, and $\alpha$

has at least one free occurrence in $\phi$, then $\forall\alpha\phi$

and $\exists\alpha\phi$ are formulas. The free occurrences of variables

in these formulas are the same as those in $\phi,$ except for occurrences

of $\alpha.$%

\footnote{Clauses 4 and 5 do not allow vacuous quantification or predicate

There is no point in allowing either, and vacuous quantification yields

anomalies when empty domains are allowed. For example, although $\forall
xFx\rightarrow Fa$

is false if the domain of quantification is empty, $\forall y(\forall
xFx\rightarrow Fa)$

is true. %


\item [{5.}] If $\phi$ is a formula, $\alpha$ is a variable, and $\alpha$

has at least one free occurrence in $\phi$, then

is a \emph{predicate abstract}. The free occurrences of variables

in $\langle\lambda\alpha.\phi\rangle$ are the same as those in $\phi,$

except for occurrences of $\alpha$.

\item [{6.}] If $\langle\lambda\alpha.\phi\rangle$ is a predicate abstract

and $\tau$ is a term, $\langle\lambda\alpha.\phi\rangle(\tau)$ is

a formula. The free occurrences of variables in

are the same as those in $\langle\lambda\alpha.\phi\rangle$ together

with those in $\tau$.%

\footnote{A variable occurs free in a term $\tau$ only if $\tau$ \emph{is}

a variable. Clause 6 is stated so as to facilitate expansion of the

class of terms to include function symbols and description operators. %



Any occurrence of a variable in a formula that is not free is \emph{bound}.

A formula in which all occurrences of variables are bound is a

It will be convenient, in what follows, to have a way of abbreviating

formulas involving iterated predicate abstraction. Consider a formula

of the form




where $\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2},$ $\alpha_{3}$ are variables,

$\tau_{3}$ are terms, and $\phi$ is a formula. Such formulas will

be abbreviated as




Similar abbreviations will be used for formulas containing different

numbers of iterated predicate abstracts.


The logic I present in this paper is a seriously actualistic quantified

modal logic whose underlying propositional modal logic is the system

T. Hence its name, SAT. Its semantic framework will be familiar to

those who know Kripke-style modal semantics, and especially familiar

to those who know Fitting and Mendelsohn's \cite{Fitting1998} presentation

of it. Indeed only small changes in Fitting and Mendelsohn's definitions

of basic semantic notions are sufficient to yield SAT.%

\footnote{The Fitting and Mendelsohn \cite{Fitting1998} system to which SAT

is most similar is the one they develop in chapter 11. %

} But small differences in semantic details can make a big difference

in the resulting logic, and this is the case with SAT.

Although in what follows I confine attention to SAT, similar proof

techniques are readily available, and similar metatheorems hold, when

the underlying modal propositional logic is changed to K, B, S4, or

S5. Especially noteworthy among these metatheorems are uniform substitution

and substitutivity of equivalents (section 5) and soundness and completeness

of the tableau rules (section 10). I call the systems in question

SAK, SAB, SAS4, and SAS5. In what follows I'll periodically remind

the reader that what is being proved applies also to them.

The fundamental semantic notions are those of \emph{model},\emph{

interpretation},\emph{ valuation},\emph{ satisfaction}, \emph{truth},

\emph{validity}, and \emph{consequence}.


A \emph{model} is a quintuple $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle

where $\mathcal{W}$ is a non-empty set,

$\mathcal{R}$ is a reflexive binary relation on $\mathcal{W}$, $\mathcal{D}$

is a function from members of $\mathcal{W}$ to (possibly empty) sets

(all of which are disjoint from $\mathcal{W}$), and $\mathcal{I}$

assigns extensions to non-logical symbol of the language at members

of $\mathcal{W}$.

the union of the sets of individuals assigned to members of $\mathcal{W}$

by $\mathcal{D}$, is called \emph{the domain of the model}

}The intuitive idea, of course, is that $\mathcal{W}$ is a set of

worlds, @ is the actual world, $\mathcal{R}$ is the relative possibility

relation among worlds, $\mathcal{D}$ assigns to each world the (possibly

empty) set of individuals that exist in it, $\mathcal{I}$ is an

of the non-logical symbols of the language, and $\mathcal{D_{M}}$

is the set of all actual and possible individuals. Notice that this

definition allows the domain of a model, $\mathcal{D_{M}}$, to be



An interpretation $\mathcal{I}$ is a function that assigns individuals

to individual constants and sets of ordered \emph{n}-tuples of individuals

to \emph{n}-ary predicates, both assignments being relative to a member

of $\mathcal{W}$. $\mathcal{I}$ is not required to assign anything

to an individual constant at a world, but if it does, the individual

so assigned must exist at that world. Similarly, $\mathcal{I}$ requires

the extension of an \emph{n}-ary predicate at a world to contain only

\emph{n}-tuples of individuals that exist at that world. This holds

for all predicates, including the identity predicate. (So if the individual

constant \emph{d} fails to denote at a world, even ($d=d$) is false

at that world.) It is these two features of \emph{$\mathcal{I}$ }that

make the object language actualistic and seriously actualistic,

and thereby distinguish it from most other quantified modal logics.

More precisely, an \emph{interpretation} $\mathcal{I}$ of a model

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

is the union of a (perhaps partial) function on individual constants

and members of $\mathcal{W}$ and a total function on predicate constants

and members of $\mathcal{W}$ such that:


\item [{1.}] For an individual constant $\iota$, and a world

if $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\iota,w)$ is defined,

\footnote{Thus an interpretation needn't assign anything to any individual

at any world. In models in which $\mathcal{D}(w)$ is empty, this

will always be the case. %


\item [{2.}] For each \emph{n}-ary predicate $\theta$ and each

$\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\theta,w)$ is a set of ordered \emph{n}-tuples

of elements of $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$. Specifically, if $\theta$

is `$=$', $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\theta,w)$ is the identity relation

on $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$.%

\footnote{If $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$ is empty, all predicates, including

`$=$', are assigned the null set at $w.$%



These two clauses embody actualism and serious actualism, respectively.%

\footnote{The serious actualism embodied in clause 2 is exactly the same as

that of Menzel and Stephanou. (See clause (M2) on p. 361 of Menzel

\cite{menzel:1991a} and the definition of a model in Stephanou

p. 197 and \cite{stephanou:2005}, p. 383.) But the actualism of clause

1 is more liberal than that of either. In his preferred system, G,

Menzel limits the denotations of individual constants to objects in

the domain of the real-world element of a model. (See clause

on p. 361 \cite{menzel:1991a}.) Stephanou does the same on the previously

referenced pages. The actualism of SAT, on the other hand, allows

individual constants to denote different objects at different worlds,

requiring only that an object denoted at a world be a member of the

domain of that world. Thus it allows, but does not require, individual

constants to function like definite descriptions, referring to nothing

in the actual world but to ``something'' in some other possible

world. Although the previous sentence may sound incompatible with

actualism, I argue in section 7 that the idea behind it can be given

an entirely actualistic expression. %


\subsection{Valuations of Variables; Designations of Terms}

Three more semantic functions must be defined before I can define


First, a \emph{valuation $\mathcal{V}$} relative to a model
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

is a (total) function from the set of variables of the language into

$\mathcal{D_{M}}$. (Thus if $\mathcal{D_{M}}$ is empty, \emph{$\mathcal{V}$

}is the null set\emph{.})

Next, where $\mathit{\mathcal{V}}$ and \emph{$\mathcal{U}$} are

valuations relative to a model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle

$w\in W,$ $\alpha$ is a variable, and $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$

is not empty, $\mathcal{U}$ is an $\alpha$\emph{-variant-at-}$w$\emph{

}of $\mathit{\mathcal{V}}$ if $\mathit{\mathcal{V}}$ and

differ at most in what they assign to $\alpha,$ and\emph{

(If \emph{$\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$} is empty, the term is undefined

and hence no valuation is an $\alpha$\emph{-}variant-at-$w$ of

Finally, I define \emph{the designation of a term }at a world of a

model relative to a valuation\emph{.} Recall that a term may be either

a variable or an individual constant. Since it is models (via their

constituent interpretations) that assign designations to individual

constants, but valuations that assign designations to variables, it

will be convenient to have a single notation that expresses the designation

of a term. For this purpose I adopt the notation

of Fitting and Mendelsohn. Where $\mathit{\mathcal{V}}$ is a valuation

relative to a model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

$w\in\mathcal{W},$ and $\tau$ is a term


\item [{1.}] If $\tau$ is a variable,

\item [{2.}] If $\tau$ is an individual constant, and

is defined,

Otherwise $(\mathcal{V}\star\mathcal{I})(\tau,w)$ is undefined.


Notice that under these definitions variables designate rigidly, but

individual constants are allowed to designate non-rigidly.

\subsection{Satisfaction and Satisfiability}

The definition of \emph{satisfaction} is now straightforward. First,

abbreviate valuation\emph{ $\mathcal{V}$} \emph{satisfies} formula

$\phi$ at world $w$ of model $\mathcal{M}$ as

and valuation\emph{ $\mathcal{V}$} \emph{does not satisfy} formula

$\phi$ at world $w$ of model $\mathcal{M}$ as

Satisfaction of a formula $\phi$ relative to a model
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

a valuation $\mathit{\mathcal{V}}$, and a world

is defined as follows (where $\theta$ is an \emph{n}-ary predicate,

$\alpha$ is a variable, $\tau$ and $\tau_{1},...,\tau_{n}$ are

terms, and $\phi$, $\chi$, and $\psi$ are formulas).


\item [{1.}] If $\phi$ is the atomic formula $\theta\tau_{1}...\tau_{n}$,




\footnote{Clause 1 includes the case where $\theta$ is `$=$' and $\phi$

is $(\tau_{1}=\tau_{2})$. %


\item [{2.}] If $\phi$ is $\neg\psi$,


; otherwise

\item [{3.}] If $\phi$ is $(\psi\wedge\chi)$,




\item [{4-6.}] The clauses for `$\vee$' , `$\rightarrow$', and

are similar (with obvious modifications) to clause 3.

\item [{7.}] If $\phi$ is $\square\psi,$


for all $\mathit{w^{*}}\in\mathcal{W}$ such that


\item [{8.}] If $\phi$ is $\lozenge\psi,$


for at least one $\mathit{w^{*}}\in\mathcal{W}$ such that


\item [{9.}] If $\phi$ is $\mathsf{A}\psi$ ,

if $\mathcal{M}_{\mathcal{V}}\mathrm{(\psi,\mathcal{\mathrm{@


\item [{10.}] If $\phi$ is $\forall\alpha\psi$,


for all valuations $\mathcal{U}$ that are $\alpha$-variants-at-$w$

of $\mathcal{V}$; otherwise

\item [{11.}] If $\phi$ is $\exists\alpha\psi$,


for at least one valuation $\mathcal{U}$ that is an $\alpha$-variant-at-$w$

of $\mathcal{V}$; otherwise

\item [{12a.}] If $\phi$ is $\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi\rangle(\tau)$,

$(\mathcal{V}\star\mathcal{I})(\tau,w)$ is defined, and



where $\mathcal{U}$ is the $\alpha$-variant-at-$w$ of $\mathcal{V}$

such that $\mathcal{U}(\alpha)=(\mathcal{V}\star\mathcal{I})(\tau,w)$;


\item [{12b.}] If $\phi$ is $\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi\rangle(\tau)$

and either $(\mathcal{V}\star\mathcal{I})(\tau,w)$ is undefined or




A set of formulas $\Sigma$ \emph{is satisfiable} if and only if there

is a model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

a valuation $\mathcal{V}$ relative to $\mathcal{M},$ and a world

$w\in\mathcal{W},$ such that for each formula $\sigma_{i}\in\Sigma$,


A formula $\phi$ is \emph{satisfiable} if and only if $\{\phi\}$

is satisfiable.

\subsection{Truth at a World in a Model; Truth in a Model}

As in the standard Tarskian approach to semantics, a sentence of SAT

is satisfied by a valuation at a world in a model just in case it

is satisfied by all such valuations. Truth and falsity for sentences

can thus be defined in the usual way. A sentence $\phi$ is \emph{true}

\emph{at world} $w$ of model $\mathcal{M}$ iff all valuations

}relative to $\mathcal{M}$\emph{ }satisfy\emph{ }$\phi$ at $w$.

Similarly, $\phi$ is \emph{false} \emph{at world }$w$ of $\mathcal{M}$

iff no valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$ }relative to $\mathcal{M}$

satisfies $\phi$ at $w$. A sentence $\phi$ is \emph{true} \emph{in

model} $\mathcal{M}$ iff $\phi$ is true at world\emph{ }$\mathrm{@}$

of $\mathcal{M}$.

Notice that truth and falsity are defined only for sentences. This

is deliberate. Extending these definitions so that they apply to all

formulas would not be a harmless change. It would be tantamount to

introducing \emph{possibilist} universal quantifiers (quantifiers

that range over the domain of a model) and allowing them to stand

at the beginnings of sentences. Such quantifiers flout the fundamental

principle of actualism. And defining truth in this way can lead to

serious confusion, as was shown by Kripke \cite{kripke:1963b} in

his refutation of an alleged proof of the converse Barcan formula

given by Prior.%

\footnote{Fine has shown in his ``Postscript'' to \cite{Prior1977}, pp.

(reprinted in \cite{Fine2005}, pp. 154-156), that when a modal logic

with world-relative quantifiers, like SAT, is supplemented with Vlach

connectives possibilist quantifiers can be defined. (See \cite{Vlach1973}.

One Vlach connective is like the actuality connective, but more fine-tuned.

When applied to a formula within the scope of a modal connective,

it shifts evaluation back to the world in which the modal connective

was evaluated, not back to the actual world. The second Vlach connective

keeps track of worlds in which shifts caused by the first Vlach connective

are initiated.) Although possibilist quantifiers are rejected by actualists,

introducing them as primitive or defining them using the Vlach connectives

makes them explicit. It is preferable to allowing them to creep into

the language disguised as free variables. %


\subsection{Validity, Consequence, and Equivalence}

Definitions of validity, logical consequence, and logical equivalence,

again only for sentences, can now be given in the standard way. (These

definitions apply to SAK, SAB, SAS4, and SAS5, as well as to SAT.)

A sentence $\phi$ is \emph{valid} (abbreviated $\mathrm{\vDash\phi}$)

iff it is true at every world of every model.\noun{ }A sentence $\phi$

is a \emph{logical consequence} of a set of sentences $\Gamma$ (abbreviated

$\mathrm{\Gamma\vDash\phi}$) iff for every world in every model,

if each member of $\Gamma$ is true at that world so is $\phi$. Two

sentences $\phi$ and $\phi'$ are \emph{logically equivalent} iff


The notion of validity just defined (truth at each world of each model)

is called \emph{general validity}. It should not be confused with

the weaker notion of \emph{real world validity}, which requires only

truth at the actual-world element, @, of each model. Elsewhere I have

argued that general validity better captures our intuitive notion

of logical truth.%

\footnote{See \cite{Authora}, \cite{Author}. These two kinds of validity

first distinguished by Davies and Humberstone \cite{Davies1980} and

have received much discussion. For an object language that does not

contain an actuality connective (or any other logical operator that

makes special reference to a designated world) they coincide. %


The reasons for the validity or invalidity of sample sentences given

in subsequent sections should not be difficult to understand if one

keeps in mind three major features of SAT. First, individual constants

are non-rigid. They are free to designate different objects, or no

object at all, in different worlds. Second, both primitive predicates

and predicate abstracts are false at a world of an object that does

not exist at that world (and false of an $n$-tuple of objects unless

all $n$ objects exist at the world). Third, quantification is

The introduction of tableau proofs in a later section may help provide

greater insight into the workings of the semantics.

\section{Notable Features of the Semantics}

\subsection{Attributive Sentences}

We are now in a position to see how SAT handles the examples with

which we began in section 1. Consider a model
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

and a particular world $w\in\mathcal{W}$ such that $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$

is not empty. For predicate constants \emph{S} and \emph{N}, and individual

constant \emph{d}, suppose that $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}S,w)$ and

are non-empty subsets of $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$,

is the complement of $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}S,w)$ with respect to

$\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}w)$, and

Then $\langle\lambda x.\neg Sx\rangle(d)$ and $\langle\lambda

}are both false at $w$ while $\neg\langle\lambda x.Sx\rangle(d)$

and $\neg\langle\lambda x.\neg Nx\rangle(d)$ are both true. If we

think of \emph{S}, \emph{N}, and \emph{d} as `is a sexagenarian',

`is a non-sexagenarian', and `Dweet', respectively, and \emph{w}

as the world of interest, we have formal representations of sentences

(4a) and (4b) of the Introduction. Since Dweet doesn't exist at \emph{w},

all attributive sentences involving `Dweet' are false, and the denials

of all such sentences are true.

Without predicate abstraction we would need both \emph{S} and \emph{N}

as primitive predicates in order to symbolize sentences (4a) and (4b).

For $Nd$ is false at \emph{w} while\noun{ }$\neg Sd$ is true.\noun{

}Predicate abstraction lets the serious actualist say what he wants

to say, whether a predicate or its complement is taken as primitive.%

\footnote{It may be tempting to think that the sort of difference noted in

section, in which the truth value of a sentence depends on whether

a negation sign is placed inside or outside a predicate abstract,

is due entirely to the fact that the sentences involved contain individual

constants. But this is not true. Consider the sentences $\exists
x\lozenge\langle\lambda y.\neg Sy\rangle(x)$

and $\exists x\lozenge\neg\langle\lambda y.Sy\rangle(x)$, and further

specify the model under consideration so that for every world

such that $w\mathcal{R}\mathit{w^{*}}$,

is disjoint from $D\textrm{(\emph{w})}$. The first sentence is false

at $w$ and the second true. %



Since individual constants may denote different objects at different

worlds (and need not denote anything at some or even any worlds),

SAT allows identity sentences to be true at some worlds and false

at others.%

\footnote{Individual constants can nevertheless be made to approximate rigid

designators using suitable assumptions. See section 6.2 for details. %

} It is thus a contingent identity logic. Adding this feature to serious

actualism entails that self-identity sentences are false at worlds

in which the individual constant involved does not denote. And as

the following paragraphs show, this in turn allows us to avoid having

as theorems of logic statements to the effect that $\iota$ necessarily

exists, for every individual constant $\iota$.

Exposition will be facilitated by defining an existence predicate,

$\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}$, that is true of an object at a world if and

only if the object exists at that world. For a term $\tau$, define

$\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}(\tau)$ as $\exists\alpha(\alpha=\tau)$, where

the variable $\alpha$ is distinct from $\tau$.%

\footnote{In the sentence schema given in this and subsequent sections

are variables, $\psi(\alpha),\psi(\alpha_{1}),\psi(\alpha_{2}),...,$

are formulas containing one or more free occurrences of the indicated

variable but no free occurrence of any other variable,

are individual constants, and

the results of substituting $\iota,\iota_{1},\iota_{2},...,$ for

each free occurrence of the indicated variable in
$\psi(\alpha),\psi(\alpha_{1}),\psi(\alpha_{2}),....$ %


Every sentence of the form


\item [{(Id)}] $\forall\alpha(\alpha=\alpha)$


is valid, but claims of self identity that make use of individual

constants are not. Thus neither $d=d$ nor $\langle\lambda

is valid. Indeed both are false at world \emph{w} of the model $\mathcal{M}$

of section 4.1. And while all sentences of the forms


\item [{($\mathrm{\square}$Id1)}]




\item [{($\mathrm{\square}$Id2)}]




\item [{(ND)}]


are valid, no sentence of the form


or $\forall\alpha\square(\alpha=\alpha)$ is.%

\footnote{The label (ND), for necessity of distinctness, is borrowed from

\cite{Stalnaker1995}. Necessity of distinctness is valid in SAT even

though none of the versions of necessity of identity listed here are. %


It is also noteworthy that existence claims and claims of self identity

are logically equivalent. That is, all instances of




are valid. And since the rule of necessitation preserves validity,

if $d=d$ were valid, then $\mathcal{E}(d)$ and $\mathcal{\square

of $\exists x(x=d)$ and $\square\exists x(x=d)$\textemdash{}would

also be valid. Similarly for every individual constant in the language.

But surely we do not want to have all, or any, sentences of the form


\item [{(NE)}] $\square\mathcal{E}(\iota)$


as theorems of logic. The consistent serious actualist avoids this

problem by unflinchingly applying her basic principle to self identities.

No sentence of the form


\item [{(SI)}] $\iota=\iota$


is a logical truth.%

\footnote{This approach to identity, including the logical equivalence of

and $(\iota=\iota)$, is endorsed by Burge \cite{Burge1974}.%


Failure to take this principled step is not only inconsistent with

serious actualism, it leads to other difficulties. In Menzel's

painstaking reconstruction of Prior's seriously actualistic modal

logic, all sentences of the form (SI) are valid, but no sentence of

the form (NE) is. Menzel achieves this result only by denying that

the rule of necessitation applies to (SI) or to valid sentences that

depend on it.%

\footnote{See \cite{menzel:1991a}, especially pp. 359-364.%

} But this seems \emph{ad hoc}.

So in SAT statements of self-identity and tautologies are not logically

equivalent. While in classical logic $d=d$ and $Sd\vee\neg Sd$ are

both logical truths, in SAT only the latter is. Similarly $\forall
x(Sx\vee\neg Sx)\rightarrow(Sd\vee\neg Sd)$

is valid, but $\forall x(x=x)\rightarrow(d=d)$ is not.%

\footnote{Kripke notes a closely related distinction in \cite{kripke:1963b},

p. 90.%

} The proper comparison is between $\langle\lambda y.(y=y)\rangle(d)$

and $\langle\lambda y.(Sy\vee\neg Sy)\rangle(d)$, which are logically

equivalent though not valid.

With respect to substitutivity of identicals, all sentences of the



\item [{(Sub1)}]




\item [{(Sub2)}]


are valid, but not all sentences of the form

are. There are thus instances of the corresponding argument form in

which the conclusion is not a consequence of the premises.%

\footnote{An example of such an argument is


\item [{(Gibb)}] $(g=l),\square(\exists
x(x=l)\rightarrow(l=l)\nvDash\square(\exists x(x=l)\rightarrow(g=l)$.


I call this argument (Gibb) because it plays a pivotal role in Gibbard's

argument (\cite{Gibbard1975}, pp. 200 ff) for contingent identity.

Gibbard's reasons for favoring a contingent identity logic are very

different from mine. I won't consider his work here except to note

that a crucial step in his argument is illuminated by the use of predicate


It is important for Gibbard's purposes that (Gibb) not be a valid

argument. He explains its invalidity as follows:


{[}The conclusion{]} follows from {[}the premises{]} by Leibniz' Law,

then, only if the context


$\square(\exists x(x=l)\rightarrow(\ldots=l)$


attributes a property. We can block the inference to {[}the conclusion{]},

then, simply by denying that the context (7) attributes a property.


Gibbard does not make use of predicate abstraction, but by its use

we can see more clearly what he means by ``attributing a property''.

The property he denies (7) attributes is expressible in my notation



$\langle\lambda y.\square(\exists x(x=l)\rightarrow(y=l)\rangle$



And in view of (Sub1) the following variant of (Gibb) \medskip{}

$(g=l),\langle\lambda y.\square(\exists
x(x=l)\rightarrow(y=l)\rangle(l)\vDash\langle\lambda y.\square(\exists


is a valid argument. So from my perspective Gibbard's criticism of

(Gibb) amounts to denying that (7{*}) ``attributes a property''. %



Quantification is world-relative in SAT, and primitive predicates

and predicate abstracts are true at a world only of objects that exist

at that world. Because of these two features some of the classical

principles involving quantifiers hold only in restricted forms.

Existential generalization in the form


\item [{(EG)}]


is valid. Thus the sentences $\langle\lambda
x.Nx\rangle(d)\rightarrow\exists y\langle\lambda yNx\rangle y)$\noun{

}and $\langle\lambda x.\neg Sx\rangle(d)\rightarrow\exists y\langle\lambda
x.\neg Sx\rangle(y)$\noun{

}are valid, but not every sentence of the form

is. For example $\neg Sd\rightarrow\exists x\neg Sx$ is not. Similarly,

not all instances of

are valid. Although this schema is valid in standard non-modal free

logics, the presence of $\mathsf{\mathcal{E}}(\iota)$ in the antecedent

is not sufficient to guarantee validity when modal connectives are

available. The sentence $(\square Sd\wedge\mathcal{E}(d))\rightarrow\exists
x\square Sx$

is easily seen to be invalid.

When applied to predicate abstracts quantifiers do not exhibit their

usual dual properties. Thus in spite of the validity of (EG), not

all sentences of the form




are valid. Indeed


$\forall x\langle\lambda y.Sy\rangle(x)\rightarrow\langle\lambda


is not. Even if the antecedent is true, \emph{d} must designate in

order for the consequent to be true.

Universal instantiation in the form


\item [{(UI)}]


however, is valid. And just as in the case of (EG) the use of predicate

abstraction in (UI) is essential, since not every sentence of the


is valid. The reader should have no difficulty finding a counterexample

to the sentence


\item [{(\emph{faux}~UI)}] $\forall x\square
Sx\rightarrow(\mathcal{E}(d)\rightarrow\square Sd$).


There is a tableau for (\emph{faux} UI) in section 8.3.

\subsection{The Barcan and Converse Barcan Formulas}

SAT provides sensible treatments of the Barcan and Converse Barcan

Formulas. Consider first the following form of the Converse Barcan



\item [{(CBF)}]


(CBF) is valid, as seems entirely plausible. Evaluated at any world

\emph{w}, (CBF) says (roughly) that if there is an object in \emph{w}

that has a property in some possible world $\mathit{w'}$, then there

is a possible world in which some object has this property. Given

the antecedent, and given that according to serious actualism an object

can have a property at a world only if it exists in that world,

as described is sufficient to make the consequent true. If an object

from \emph{w} has a property in $\mathit{w'}$, that object must exist

in $\mathit{w'}$.%

\footnote{Indeed similar reasoning shows that

is valid. %


Standard counterexamples to this form of the Converse Barcan Formula

assume that true predications can be made of objects at worlds in

which those objects do not exist.%

\footnote{In \cite{kripke:1963b} Kripke gives a counterexample to the

of the converse Barcan formula. It assumes that \emph{false} predications

using monadic predicates can be made of objects at worlds in which

those objects do not exist. And the semantics of \cite{kripke:1963b}

also allows the kind of counterexample given above to (CBF), an instance

of the $\exists\lozenge$-form of the converse Barcan formula, in

which \emph{true} predications using monadic predicates are made of

objects at worlds in which those objects do not exist. Yet in this

same paper Kripke expresses misgivings about this latter allowance,

as the passage quoted in section 1 above shows. %

} Serious actualism rejects this assumption. In so doing it provides

a plausible explanation of why these counterexamples so often seem

wrong to the uninitiated. They are wrong.

Of course the Converse Barcan Formula can also be expressed using

necessity and universal quantification. (CBF) is logically equivalent





which is also valid. But in this form the fact that negations precede

predicate abstracts is crucially important. Not all sentences of the



\item [{(\emph{faux}~CBF)}]


are valid. Standard counterexamples apply. There are tableaus for

instances of (CBF) and (\emph{faux} CBF) in section 8.3.

It is worth noting that in \cite{Stalnaker1995} Stalnaker gives a

version of the Converse Barcan Formula that is entailed by, but does

not entail, (\emph{faux} CBF). Translated into my notation it is


\item [{(Stal~CBF)}]


(Stal CBF) is not valid in SAT or in Stalnaker's system. For more

about the latter see section 6.2.

Turning now to the Barcan formula, it is not difficult to see that

both of the following formulations have invalid instances.





Standard counterexamples again apply.

\subsection{Extensionality of Predicate Abstraction}

Predicate abstraction in SAT is in a certain sense extensional, as

the following valid sentences show.


$\forall z(\langle\lambda x.\langle\lambda
y.Fy\rangle(x)\rangle(z)\leftrightarrow\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(z))$

$\langle\lambda x.\langle\lambda
y.Fy\rangle(x)\rangle(d)\leftrightarrow\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(d)$

$\langle\lambda z,w.\langle\lambda

$\forall u\forall v(\langle\lambda z,w.\langle\lambda


If predicate abstracts are taken to represent properties, then having

a property and having the property of having that property are not

distinguished in the semantics. Similarly for relations.

\section{Some Important Semantic Metatheorems}

Since antiquity logicians have realized the importance of logical

form. If a sentence is logically true, then every sentence of the

same form is also logically true. In predicate logic this principle

manifests itself in the principle of uniform substitution for predicates.

Substituting the same complex predicate for each occurrence of a simple

predicate in a logically true sentence should yield another logical

truth. Yet seriously actualistic logics have commonly been thought

to violate this fundamental principle. In section 5.1 I show that

when predication is understood properly, using predicate abstraction,

uniform substitution of predicates does indeed preserve logical truth.

This holds for SAT and its kindred systems, and it is one of their

main advantages over other attempts to formalize seriously actualistic

modal logics.

Another important feature of SAT is that it supports a theorem (sometimes

called a replacement theorem) that sanctions substituting logically

equivalent sub-formulas for each other within a given formula. If,

in a formula, an occurrence of a sub-formula is replaced by a logically

equivalent formula, the result is logically equivalent to the original.

Of course such a theorem depends on an appropriate definition of logical

equivalence for \emph{formulas}. (The definition of logical equivalence

given in section 3.6 applies only to sentences.) In section 5.2 I

define logical equivalence for formulas and prove a replacement theorem.

Section 5.3 contains two theorems about validity and logical consequence

of sentences. Section 5.4 contains a deduction theorem.%

\footnote{All the results given in sections 5.1-5.4 for SAT hold as well for

SAK, SAB, SAS4, and SAS5.%


\subsection{Uniform Substitution for Predicate Abstracts}

If a sentence $\phi$ is logically true, then any sentence that results

from substituting a new predicate (simple or complex) for each occurrence

of a simple predicate in $\phi$ should be logically true as well.

Yet it appears that uniform substitution does not preserve logical

truth in seriously actualistic systems. For example, where \emph{F}

and $G$ are primitive predicates, although


$\exists x\lozenge Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists xFx$


is valid in SAT,


$\exists x\lozenge\neg Gx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists x\neg Gx$


is not.%

\footnote{In systems without predicate abstraction both of these sentences

as instances of the converse Barcan formula. By an argument similar

to the one given for (CBF) in section 4.4, the first sentence is valid

in SAK and hence in SAT, SAB, SAS4, and SAS5. But the second sentence

is invalid even in SAS5 and hence in the other systems. %

} Yet the second sentence has the same general form as the first, since

it results from substituting $\neg Gx$ for \emph{Fx}. I believe failure

of uniform substitution is the reason seriously actualistic systems

of quantified modal logic have not been widely studied.

Indeed Kripke cited this failure as a major problem very early in

the development of model-theoretic modal semantics. In section 1 I

quoted the salient passage from \cite{kripke:1963b}, one of his most

important and most frequently cited early papers. Yet if properly

understood, uniform substitution does preserve validity in seriously

actualistic systems.%

\footnote{As I mentioned in an earlier footnote Stalnaker

noticed this problem in a slightly different context. He gives an

interesting example on pp. 335-336, but there is no uniform substitution

theorem in \cite{Stalnaker1977} or his later \cite{Stalnaker1995}.

I discuss \cite{Stalnaker1995} in section 6.2.%


Proper understanding means taking predicate abstraction seriously

as the preferred means of expressing predication, and thus understanding

uniform substitution as substitution of a predicate abstract for each

occurrence of a primitive predicate abstract throughout a sentence.%

\footnote{By a primitive predicate abstract I mean one like $\langle\lambda

in which the formula following the dot is atomic.%

} For example, if we substitute $\langle\lambda y.\neg Gy\rangle$

for $\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle$ throughout the valid sentence


\item [{(11)}] $\exists x\square\langle\lambda
y.Fy\rangle(x)\rightarrow\square\exists x\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(x)$,


we obtain


\item [{(12)}] $\exists x\square\langle\lambda y.\neg
Gy\rangle(x)\rightarrow\square\exists x\langle\lambda y.\neg Gy\rangle(x)$,


which is also valid. Theorem 1 shows that the foregoing is not an

isolated example.


\item [{Theorem}] 1. Uniform Substitution for Predicate Abstracts (USPA)


Consider a sentence $\Phi$, an atomic formula

where $\alpha_{1},...,\alpha_{n}$ are distinct variables, and a formula

$\psi$. Suppose that each of the variables $\alpha_{1},...,\alpha_{n}$

has at least one free occurrence in $\psi$, and no other variable

occurs free in $\psi$. Suppose also that $\theta$ occurs in $\Phi$

only as part of the predicate abstract

and that $\Psi$ is the result of simultaneously substituting

for each occurrence of

in $\Phi$. Under these conditions, if $\Phi$ is valid, then so is


Proof: Consider the case where $n=1$. To facilitate the proof I define

the extension of a unary predicate and the extension of a predicate

abstract at a world in a model. If $\theta$ is a unary predicate,

the \emph{extension of predicate }$\theta$ \emph{at world }$w$ \emph{in

model} $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@


is $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\theta,w)$. By the definition of an interpretation

(section 3.2)

If $\psi$ is a formula, $\alpha$ is a variable, $\alpha$ has at

least one free occurrence in $\psi$, and no variable other than $\alpha$

occurs free in $\psi$, the \emph{extension of predicate abstract

}$\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi\rangle$ \emph{at world }$w$ \emph{in

model} $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@


is \{$\mathcal{V}(\alpha)\mathcal{\mid

where \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} ranges over all valuations relative to

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$. By clause 12 in the definition of

satisfaction (section 3.4) it follows that

Since $\theta$ is a unary predicate, $\theta\alpha$ is a formula.


is \{$\mathcal{V}(\alpha)\mathcal{\mid

where \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} ranges over all valuations relative to

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$. It follows from the definition of

satisfaction (section 3.4) and the definition of

(above) that

Now suppose $\Psi$ is invalid. Hence there is a model
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

a world $w\in\mathcal{W}$, and a valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$},

such that\emph{

Consider the model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M\mbox{*}=\langle

which is exactly like $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ except that,

for all $w*\in W$,


$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I\mbox{*}}}}$ is well defined. A straightforward

induction on the complexity of $\Phi$ shows that

Hence $\Phi$ is invalid (in the same sense). The proof easily generalizes

to cases where $n>1$.%

\footnote{Where $n=2$, again define

as $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\theta,w)$. Hence


as \{$\mathcal{\langle

where \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} ranges over all valuations relative to

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$. It follows that

} $\blacksquare$

In addition to sanctioning the move from (13) to (14), USPA also allows

us to infer the validity of (16) and (17) from that of (15).


\item [{(13)}] $\exists x\forall y\langle\lambda
u,v.Ruv\rangle(x,y)\rightarrow\forall y\exists x\langle\lambda

\item [{(14)}] $\exists x\forall y\langle\lambda u,v.\neg\lozenge\exists
w(Fuw\wedge Gwv)\rangle(x,y)\rightarrow\forall y\exists x\langle\lambda
u,v.\neg\lozenge\exists w(Fuw\wedge Gwv)\rangle(x,y)$

\item [{(15)}] $\exists x\forall y\langle\lambda u,v.(\exists
w\langle\lambda z.\exists x\square Hxuz\rangle(w)\rightarrow\forall
w\langle\lambda z.\forall x\lozenge
Kxvz\rangle(w))\rangle(x,y)\rightarrow\forall y\exists x\langle\lambda
u,v.(\exists w\langle\lambda z.\exists x\square
Hxuz\rangle(w)\rightarrow\forall w\langle\lambda z.\forall x\lozenge


The reader will be able to generate other examples of inferences sanctioned

by USPA.

\subsection{Replacement (Substitution of Equivalents)}

Well-behaved logics typically support a definition of logical equivalence

for formulas and a replacement theorem.%

\footnote{The definition of logical equivalence given in section 3.6 applies

only to sentences.%

} Such theorems generally guarantee that given a formula $\phi$, replacing

any subformula $\psi$ of $\phi$ by a formula $\psi'$ equivalent

to $\psi$, yields a formula $\phi'$ equivalent to the original $\phi$.%

\footnote{Since SAT bans vacuous quantifiers, the result of replacing an

of $\psi$ by $\psi'$ in $\phi$ may not be a formula. (Let $\psi$,

$\psi'$, and $\phi$ be $Fx\vee\neg Fx$,\emph{ }$Fa\vee\neg Fa$,

and\emph{ }$\forall x(Fx\vee\neg Fx)$.) Hence the limitation of Theorem

2 below to those cases where $\phi'$ is a formula. %

} In non-modal first-order logic it is sufficient for this purpose

to declare formulas $\chi$ and $\chi'$ logically equivalent if

is valid, where $\alpha_{1},...,\alpha_{n}$ include all the variables

that have free occurrences in $\chi$ or $\chi'$. But such a definition

will not support substitution of equivalents for modal logics that

allow different worlds in a model to have different domains of individuals.

For these logics we need a stronger notion of logical equivalence.

For a formula $\phi$, let the $\forall\square$\emph{-closure of}

$\phi$ be any sentence formed by prefixing $\phi$ with a sequence

of interspersed universal quantifiers and necessity connectives. This

sequence may be of any finite length and the universal quantifiers

and necessity connectives may appear in any order. None of the quantifiers

may be vacuous, however, since vacuous quantifiers are banned by the

definition of a formula. A $\forall\square$-closure of a sentence

will consist of that sentence prefixed with zero or more necessity


For a formula $\phi$ I write $\Vvdash\phi$ to indicate that every

$\forall\square$-closure of $\phi$ is valid, and I say that two

formulas $\psi$ and $\psi'$ are \emph{logically equivalent} if and

only if $\Vvdash(\psi\leftrightarrow\psi').$%

\footnote{For sentences, this definition of logical equivalence reduces to

one given in section 3.6. See also Theorem 4 below. %


Armed with this definition the statement and proof of the replacement

theorem are both straightforward.


\item [{Theorem~2.}] Replacement (Substitution of Equivalent Sub-formulas)


Let $\psi$, $\psi'$, $\phi$, and $\phi'$ be formulas. If

and $\phi'$ is like $\phi$ except that $\phi'$ contains an occurrence

of $\psi'$ at a place where $\phi$ contains an occurrence of $\psi$,

then $\Vvdash(\phi\leftrightarrow\phi')$.

Proof: Straightforward, adapting the proof of Replacement in Mates

\cite{Mates1972a}, pp. 135-136. First prove the following lemma:

If $\Vvdash(\psi\leftrightarrow\psi'),$ then




where $\psi,$ $\psi',$ and $\chi$ are formulas, $\alpha$ is a

variable, and $\tau$ is a term.%

\footnote{It is sufficient to consider just these cases since all the SAT

operators can be defined using $\neg,\wedge,\square,\mathsf{A},\forall,$

and $\lambda.$ %

} Theorem 2 then follows by induction on the complexity of $\phi.$


\subsection{Sentences: Closure, Validity, Consequence, Equivalence}

Two further results concerning sentences are easily established.


\item [{Theorem~3.}] Closure and Validity


For any sentence $\phi,$ $\Vvdash\phi$ if and only if $\vDash\phi.$

Proof: The \textquoteleft{}if' part is immediate by the rule of

(section 4.4). For the \textquoteleft{}only if' part, suppose $\nvDash\phi.$

Then $\phi$ is false at some world $w$ of some model $\mathcal{M}$.

Construct a model $\mathcal{M}'$ that is exactly like $\mathcal{M}$

except for containing an additional world $w'$ such that

$\square\phi$ is false at $w',$ and hence $\nvDash\square\phi.$

So it is false that $\Vvdash\phi.$ $\blacksquare$


\item [{Theorem~4.}] Logical Consequence and Logical Equivalence


For any sentences $\phi$ and $\phi',$ the following three conditions

are equivalent:


1. $\Vvdash(\phi\leftrightarrow\phi')$

2. $\vDash(\phi\leftrightarrow\phi')$

3. $\mathrm{\phi\vDash\phi'}$ and $\mathrm{\phi'\vDash\phi}.$


Proof: The equivalence of 1 and 2 is immediate by Theorem 3. The equivalence

of 2 and 3 holds in view of the standard definition of consequence

in section 3.7. $\blacksquare$

It is noteworthy that, as in standard first-order non-modal logic,

two sentences are logically equivalent if and only if each is a consequence

of the other as 2 and 3 of Theorem 4 show.

\subsection{Deduction Theorem}

A deduction theorem exactly analogous to that of standard first-order

non-modal logic also holds.


\item [{Theorem~5.}] Deduction Theorem


For any sentences $\phi$ and $\phi',$ and any set of sentences $\Gamma,$

$\Gamma\cup\{\phi\}\vDash\phi'$ if and only if

Proof: Obvious in view of the standard definition of consequence in

section 3.6. $\blacksquare$

\section{Comparisons with Other Systems}

\subsection{Actualism and Serious Actualism: Plantinga, Jager, Stephanou}

Actualism and serious actualism have long been advocated by Plantinga.

He defines actualism as the claim that there neither are nor could

have been things that do not exist.%

\footnote{See \cite{plantinga:1985a} pp. 91-93, \cite{plantinga:1985b} p.

314. Plantinga apparently doesn't use the term `actualism' in

but he states it's denial on p. 149 and argues against it--effectively,

in my opinion--on pp. 149-153. %

} Rendered in my notation this is


\item [{(Act1)}] $\neg(\exists x\neg\mathcal{E}(x)\vee\lozenge\exists
x\neg\mathcal{E}(x))$,\noun{ }


which is valid and equivalent to


\item [{(Act2)}] $\square\forall x\mathcal{E}(x)$.


But these sentences do not distinguish actualism from possibilism.

Both would still be valid if quantifiers were given a possibilist

interpretation, that is if they were made to range over the domain

of a model, rather than just over the domains of worlds in a model.

Possibilists will have no qualms accepting them. Actualism is better

expressed by


There is nothing that isn't actual,




Everything is actual,


which is expressible as


\item [{(Act3)}] $\forall x\mathsf{A}\mathcal{E}(x)$.


(Act3) is not valid in SAT, since it is false at any world that contains

an object not in the domain of the actual world, but it is true in

the intended model,

which is defined in section 7. Possibilists should want to reject

(Act3), since the central tenet of possibilism is that there is more

to reality than that which is actual. Yet if quantifiers are given

a possibilist interpretation (Act3) is valid. So (Act3) marks a distinction

between actualism and posibilism that (Act1) and (Act2) do not.%

\footnote{There are versions of possibilism that would accept (Act3), but

them would take us too far afield.%


In his argument for actualism in \cite{plantinga:1974} Plantinga

distinguishes between what he calls predicative and impredicative

singular propositions. The former affirm, and the latter deny, a property

of an object.%

\footnote{\cite{plantinga:1974}, pp. 136, 149.%

} Plantinga's rebuttal of what he calls the Classical Argument for

possible but non-existent objects makes use of this distinction.%

\footnote{\cite{plantinga:1974}, p. 133.%

} Specifically, (using his numbering) he distinguishes the impredicative


\item [{(13{*})}] Socrates does not have the property of existing


from the predicative


\item [{(13{*}{*})}] Socrates has the property of nonexistence.%

\footnote{\cite{plantinga:1974}, p. 151.%



Plantinga says, rightly, that (13{*}) is true in just those worlds

in which


\item [{(23{*})}] Socrates exists


is false, and that (13{*}{*}) is false in every world.

Predicate abstraction is ideally suited to mark these distinctions.

In SAT Plantinga's (13{*}) and (13{*}{*}) are naturally expressed



\item [{({*})}] $\neg\langle\lambda y.\mathcal{E}(y)\rangle(s)$




\item [{({*}{*})}] $\langle\lambda y.\neg\mathcal{E}(y)\rangle(s)$,


respectively, and their truth values are determined exactly as Plantinga

says. ({*}) is true at a world in a model just in case \emph{s} fails

to denote at that world, and the denial of ({*}{*}) is true at every

world in every model. So in SAT


\item [{($\neg${*}{*})}] $\neg\langle\lambda y.\mathcal{\neg


and indeed


\item [{($\neg\lozenge${*}{*})}] $\neg\lozenge\langle\lambda


are valid. Not only is it false that Socrates is nonexistent, it is

impossible that he be so. And the use of predicate abstraction makes

it clear that this latter claim, embodied in ($\neg\lozenge${*}{*}),

is a far cry from


$\neg\lozenge\neg\langle\lambda y.\mathcal{E}(y)\rangle(s)$,


which is of course false in the intended model

\footnote{The sentences $\neg\langle\lambda

$\langle\lambda y.\neg\lozenge\neg\mathcal{E}(y)\rangle(s)$, and

$\neg\lozenge\neg\mathcal{E}(s)$, all orthographically similar to

($\neg\lozenge${*}{*}), are also false in


\footnote{In a recent paper \cite{Percival2011} Percival discusses many

concerning actualism and the use of predicate abstraction. Space prevents

me from going into details, but SAT is innocent of a charge he makes

against another actualistic logic with an abstraction operator. (He

defines this logic in \cite{Percival2011} 413-414, including footnote

45). The charge is that although this logic supports the claim that

``$\ldots$ some existing object is such as to exist contingently'',

it also holds that ``$\ldots$ it is metaphysically possible for

there to be objects that do not exist''. I find the reasoning Percival

gives in support of this charge unclear, but it is clear the charge

does not apply to SAT. In SAT $\exists

is true in the intended model, but $\lozenge\exists x\neg\mathcal{E}(x)$

is logically false, since its denial is equivalent to (Act2). %


Plantinga also advocates serious actualism, which he expresses as

``... no object \emph{x} has any property in any world in which \emph{x}

doesn't exist'', and ``... no object could have a property without


\footnote{\cite{plantinga:1985a}, p. 93, and \cite{plantinga:1985b}, p. 316,


} Understood this way serious actualism quantifies over properties

and so cannot be expressed in a first-order language. But it can be

approximated schematically as


\item [{(SA)}]


all instances of which are valid in SAT.

Plantinga nowhere formalizes his preferred modal logic; for this he

refers his readers to the work of Jager. In \cite{jager_t:1982a},

Jager presents his system \emph{A}, in which an atomic formula is

satisfied at a world by an \emph{n}-tuple of objects only if each

of those objects exists at that world. \emph{A} is thus seriously

actualistic with respect to atomic formulas. But it lacks predicate

abstraction and thus is not fully seriously actualistic in the way

SAT is. \emph{A} contains the usual connectives and quantifiers, but

it lacks individual constants and an actuality connective. For each

model the variables of $A$ take their values from the domain of that

model, and they denote the same object at each world therein. But

the range of quantifiers at a world is limited to the domain of that

world. Thus in its treatment of variables and quantifiers $A$ is

exactly like SAT. \emph{A} differs from SAT in that negation and necessity

are given \emph{de} \emph{re} interpretations, which I'll represent

with $\neg_{r}$ and $\square_{r}$, and which are easily defined

in SAT. For example, $\neg_{r}Fx$ and $\square_{r}Fx$ can be expressed



$\langle\lambda y.(\mathcal{E}(y)\wedge\neg Fy)\rangle(x)$




$\langle\lambda y.(\mathcal{E}(y)\wedge
Fy\wedge\square(\mathcal{E}(y)\rightarrow Fy)\rangle(x)$,



\footnote{For the formula $Rxy$, $\neg_{r}Rxy$ can be expressed in SAT as

$\langle\lambda z,w.(\mathcal{E}(z)\wedge\mathcal{E}(w)\wedge\neg

and $\square_{r}Rxy$ as $\langle\lambda

Similarly for formulas, atomic or complex, with free occurrences of

three or more variables. %


In \cite{Jager1988} Jager extends system \emph{A} to the system he

calls \emph{D}, in order to facilitate distinguishing \emph{de} \emph{re}

and \emph{de dicto} modalities and negations. He does this by supplementing

\emph{A} in a way that makes it possible to exempt particular occurrences

of variables within the scope of $\neg_{r}$ or $\square_{r}$ from

the requirement, described in the previous paragraph, that they denote

an object at the world of evaluation in order for the formula in which

they appear to be satisfied at that world. Specifically, he adds an

operator he calls a \emph{dictifier} ($\nabla$) and, for each variable

\emph{$\alpha$,} infinitely many \emph{position variants}, $\alpha^{1}$,

$\alpha^{2}$, $\alpha^{3}$, ..., of $\alpha$. (In the semantics

of \emph{D} each position variant of a variable is assigned the same

value as the variable itself.) Thus if $\nabla x^{1}Rx^{1}y^{1}$

appears within the scope of $\neg_{r}$ or $\square_{r}$, $x^{1}$

(but not $y^{1}$) is exempt from the requirement in question.

Using these resources, and adding individual constants such as \emph{s}

and \emph{p} to the language of \emph{D} to facilitate representing

English sentences (as Jager himself does), the sentences


Socrates has the property of necessarily-teaching-Plato




Plato has the property of necessarily-being-taught-by-Socrates


can be expressed as


$\square_{r}\nabla pTsp$




$\square_{r}\nabla sTsp$,


respectively. In SAT these sentences can be expressed, at least as

perspicuously, as


$\langle\lambda x.\square(\mathcal{E}(x)\rightarrow Txp)\rangle(s)$




$\langle\lambda x.\square(\mathcal{E}(x)\rightarrow Tsx)\rangle(p)$,



More generally, it is easy to show that every Jager model and variable

assignment can be exactly replicated by a SAT model and valuation.%

\footnote{The only complication is that SAT must be augmented by infinitely

many position variants of each of its variables, and, for each

each position variant of a variable must be assigned the same object

as the variable itself. %

} Given this fact, and using the SAT constructions for expressing Jager's

\emph{de re} negation and \emph{de re} necessity given three paragraphs

back, it is easily proved that a formula of \emph{D} is satisfied

by a variable assignment at a world of a Jager model if and only if

it is satisfied at the same world of the corresponding SAT model by

the corresponding valuation.

Finally, it should be noted that Stephanou has given a long and subtle

defense of serious actualism in \cite{stephanou:2007}. Although,

like Plantinga, he understands serious actualism as quantifying over

properties and relations as well as individuals, he recognizes that

it is partially expressed by first-order formulas of the form


\item [{(SA1)}]


where $\phi(\alpha)$ is an atomic formula in which $\alpha$, and

perhaps other variables, have free occurrences. He calls the schema

(SA1) \emph{predicate actualism}, and he is keenly aware that it is

plausible only when $\phi(\alpha)$ is construed as an atomic formula.

For he notes that from (SA1) and




it follows that




a result he wants to avoid.

In \cite{stephanou:2007} Stephanou does not present a system of formal

semantics, although he considered such systems in \cite{Stephanou2002}

and \cite{stephanou:2005}. And although (SA1) is a valid schema in

the systems he presents in the latter two papers, uniform substitution

of complex formulas for atomic formulas does not preserve validity

in any of them. For none of these systems contains predicate abstraction

or any means of obtaining its effect. So while Stephanou's semantic

systems treat primitive predicates in accordance with serious actualism,

they lack a mechanism for passing that treatment on to more complex


\subsection{Names and Abstraction: Garson, Chihara, Stalnaker}

Of all the systems discussed by Garson in his encyclopedic survey

of modal logics SAT is most similar to Q3.%

\footnote{\cite{Garson2001} pp. 278-280.%

} Both are free logics in which quantifiers are world relative, variables

are rigid, and individual constants are non-rigid. They differ in

that SAT contains predicate abstraction and embodies serious actualism,

features that Q3 lacks.

Because it contains predicate abstraction SAT supports a straightforward

free-logic version of universal instantation: (UI) given in section

4.3. The version of universal instantation Garson gives for Q3 (due

to Hintikka) is considerably more complex. And although the individual

constants of SAT and Q3 are non-rigid, in both systems they can be

made to approximate rigid designators. For the individual constant

\emph{d} all that is required is the stipulation $\exists x\square(d=x)$,

or $\exists x(\square(d=x)\wedge\square\square(d=x))$, or $\exists

and so on.%

\footnote{For SAK $(d=d)$ would be added. The sentences in this list that

existential generalizations of conjunctions are similar to, but in

general stronger than, the sentences used by Hintikka in formulating

a rule of universal instantiation for Q3. The latter sentences are

conjunctions of existential generalizations. See Garson \cite{Garson2001},

pp. 279-280 for details.%

} We can thus stipulate that \emph{d} denotes one and the same object

in all possible worlds (including the actual world), or that it does

this in all possible worlds and in all possibly possible worlds, and

so on. (In SAS4 and SAS5 this entire set of sentences can be replaced

by the single sentence $\exists x\square(d=x)$.)

Chihara's systems M$_{1}$ and M{*} are similar to SAT in that they

are seriously actualistic free logics with world-relative quantifiers.

They differ from it in that their individual constants are model-wide

rigid designators. They also differ in lacking predicate abstraction

and identity. SAT is closer to M$_{1}$, since M{*} is simply M$_{1}$

plus Chihara's (seemingly false) Principle of Compossibility.%

\footnote{For M$_{1}$, M{*}, and the Principle of Compossibility see Chihara

\cite{chihara:1998a}, pp. 220-224.%


In \cite{Stalnaker1995} (which is reprinted with minor changes in

\cite{Stalnaker2003}) Stalnaker develops a quantified modal logic

with predicate abstraction that is similar to, but interestingly different

from, SAT. A striking feature of this system, which I'll call Stal-T,%

\footnote{Stalnaker says (\cite{Stalnaker1995}, note 21) that his results

if the underlying propositional modal logic is K, T, B, S4, S5, K4,

or K5. I use `Stal-T' to refer to the T-based version of his system

to facilitate comparison with SAT, the T-based version of mine. But

the similarities and differences noted in the text also hold when

the underlying modal logic is any of those listed.%

} is that its universal quantifier applies directly to predicate abstracts

(and to unary predicates) rather than to formulas. His says this approach


$\ldots$ gives a clearer representation of the logic of quantification

because it separates two conceptually distinct operations that are

performed by variable-binding operators. First is the implicit formation

of complex predicates from complex sentences by introducing

variables\textemdash{}in the sentences. The second is generalization:

the formation of general claims from predicates\textemdash{}the claims

that everything in the domain, or at least one thing in the domain,

satisfies the predicate that is implicitly represented by the the

open sentence. In our language, the abstraction operator makes the

first of these operations explicit, turning an open sentence into

an expression that has the syntactic role as well as the semantic

function of a predicate. Then the quantifier has only the job of expressing


\footnote{\cite{Stalnaker1995}, p. 14.%



Stalnaker's predicate abstraction operator (represented by a cap over

a variable) plays the same role in his system as the lambda operator

plays in SAT. So where \emph{S} is a unary predicate, $\hat{x}Sx$

and $\hat{x}Sxd$ in Stal-T correspond, respectively, to $\langle\lambda

and $\langle\lambda x.Sx\rangle(d)$ in SAT. Similarly, $\forall\hat{x}Sx$

corresponds to $\forall xSx$.

In addition to predicate abstraction and the universal quantifier

Stal-T, like SAT, contains the usual truth-functional and modal connectives.

Indeed SAT and Stal-T are nearly identical logics. Yet even though

Stalnaker is clearly interested in the proper representation of logical

form, he does not discuss uniform substitution for predicate abstracts

(compare section 5.1 above). Neither does he discuss substitution

of equivalent sub-formulas (compare section 5.2 above). His main focus

is on showing how to combine extensional first-order free logic and

propositional modal logic without having to retract anything from

either and adding only ``... two principles that concern the interaction

of modality with predication, and modality with identity''.%

\footnote{\cite{Stalnaker1995}, p. 23. %

} He gives an axiomatization of Stal-T, which he claims is sound and

complete with respect to the semantics, but he does not prove this.

SAT and Stal-T are alike in that the extensions of predicates and

predicate abstracts at a world are restricted to objects in the domain

of that world. Both are thus seriously actualistic with respect to

all predicates, unlike the systems of Jager and Stephanou (discussed

in section 6.1) that are seriously actualistic only with respect to

primitive predicates. They are also alike in that the domain of a

world in a model may be empty, an individual constant need not denote

at a world and may denote different objects at different worlds, and

the denotation (if any) of an individual constant at a world must

be in the domain of that world. They differ in that Stal-T, but not

SAT, counts vacuous predicate abstracts as well formed, and applies

the terms `valid' and `invalid' to formulas containing free occurrences

of variables. If the semantics of Stal-T is modified to be like that

of SAT in these two ways, corresponding sentences of the two languages

will take the same truth value at each world of each model.

The sentences of Stal-T are unambiguous, but inserting $\langle$

and $\rangle$ as additional brackets to mark off predicate abstracts

will improve readability and facilitate comparison with SAT. So, for

example, where \emph{S} is a primitive unary predicate I'll write

$\exists\langle\hat{x}Sx\rangle$ for $\exists\hat{x}Sx$,
$\neg\forall\langle\hat{x}\neg Sx\rangle$

for $\neg\forall\hat{x}\neg Sx$,
$\forall\langle\hat{x}\square\langle\hat{y}Sy\rangle x\rangle$

for $\forall\hat{x}\square\hat{y}Syx$. The transformations that preserve

equivalence are as follows.

Starting with a sentence of SAT replace subformulas of the form

with $\forall\langle\hat{\alpha}\phi\rangle$, $\exists\alpha\phi$

with $\exists\langle\hat{\alpha}\phi\rangle$, and

with $\langle\hat{\alpha}\phi\rangle\beta$. To go in the other direction,

first replace any subformulas of the form $\forall\psi$ and $\exists\psi$,

where $\psi$ is a primitive unary predicate, with $\forall x\psi x$

and $\exists x\psi x$.%

\footnote{In Stal-T quantifiers apply directly to primitive unary predicates

so, for example, $\forall S$ and $\exists S$ are well formed. %

} Then replace subformulas in accordance with the pairings given in

the first sentence of this paragraph, but in the reverse order. This

will yield a sentence of SAT. Under these transformations the resulting

sentence will be equivalent to the original, given the modifications

of Stal-T syntax and semantics noted two paragraphs back.

Stalnaker points out that both the Barcan formula and its converse

have invalid instances when expressed in his language as








But he does not mention that some non-trivial instances of the following

form of the converse Barcan formula,




are valid in Stal-T. Using the convention on brackets introduced above

and taking $\phi$ as $\langle\hat{y}Sy\rangle x$ or (where \emph{T}

is a binary predicate) $\langle\hat{y}Tyd\rangle x$ yields








both of which are valid in Stal-T. Transformed into SAT they become


$\exists x\lozenge\langle\lambda y.Sy\rangle(x)\rightarrow\lozenge\exists
x\langle\lambda y.Sy\rangle(x)$




$\exists x\lozenge\langle\lambda y.Tyd\rangle(x)\rightarrow\lozenge\exists
x\langle\lambda y.Tyd\rangle(x)$,


which are instances of the valid schema (CBF) given in section 4.4

above. Indeed, where $\phi(\alpha_{2})$ is a formula containing free

occurrences of $\alpha_{2}$ (but no free occurrences of any other

variable) all sentences of the form


\item [{(CBF{*})}]


are valid in Stal-T. But not all sentences of the form


\item [{(\emph{faux}~CBF{*})}]


are. Of course (CBF{*}) and (\emph{faux} CBF{*}) are just the translations

into Stal-T of (CBF) and (\emph{faux} CBF) of section 4.4. So Stal-T

distinguishes between the two versions of the converse Barcan formula

just as SAT does.

\section{Truth \emph{simpliciter} and Actualism}

Thus far I have been concerned almost exclusively with matters of

logic: logical truth, logical consequence, logical equivalence. These

notions were defined, using models, in a way that embodies serious

actualism. Indeed we have seen that serious actualism is reflected

in certain logically true sentences of the language. (Recall (SA)

from section 6.1.) But as yet I have said almost nothing about about

truth \emph{simpliciter} or about actualism, the view that whatever

is is actual.

Given the semantics developed thus far, based on models, it's natural

to designate a particular model as the intended model and then identify

truth \emph{simpliciter} with truth at the actual world element of

this model. A modal realist would specify the intended model,\emph{

}$\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$ (\emph{$\mathcal{I}$}

for intended), as $\mathit{\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{\langle
W_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

where $\mathcal{W_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$ really is

the set of all possible worlds,$@_{\mathcal{I}}$ is the actual world,

$R\mathrm{_{\mathcal{I}}}$ is the relation of relative possibility

among the worlds,

is the set of all actual individuals, $D_{\mathcal{M_{I}}}$ is the

set of all actual and possible individuals, etc. Truth \emph{simpliciter}

becomes truth at $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{\mathrm{@_{\mathcal{I}}}}}}$

of $\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$. But this approach

is not available to the actualist, who eschews all talk of possible

worlds, possible objects, and alleged relations among such alleged

entities. So construed $\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$

does not exist.

There is, however, a way for an actualist who accepts modal terms

(like those italicized in this paragraph) as primitive to make this

kind of approach work. Using only selected pure sets as surrogates

for actual and possible objects, and given some convention about what

counts as modeling, set theory can be used to create, out of pure

sets alone, a model isomorphic to

More precisely, the model in question \emph{would be} isomorphic to

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M_{\text{I}}}}}$ if

existed. Under this approach $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{\mathrm{@_{I}}}}}$

becomes a set-theoretic construct that accurately models the world,

how things are. The other members of $\mathcal{W_{\text{I}}}$ are

similar set-theoretic constructs, each of which \emph{might have been}

a model of the world.

is the set of surrogates of all actual things, and for each

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{D_{\text{I}}}}}(w_{i})$ is the set of things

that \emph{would be} surrogates of the actual things if $w_{i}$ \emph{were

}a model of how things are. In this way an actualist who is willing

to accept modal terms as primitive can construct a model that \emph{would

be} isomorphic to $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M_{\text{I}}}}}$ if the

latter existed.%

\footnote{If in constructing such a model we attempt to represent ``all of

reality'', including both the physical world and the entire set-theoretic

universe, cardinality problems will of course arise. But I can see

no barrier to constructing models of this kind that, while not completely

comprehensive, are large enough to be interesting.%


This approach has been developed in detail by Christopher Menzel

He uses pure sets (entities whose existence is relatively widely accepted)

to construct models of how things are and how they might have been.

As sketched in the previous paragraph, under this approach some pure

sets represent (actual and possible) individuals, others represent

the extensions (at worlds) of properties and relations, and still

others represent the (actual and other possible) worlds themselves.%

\footnote{Menzel's construction makes use of properties and relations, in

to pure sets. In \cite{Ray1996} Ray argues that pure sets alone suffice.

I believe Ray is correct, but I won't address the issue here.%

} Menzel's theory is complex, and I won't try to present it in detail,

but it will be useful to quote his general description of the project.

In the following passage he uses

in the same way I used $\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$

in the previous paragraph, namely as a term that would denote the

modal realist's intended model if only it existed.%

\footnote{Menzel \cite{Menzel1990a}, p. 372. Menzel's

and my $\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$differ in

some details, but the differences are unimportant for present purposes.%



Suspend your skepticism for the moment and take the possibilist's

vision of modal reality at face value; imagine, that is to say, that

there really is a standard model

replete with possible worlds and their (in general) merely possible

inhabitants. At the same time ... allow that modality is primitive,

not analyzable in terms of primitive worlds. Every modal statement

thus yields at most an \emph{equivalent} statement about worlds and

their denizens, but no such statement is to be considered an \emph{analysis}

of the modal statement. Consider a model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}_{4}}}$

... isomorphic to $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M^{\diamondsuit}}}}$,

but constructed only out of unproblematic (relatively speaking!) necessary

beings; pure sets, say. In virtue of the isomorphism, of course,

would do just as well as $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M^{\diamondsuit}}}}$

for defining truth for modal languages; structurally,

represents modal reality no less than

Now, while retaining your belief in the primitiveness of modality,

reinvoke you skepticism about worlds. The standard model drops away,

but $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}_{4}}}$ endures with only pure sets

in place of worlds and possibilia, as accurate a representation of

modality as before.


Menzel proceeds to specify in substantial detail the conditions

must satisfy in order to provide a satisfactory account of truth

for a first-order modal language. This account makes use of modal

terms, but it invokes no entities about the existence of which skepticism

is justified. In particular it does not invoke

or anything like $\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$.

Under this account truth \emph{simpliciter} turns out to be just truth

at the actual-world element of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}_{4}}}$.

Following Menzel \cite{Menzel1990a} and Ray \cite{Ray1996} an actualistic

variant of $\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$ can be

specified making use only of pure sets, (relatively) unproblematic

objects. So construed $\mathcal{M_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}}$

does\emph{ }exist.

When so construed I'll call it
W_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}^{A}\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

}(\emph{$\mathcal{I}$} for intended, \emph{$\mathcal{A}$} for actualistic).

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{\mathrm{\mathcal{M_{I}^{A}}}}}}$ is the

\emph{intended model}, in which $\mathcal{W_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}}

is the set of all world surrogates, $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{\mathrm{@

is the actual world surrogate,

is the set of all actual individual surrogates, etc. Truth

is now just truth at $@_{\mathcal{I}}^{\mathcal{A}}$, the actual-world

element of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{\mathrm{\mathcal{M_{I}^{A}}}}}}$.

Necessary truth is truth at all $w_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}}
}}^{A}\in\mathcal{W_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}^{A}}$

such that

Given this terminology the sentence (Act3) of section 6.1, which expresses

actualism, is true but not necessary.


\item [{(Act3)}] $\forall x\mathsf{A}\mathcal{E}(x)$


(Act3) is true because it says that everything is actual, an

an \emph{a priori}\textemdash{}truth. But on the plausible assumption

that there might have been things that don't actually exist, (Act3)

is not true at every $w_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}}
}}^{A}\in\mathcal{W_{\text{\ensuremath{\mathcal{I}} }}^{A}}$

such that

and hence not necessary. So (Act3) is an example of a contingent \emph{a

priori} truth. I have discussed this and related matters elsewhere.

In \cite{Authora} I argued that sentences with the form
$(\mathsf{A}p\rightarrow p)$

(where \emph{p} is not itself a necessary truth) are contingent yet

true \emph{a priori}. In \cite{Author} I argue that such sentences

are also synthetic.%

\footnote{See especially \cite{Authora}, p. x, and \cite{Author}, section



Although (Act3) is true but not necessary, we have seen that all sentences

of the form (SA) of section 6.1, which express serious actualism,

are not only true and necessary, they are logical truths.


\item [{(SA)}]


The status of (Act3) is tied up with the fact that I have defined

validity as general validity, truth at every world in every model.

Were validity defined as real world validity, truth at the actual-world

element of every model, things would be different. (Act3) and other

sentences with a similar structure would be classified as valid, but

the rule of necessitation (Nec) would no longer preserve validity.

Elsewhere I have argued at length that general validity has a better

claim to the title of logical truth than does real world validity.%

\footnote{See \cite{Authora}, and \cite{Author}. %



In this section I develop a system of tableau proofs for SAT and its

kindred systems.%

\footnote{Namely, SAK, SAB, SAS4, and SAS5.%

} In the Appendix I prove that these systems are sound and (weakly)

complete with respect to the corresponding notions of logical consequence.

These tableau systems follow closely those of Fitting and Mendelsohn


\subsection{The Basics}

\subsubsection{\emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}, the Language of Tableaus}

\emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$} is a slight extension of the language

\emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} presented in section 2. It differs from

}only in containing additional individual symbols called grounded

terms. Grounded terms will be explained shortly, but first I need

to describe the prefixes that appear in tableau nodes.

Each tableau node consists a formula of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$

}preceded by a prefix, this prefix being a sequence of (numerals for)

positive integers and the symbol \textbf{@ }separated by periods.

The first symbol in a sequence is always 1 or \textbf{@}. Thus the

following are sequences: 1, \textbf{@}.1.1.3,, 1.1.2. If $\sigma$

is a prefix and \emph{n} is a positive integer, then $\sigma.n$ is

$\sigma$ followed by a period followed by \emph{n.} Thus if $\sigma$

is 1.3.4 or \textbf{@}$.$1.1, and \emph{n} is 2, then $\sigma.n$

is or \textbf{@}.1.1.2, respectively. Intuitively, tableau

prefixes play the role of the worlds of a model, and if nodes containing

the prefixes $\sigma$ and $\sigma.n$ appear on a tableau branch

it means that $\sigma\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{R}}}\sigma.n$.

The \emph{grounded terms} of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$} are

individual symbols that have the prefixes of tableau nodes as subscripts.

Grounded terms are of two different kinds, \emph{grounded names} and

\emph{parameters}. Grounded names are the same symbols as the individual

constants of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} (the lower case letters \emph{a}

through \emph{j} ), each with a tableau prefix as subscript. Parameters

are the lower case letters \emph{k} through \emph{t} (not used in

\emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}) with this same kind of subscript. Examples

of grounded names are $a_{1.1.2},$ $b_{***@.2.1},$ $c_{1},$ and

$d_{***@.2.1.@}.$ Similarly, $k_{1.1.2},$ $p_{***@.2.1},$ $q_{1},$

and $r_{***@.2.1.@}$ are parameters.%

\footnote{The individual constants and variables of \emph{$\mathfrak{L},$

defined in section\emph{ }2.1, may be indexed with numerical subscripts

as a way of ensuring that their supply is unlimited. Strictly speaking

the new grounded terms of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$ }should

have this feature as well.\emph{ }In practice one seldom needs more

than a few such symbols of either language and thus seldom needs these

purely indexical subscripts. When such a need arises, indexical and

tableau-node-prefix subscripts can be distinguished by placing the

latter in parentheses after the former. Thus $b_{257(***@.2.1)}$

counts as a grounded name,\emph{ }and $p{}_{3(1.1.1)}$ as a parameter.

In general, a grounded term can be represented as $\tau_{\kappa(\sigma)},$

where $\tau$ is one of the lower case letters \emph{a} through \emph{t},

$\kappa$ is an indexical subscript, and $\sigma$ is a tableau prefix. %


\emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$} is like \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} except

that the new grounded terms function like rigidly designating names.

Syntactically, they behave exactly like the individual constants of

\emph{$\mathfrak{L}$. }That is, they may appear in atomic formulas

and as the terms that follow predicate abstracts. (Thus if

is a predicate abstract and $\tau_{\sigma}$ is a grounded term,

is a formula of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}. The free variable

occurrences in $\langle\lambda\alpha.\phi\rangle(\tau_{\sigma})$

are the same as those in $\langle\lambda\alpha.\phi\rangle$.) But

grounded terms never play the variable-binding role in quantification

or predicate abstraction.

Semantically, the grounded terms of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}

behave like the variables of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} in that they are

assigned their \emph{designata} by a valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}

rather than by an interpretation $\mathcal{I}$ of a model
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

So given a grounded term $\tau_{\sigma}$, a model
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

and a valuation\emph{ $\mathcal{V}$} relative to

\emph{$\mathcal{V}(\tau_{\sigma})\in\mathcal{D_{M}}$. }Thus unlike

an individual constant, whose denotation (if any) at a world is always

drawn from the domain of that world, a grounded term is assigned a

single, model-wide denotation from the domain of the model.%

\footnote{Subscripting an individual constant $\tau$ with a prefix is

to applying Kaplan's \cite{Kaplan1979a} operator \emph{dthat} to

$\tau$. %


With these stipulations in place, the definition of \emph{satisfaction

}of a formula of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$} by a valuation\emph{

$\mathcal{V}$} at a world\emph{ }$w$ of a model

is exactly like that given for \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} in section 3.4.

Similarly for the definitions of the\emph{ satisfiability }of a formula

of\emph{ $\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$} and \emph{satisfiability }of

a set of formulas of\emph{ $\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$.} But sections

3.5 and 3.6 define terms (truth at a world in a model, truth

validity, consequence, and equivalence) that apply only to sentences

of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}. None of these terms apply to formulas of

\emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$} that are not sentences of

\subsubsection{The General Structure of Tableaus}

The purpose of tableaus is to generate proofs of logical consequence

and validity for arguments and sentences, respectively, of

Hence the formulas that appear as parts of the initial nodes of a

tableau are always sentences of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}.$}

A tableau test for an argument of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} with premises

$\gamma{}_{1},$ $\gamma_{2},$ ... , $\gamma{}_{n}$ and conclusion

$\phi$ begins with the following \emph{n }+1 nodes:



& & & & & & & & & & & & & 1\,\,\gamma_{1}\\

& & & & & & & & & & & & & 1\,\,\gamma_{2}\\

& & & & & & & & & & & & & \,\,\vdots\\

& & & & & & & & & & & & & 1\,\,\gamma_{n}\\

& & & & & & & & & & & & & 1\,\,\neg\phi


A tableau test for a single sentence $\phi$ of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}

begins with the single node



& & & & & & & & & & & & & 1\,\,\neg\phi\end{array}$\medskip{}

The result of applying a tableau rule to a node or nodes of a tableau

will be the addition of one or more nodes, each a prefixed formula

of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}},$} to the tableau. None of these

formulas will contain free occurrences of variables.

Some tableau rules produce branching. The construction of a branch

terminates when no more rules can be applied to any node on the branch,

or when some prefixed formula and the negation of this formula with

the same prefix ($\sigma\,\,\phi$ and $\sigma\,\,\neg\phi$) appear

as nodes on the branch. In the latter case the branch is said to be

\emph{closed}. A branch that is not closed is \emph{open}. A tableau

is \emph{closed} if all of its branches are closed.

A closed tableau beginning with $1\,\,\gamma_{1},$ $1\,\,\gamma_{2},$

... , $1\,\,\gamma{}_{n},$ and $1\,\,\neg\phi$ (where the
$\gamma_{i}\,(1\leq i\leq n)$

and $\neg\phi$ are, as specified above, all sentences of

}is a \emph{derivation of} $\phi$ \emph{from} \{$\gamma_{1},$ $\gamma_{2},$

... , $\gamma_{n}$\}. If $\Gamma$ is a set of sentences of\emph{

$\mathfrak{L}$}, each $\gamma_{i}\,(1\leq i\leq n)\in\Gamma,$ and

there is a derivation of $\phi$ from \{$\gamma_{1},$ $\gamma_{2},$

... , $\gamma_{n}$\}, $\phi$ is said to be \emph{derivable from

}$\Gamma$ (abbreviated $\mathrm{\Gamma\vdash\phi}$). Similarly,

a closed tableau beginning with $1\,\,\neg\phi$ (where, again, $\phi$

is a sentence of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$})\emph{ }is a \emph{proof }of

$\phi$. If there is such a proof $\phi$ is said to be a \emph{theorem}

(abbreviated $\mathrm{\vdash\phi}$).

In the Appendix I prove that a tableau is closed if and only if the

sentences of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} with which it begins are inconsistent

(i.e., there is no interpretation under which all of these sentences

are true). Thus validity coincides with theoremhood and, for finite

sets of premises, logical consequence coincides with derivability.

The foregoing holds for each of the five systems under consideration.

These proofs are based on the fact that an open tableau branch mimics

a model \emph{cum }valuation of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$.}

The intuitive idea is that node prefixes designate worlds (\textbf{@}

designates the actual world), $\sigma\,\,\phi$ asserts that formula

$\phi$ is satisfied by the valuation at world $\sigma$, and the

appearance of $\sigma.n$ as a node prefix indicates that

\subsection{Tableau Rules}

\subsubsection{Truth-Functional Connectives}

Rules for conjunction, negated conjunction, and double negation are

standard and can be represented as follows:



$\sigma\,\,\phi\wedge\psi$ & & & & & $\sigma\,\,\neg(\phi\wedge\psi)$ & & &
& & $\sigma\,\,\neg\neg\phi$\tabularnewline

\cline{1-1} \cline{6-6} \cline{11-11}

$\sigma\,\,\phi$ & & & & & $\sigma\,\,\neg\phi\mid\sigma\,\,\neg\psi$ & & &
& & $\sigma\,\,\phi$\tabularnewline

$\sigma\,\,\psi$ & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline



The conjunction and double negation rules add the indicated nodes

to each branch in which the top node appears. The double negation

node produces branching in the usual way. Rules for the other

connectives are also standard and can be derived from those given


\subsubsection{Modal and Actuality Connectives}

The SAT rules for necessity and negated necessity are the standard

ones for T. The negated necessity rule is:



$\sigma\,\,\neg\square\phi$ & $\sigma.n$ is new to the branch &


$\sigma.n\,\,\neg\phi$ & & \tabularnewline



For each branch containing $\sigma\,\,\neg\square\phi$ this rule

is applied just once, and integer $n$ is chosen so that prefix $\sigma.n$

is new to the branch. The necessity rule for SAT takes two forms.



1. & $\sigma\,\,\square\phi$\tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\phi$\tabularnewline




2. & $\sigma\,\,\square\phi$ & if the prefix $\sigma.n$ appears somewhere
on the branch\tabularnewline


& $\sigma.n\,\,\phi$ & \tabularnewline



Form 2 generally adds multiple nodes to a branch. And as new prefixes

come to appear on a branch form 2 is reapplied, using these prefixes,

to nodes to which it has already been applied using other prefixes.

Tableau rules for the other logics under consideration are also standard.

SAK uses only form 2 of the necessity rule. For SAB, SAS4, and SAS5

three additional forms are needed.



3. & $\sigma.n\,\,\square\phi$ & if the prefix $\sigma.n$ appears somewhere
on the branch\tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\phi$ & \tabularnewline




4. & $\sigma\,\,\square\phi$ & if the prefix $\sigma.n$ appears somewhere
on the branch\tabularnewline


& $\sigma.n\,\,\square\phi$ & \tabularnewline




5. & $\sigma.n\,\,\square\phi$ & if the prefix $\sigma.n$ appears somewhere
on the branch\tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\square\phi$ & \tabularnewline



\noindent SAB retains forms 1 and 2 and adds form 3. SAS4 uses forms

1 and 4. SAS5 uses forms 1, 4, and 5. Since $\lozenge$ and $\square$

are interdefinable, rules for $\lozenge$ and $\neg\lozenge$ can

be derived from the ones given here.%

\footnote{For more on tableau rules for K, T, B, S4, and S5 see

p. 51-55. %


Rules for the actuality connective reflect the idea that a sentence

is actually true at a world just in case is true at the actual world.



& & & & & & $\sigma\,\,\mathsf{A}\phi$ & & & & & & & & &

\cline{7-7} \cline{16-16}

& & & & & & \textbf{@}$\,\,\phi$ & & & & & & & & & \textbf{@




Where $\alpha$ is a variable, let $\psi(\alpha)$ be a formula of

\emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$ }containing at least one free occurrence

of $\alpha$ (but no free occurrence of any other variable). Let

and $\pi_{\sigma}$ be a grounded term and a parameter, respectively,

each subscripted with the tableau prefix $\sigma$.%

\footnote{Thus $\tau_{\sigma}$ is either a parameter or a grounded name. %

} $\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$ stands for the result of replacing all free

occurrences of $\alpha$ in $\psi(\alpha)$ with $\tau_{\sigma}$.

Similarly for $\psi(\pi_{\sigma})$ and $\pi_{\sigma}$. The universal

quantifier and negated universal quantifier rules are as follows,

where $\tau_{\sigma}$ is any grounded term that already appears on

the branch, and $\pi_{\sigma}$ is a parameter that is new to the




$\sigma\,\,\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)$ & $\tau_{\sigma}$ appears somewhere &
& & $\sigma\,\,\neg\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)$ & $\pi_{\sigma}$ is

\cline{1-1} \cline{5-5}

$\sigma\,\,\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$ & on the branch & & &
$\sigma\,\,\neg\psi(\pi_{\sigma})$ & to the branch\tabularnewline



For each branch containing the node $\sigma\,\,\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)$,

and each grounded term $\tau_{\sigma}$ that appears as part of a

node on that branch, the universal quantifier rule adds

to the branch. (If no grounded term appears with the tableau prefix

$\sigma$ as subscript in any node on a branch containing

the universal quantifier rule is not applied to

on that branch. This reflects the fact that the domain of a world

may be empty.) For each branch containing the node

the negated universal quantifier rule is applied just once, and the

parameter $\pi_{\sigma}$ must be chosen so that it is new to the


The universal quantifier rule (and the dual negated existential quantifier

rule) reflect the fact that SAT is an actualistic free logic. Actualism

requires quantification to be world relative, and a free logic permits

instantiation at a world only with terms that denote objects in the

domain of that world. The negated universal quantifier rule (and the

dual existential rule) also reflect actualism in requiring that the

term being instantiated denote an object in the domain of the world

in question.

\subsubsection{Predicate Abstraction}

According to serious actualism an attributive sentence is true at

a world only if the object denoted by the term to which the abstract

applies exists at that world. In order to fully reflect this requirement

the (unnegated) predicate abstraction rule takes three forms. Form

1 ``grounds'' or ``rigidifies'' an individual constant governed

by a predicate abstract, thus transforming it into a grounded name.\emph{

}Forms 2 and 3 apply to terms that are already grounded. But since

the subscript of a grounded term may not be the same as the prefix

of the node in which the sentence containing it appears, two rules

are needed.

Suppose $\sigma$ and $\sigma_{1}$ are distinct prefixes, $\iota$

is an individual constant, and $\tau_{\sigma}$ and $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$

are grounded terms. Forms 1 and 2 instantiate the predicate abstract

with $\iota_{\sigma}$ and $\tau_{\sigma}$, respectively. Form 3

instantiates it with $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$, and it introduces a second

node. This second node reflects the fact that, since

is true at world $\sigma$, $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ denotes an object

that exists in $\sigma$ as well as in $\sigma_{1}$.%

\footnote{Form 3 can be simplified so as to introduce only the second

stated here. The first conclusion can be derived using form 2 and

the substitutivity of identity rule (section 8.2.5). %




1. & $\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\iota)$ & $\iota$
is an individual constant of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$ }\tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\psi(\iota_{\sigma})$ & ($\iota_{\sigma}$ is thus a grounded
name of $\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$)\tabularnewline




2. & $\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\tau_{\sigma})$ &
$\tau_{\sigma}$ is a grounded term \tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$ & \tabularnewline




3. &
$\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ &
$\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ is a grounded term, and $\sigma\neq\sigma_{1}$


& $\sigma\,\,\psi(\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ & \tabularnewline

& $\sigma\,\,(\pi_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ & $\pi_{\sigma}$ is a
parameter that is new to the branch\tabularnewline



\noindent It should be noted that form 1 of the predicate abstraction

rule and form 1 of the atomic formula rule are the only rules that

introduce grounded names into tableaus.

The rule for negated predicate abstraction also has three forms. Each

form applies to a tableau node that, except for the negation sign,

is the same as the node in the correspondingly numbered form of the

positive predicate abstraction rule.%

\footnote{Form 3 need not be taken as primitive. It's conclusion can be

using the substitutivity of identity rule (section 8.2.5) and form

2 of the negated predicate abstraction rule. %




1. & $\sigma\,\,\neg\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\iota)$ &
$\iota$ is an individual constant, and the grounded name $\iota_{\sigma}$


& $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi(\iota_{\sigma})$ & appears somewhere on the




2. &
$\sigma\,\,\neg\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\tau_{\sigma})$ &
$\tau_{\sigma}$ is a grounded term \tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$ & \tabularnewline




3. &
& $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ is a grounded term, and

& $\sigma_{2}\,\,(\upsilon{}_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ & $\sigma_{2}$ is
any prefix; $\upsilon_{\sigma}$ is any term grounded

with $\sigma$\tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi(\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ & \tabularnewline



\noindent In form 1 the presence of the grounded name $\iota_{\sigma}$

somewhere on the branch assures us that the individual constant $\iota$

designates, at world $\sigma,$ a member of the domain of $\sigma.$

($\iota$ need not appear with subscript $\sigma$ in the premise

of the rule.) If $\iota_{\sigma}$ did not appear on the branch, we

couldn't be sure that $\iota$ designates anything in the domain of

$\sigma$. But then we couldn't be sure that $\neg\psi(\iota)$ is

true in $\sigma$. For suppose $\theta$ is a primitive predicate,

$\iota$ does not designates at $\sigma$, and $\psi(\iota)$ is

Then $\theta(\iota)$ is false at $\sigma$ and so is $\neg\psi(\iota)$.

The rationale for form 2 should be obvious. Form 3 is similar to from

1 in that the predicate abstract applies to a term that is not grounded

in $\sigma$. Thus assurance is needed that $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ really

does denote an object in the domain of world $\sigma$. The appearance

of $\sigma_{2}\,\,(\upsilon{}_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ somewhere

on the branch provides this. If $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ did not denote

an object in the domain of world $\sigma$, $\neg\psi(\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$

might be false at $\sigma$, as in the case of form 1.

\subsubsection{Identity }

The self-identity rule reflects the fact that in SAT a sentence of

the general form $\beta=\beta$ is true at a world only if $\beta$

designates an object that exists at that world. Since the appearance

of a grounded term $\tau_{\sigma}$ in any node on a branch indicates

that the object it denotes exists at world $\sigma$, that object

must be self-identical at $\sigma.$ Thus where $\tau_{\sigma}$ is

any grounded term, the self-identity rule takes the following form:%

\footnote{The blank space above the horizontal line indicates that this rule

has no premise. %




& & $\tau_{\sigma}$ appears somewhere on the branch \tabularnewline


$\sigma\,\,(\tau_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma})$ & & \tabularnewline



As usual, the substitutivity of identity rule sanctions substituting

co-referential rigid designators for each other, but in SAT it requires

some new notation and takes a rather complicated form. Suppose $\sigma_{1}$,

$\sigma_{2}$, $\sigma_{3}$, and $\sigma_{4}$ are prefixes of branch

nodes (not necessarily distinct), $\tau_{\sigma_{3}}$ and

are grounded terms, and $\phi$ and $\psi$ are formulas of

}that contain no free occurrences of any variable. Suppose also that

$\phi$ and $\psi$ are alike except that $\psi$ contains occurrences

of $\upsilon_{\sigma_{4}}$ at one or more places where $\phi$ contains

occurrences of $\tau_{\sigma_{3}}$. If

holds at any world, \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} assigns the same member

of $\mathcal{D_{M}}$ to $\tau_{\sigma_{3}}$ and $\upsilon_{\sigma_{4}}.$

So if $\tau_{\sigma_{3}}=\upsilon_{\sigma_{4}}$ holds at $\sigma_{1}$

and $\phi$ holds at $\sigma_{2}$, $\psi$ also holds at $\sigma_{2}$.

(And the object denoted by $\tau_{\sigma_{3}}$ and $\upsilon_{\sigma_{4}}$

exists in the domains of worlds $\sigma_{1}$, $\sigma_{3}$, and

$\sigma_{4}$, and possibly in the domain of world $\sigma_{2}$.)

The substitutivity rule is thus:









This rule is the only one that has two premises. Thus it can be applied

only when both of these premises appear on the same branch.

\subsubsection{Atomic Formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}}

An atomic formula is satisfied by an \emph{n}-tuple of objects at

a world only if all those objects exist at that world. So each individual

term that appears in such a formula, whether grounded or ungrounded,

must designate an object that exists at that world. This fact must

be reflected in the tableau rules, and so, unlike other tableau systems,

SAT has a rule for atomic formulas. The rule has three forms, and

some additional notation will facilitate understanding. Where $\theta$

is an \emph{n}-ary predicate and $\tau$ and $\upsilon$ are terms,

$\theta(...\tau...)$ will stand for an atomic formula in which $\tau$

has one or more occurrences, and $\theta(...\upsilon...)$ for the

result of replacing each occurrence of $\tau$ in $\theta(...\tau...)$

with $\upsilon$.\emph{}%

\footnote{Although atomic formulas other than identities do not contain

(see section 2.2), the use of parentheses in the metalinguistic

of atomic formulas enhances readability. %


The first two forms of the rule are:



1. & $\sigma\,\,\theta(...\iota...)$ & $\iota$ is an individual constant of
\emph{$\mathfrak{L}$ }\tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\theta(...\iota_{\sigma}...)$ & ($\iota_{\sigma}$ is thus a
grounded name of $\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$)\tabularnewline




2. & $\sigma\,\,\theta(...\tau_{\sigma_{1}}...)$ & $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ is a
grounded term, and $\sigma\neq\sigma_{1}$ \tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,(\pi_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ & $\pi_{\sigma}$ is a
parameter that is new to the branch\tabularnewline



These two forms of the rule reflect the fact that an atomic sentence

is true at a world only if each of the terms it contains denotes an

object that exists at that world. As noted in section 8.2.4, form

1 of the predicate abstraction rule and form 1 of the atomic formula

rule are the only rules that introduce grounded names into tableaus.%

\footnote{It's important to notice that forms 1 and 2 apply to the case

$\theta$ is the identity predicate. If $\iota$ is an individual

constant, $\theta(...\iota...)$ is $(\iota=...)$ or $(...=\iota)$.

Similarly, if $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ is a grounded term,

is $(\tau_{\sigma_{1}}=...)$ or $(...=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$.%


The third form of the atomic formula rule is unlike any other tableau

rule in that it allows a subscript to be removed from a grounded name.%

\footnote{This form does not apply to parameters, since the result of

the tableau-prefix subscript from a parameter is not a symbol of either

\emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} or \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$.} %

} It is also unlike the first two forms in that it may be applied to

some but not all occurrences of an individual symbol in an atomic

formula. Let $\iota$ be an individual constant\emph{ }and $\iota_{\sigma}$

that same individual constant subscripted with $\sigma$. $\iota_{\sigma}$

is thus a grounded name. If $\iota_{\sigma}$ appears in an atomic

formula as part of a tableau node with prefix $\sigma$, one or more

occurrences of $\iota_{\sigma}$ may be replaced with $\iota$. To

call attention to the fact that form 3 of the rule allows replacement

of some but not all occurrences of a term in an atomic formula, I'll

use a new notation. Let $\theta(\iota_{\sigma})$ and $\theta(\iota)$

stand for atomic formulas that are alike except that $\theta(\iota)$

contains occurrences of $\iota$ at one or more places where

contains occurrences of $\iota_{\sigma}$.

The third form of the atomic formula rule is:



3. & $\sigma\,\,\theta(\iota_{\sigma})$ & $\iota_{\sigma}$ is a grounded
name of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}\tabularnewline


& $\sigma\,\,\theta(\iota)$ & ($\iota$ is thus an individual constant of



Like the first two forms, form 3 also reflects the fact that an atomic

sentence is true at a world only if each of the terms it contains

denotes an object that exists at that world.%

\footnote{As in the case of forms 1 and 2, it's important to notice that

3 applies where $\theta$ is the identity predicate, $\iota_{\sigma}$

is a grounded name, and $\theta(\iota_{\sigma})$ is thus

or $(...=\iota_{\sigma})$. %


\subsection{Examples of Tableaus}

In the following examples tableau rules are referred to by abbreviated

names. For example, $\neg\rightarrow$ denotes the negated conditional

rule, $\neg\lambda2$ the second form of the negated abstraction rule,

Subs= the substitution of identity rule.

\subsubsection{The Converse Barcan Formula (CBF)}

The converse Barcan formula is SAT valid, as the following tableau

for a simple instance of (CBF) shows.



& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg(\exists x\lozenge\langle\lambda
y.Fy\rangle(x)\rightarrow\lozenge\exists x\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(x))$

~~~~1. & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\exists x\lozenge\langle\lambda

(From 1 by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg\lozenge\exists x\langle\lambda

(From 1 by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & &

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\lozenge\langle\lambda

(From 2 by $\exists$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(p_{1})$~~~~~~~~~~~~5.

(From 4 by $\lozenge$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\, Fp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6. (From

5 by $\lambda3$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,(q_{1.1}=p_{1})$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7. (From 5 by

$\lambda3$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg\exists x\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(x)$~~~~~~~8.

(From 3 by $\neg\lozenge2$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(q_{1.1})$~~~~~~~~9.

(From 8 by $\neg\exists$, using $q_{1.1}$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg Fq_{1.1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10. (From

9 by $\neg\lambda2$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg Fp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11. (From

7 and 10 by Subs=.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & ~~~~~~~~$\times$ & & & & & & \tabularnewline



The use of variables other than \emph{x} and \emph{y} would not affect

this proof. And since none of the rules for atomic formulas have been

applied, replacing \emph{Fy} with any complex formula $\phi(y)$ would

not avoid closure.

\subsubsection{An Imposter (\emph{faux} CBF)}

In section 4.4 I dubbed formulas of the form




(\emph{faux} CBF). Not all formulas of this form are SAT valid, as

the following tableau shows.



& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg(\square\forall x\langle\lambda
y.Fy\rangle(x)\rightarrow\forall x\square\langle\lambda
y.Fy\rangle(x))$~~~~1. & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\square\forall x\langle\lambda

(From 1 by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg\forall x\square\langle\lambda

(From 1 by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & &

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\forall x\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(x)$~~~~~~~~~4.

(From 2 by $\square1$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg\square\langle\lambda

(From 3 by $\neg\forall$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(p_{1})$~~~~~~~~~~~6.

(From 4 by $\forall$, using $p_{1}$) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\, Fp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7. (From

6 by $\lambda1$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(p_{1})$~~~~~8. (From

5 by $\neg\square$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\forall x\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(x)$~~~~~9. (From

2 by $\square2$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & ~~~~~~~~~~~~~$\circ$ & & & & & & \tabularnewline



\subsubsection{Predicate Abstraction applied to Atomic Formulas is

A main theme of this paper is the importance of predicate abstraction

for a coherent account of logical form in quantified modal logic.

The tableaus in this section and the next illustrate this by showing

that while


$\langle\lambda x.Fx\rangle(a)\leftrightarrow Fa$


is SAT valid,


$\langle\lambda x.\neg Gx\rangle(a)\leftrightarrow\neg Ga$


is not. Here's the first tableau.



& & & $1\,\,\neg(\langle\lambda x.Fx\rangle(a)\leftrightarrow Fa)$~~1. &






& & & & $1\,\,\langle\lambda y.Fy\rangle(a)$~~2.\tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\neg Fa$~~3.\tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\, Fa_{1}$~~~6.\tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\, Fa$~~~~7.\tabularnewline

& & & & ~~~~~$\times$\tabularnewline



$1\,\,\neg\langle\lambda x.Fx\rangle(a))$ ~~4.\tabularnewline

$1\,\, Fa$~~~~~~5.\tabularnewline

$1\,\, Fa_{1}$~~~~~8.\tabularnewline

$1\,\,\neg Fa_{1}$ ~~9.\tabularnewline




In the left branch $\lambda1$ applied to line 2 yields line 6, and

Atomic 3 applied to line 6 yields line 7. In the right branch Atomic

1 applied to line 5 yields line 8, which is the first node in the

right branch that contains $a_{1}$. The appearance of $a_{1}$ makes

it possible to apply $\neg\lambda1$ to line 4, which yields line

9 and closure. If $a_{1}$ did not appear on the right branch, $\neg\lambda1$

could not be applied to line 4. And if the only appearances of $a$

on the right branch were as parts of non-atomic sentences, Atomic

1 could not be applied and $a_{1}$ would not come to appear on the

branch. So the right branch closes only because $a$ appears on it

as part of an \emph{atomic} sentence. The next section contains a

tableau (for a sentence with a similar form) that fails to close for

exactly this reason.

\subsubsection{Predicate Abstraction applied to Non-atomic Formulas
\emph{is} Essential}

If $Fx$ and $Fa$ in $\langle\lambda x.Fx\rangle(a)\leftrightarrow Fa$

are replaced by non-atomic formulas $\phi(x)$ and $\phi(a)$, the

tableau for the resulting formula may not close. For example, consider

the tableau for $\langle\lambda x.\neg Gx\rangle(a)\leftrightarrow\neg Ga$.



& & & $1\,\,\neg(\langle\lambda x.\neg Gx\rangle(a)\leftrightarrow\neg
Ga)$)~~1. & \tabularnewline






& & & & $1\,\,\langle\lambda y.\neg Gy\rangle(a)$~~2.\tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\neg\neg Ga$~~3.\tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\, Ga$~~~~~~6. \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\, Ga_{1}$~~~~~7. \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\neg Ga_{1}$~~~8. \tabularnewline

& & & & ~~~~~$\times$\tabularnewline



$1\,\,\neg\langle\lambda x.\neg Gx\rangle(a)$ ~~4.\tabularnewline

$1\,\,\neg Ga$~~5.\tabularnewline






The left branch is the same as that of the tableau in the previous

section except for the use of double negation. But on the right branch

no rule can be applied to line 4 or line 5. Since the sentence on

line 5 is not atomic the grounded name $a_{1}$ cannot be introduced,

and in its absence $\neg\lambda1$ cannot be applied to line 4. The

right branch is thus open.

\subsubsection{Other Imposters}

Consider the formulas $\exists x\lozenge Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists xFx$

and $\exists x\lozenge\neg Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists x\neg Fx$.

In most systems of quantified modal logic both are considered instances

of the converse Barcan formula, and either both are valid or both

invalid. But in SAT neither is an instance (CBF) because neither contains

predicate abstracts. Yet in view of sections 8.3.1, 8.3.3 and 8.3.4

it should not be surprising that the tableau for $\exists x\lozenge
Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists xFx$

closes but the one for $\exists x\lozenge\neg Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists
x\neg Fx$

does not. (I leave it to the reader to verify that the former tableau

is nearly identical to the one given in section 8.3.1 but requires

only nine steps.) The tableau for $\exists x\lozenge\neg
Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists x\neg Fx$




& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg(\exists x\lozenge\neg
Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists x\neg Fx)$

~~~~1. & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\exists x\lozenge\neg Fx$~~~~~~~2. (From 1

by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg\lozenge\exists x\neg Fx$~~~~~3. (From 1

by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & \multicolumn{1}{l}{}\tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\lozenge\neg Fp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~4. (From 2

by $\exists$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg Fp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~5. (From 4 by $\lozenge$.) & & & &
& & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg\exists x\neg Fx$~~~~~~~~6. (From 3 by
$\neg\lozenge2$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg\exists x\neg Fx$~~~~~~~~7. (From 3 by

$\neg\lozenge1$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\neg\neg Fp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~8. (From 7 by

$\neg\exists$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\,\, Fp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9. (From 8 by$\neg\neg$.) & &
& & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & ~~~~~~~~~~~$\circ$ & & & & & & \tabularnewline



It is instructive to compare line 5 of the tableau in section 8.3.1

with line 5 of the above tableau. Each is inferred from line 4 of

its respective tableau by the $\lozenge$ rule. In the tableau of

section 8.3.1 the $\lambda3$ rule is applied to line 5, which leads

ultimately to closure. But in the tableau of this section no rule

can be applied to line 5, and it does not close.%

\footnote{This tableau suggests a two-world SAS5 model that falsifies
$\exists x\lozenge\neg Fx\rightarrow\lozenge\exists x\neg Fx$.

The domain of one world contains a single object, and the predicate

\emph{F} holds of that object at that world. The domain of the other

world is empty. Alternatively the second world can contain a distinct

object, with \emph{F} also holding of that object at that world.%


\subsubsection{A Tableau for an instance of (\emph{faux} UI)}

In the discussion of the logical properties of quantifiers in section

4.3 I mentioned sentences of a form I called (\emph{faux} UI), and

I gave an instance of it that I claimed is not SAT valid. Here's the



$\forall x\square Sx\rightarrow(\mathcal{E}(d)\rightarrow\square Sd$)


Its invalidity is shown by the following tableau.



& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\neg(\forall x\square Sx\rightarrow(\exists
y(y=d)\rightarrow\square Sd))$~~~~1. & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\forall x\square Sx$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2.

(From 1 by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\neg(\exists y(y=d)\rightarrow\square

(From 1 by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & & & & & &

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\exists y(y=d)$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4.

(From 3 by $\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\neg\square Sd$~~~~~~~~~~~~~5. (From 3 by

$\neg\rightarrow$.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,(p_{1}=d)$~~~~~~~~~~6. (From 4 by $\exists$.) & & & & &
& & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,(p_{1}=d_{1})$~~~~~~~~~7. (From 6 by Atomic

1.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\square Sp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~8. (From 2

by $\forall$.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\square Sd_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9. (From 2

by $\forall$.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\, Sp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10. (From 8 by

$\square1$.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\, Sd_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11. (From 9 by

$\square1$.) & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,\neg Sd$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12. (From 5 by $\neg\square$.) & & &
& & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\, Sp_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13. (From 8 by $\square2$.) & & & &
& & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\, Sd{}_{1}$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~14. (From 9 by $\square2$.) & & &
& & & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,(q_{1.1}=d_{1})$~~~~~~15. (From 13 by Atomic 2.) & & & & &
& & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & $1.1\,\,(r_{1.1}=d_{1})$~~~~~~16. (From 14 by Atomic 2.) & & & & &
& & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & ~~~~~~~~~~~$\circ$ & & & & & & & & & & & \tabularnewline



This tableau is not complete. The rules for self-identity, substitution

of identity, and universal quantifier can be applied in several additional

ways. But the tableau will not close. Indeed its single branch suggests

a simple countermodel to \emph{faux} (UI). In this model,
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{W}}}$ contains two worlds, $w_{1}$ and

$w_{1.1}$, such that $w_{1}\mathcal{R}w_{1}$, $w_{1.1}\mathcal{R}w_{1.1}$,

and $w_{1}\mathcal{R}w_{1.1}$. $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{\mathrm{@}}}}$

may be either $w_{1}$ or $w_{1.1}$. The domains of these worlds

will be the same one-membered set. Anticipating the strategy employed

in the Completeness Lemma (section 9.2) let

(Where $\sigma_{1}$, $\sigma_{2}$, and $\sigma_{3}$ are tableau

prefixes and $\tau_{\sigma_{2}}$ and $\upsilon_{\sigma_{3}}$ are

grounded terms, $\{\{p_{1},d_{1},q_{1.1},r_{1.1}\}\}$ is the set

of equivalence classes of grounded terms determined by formulas of

the form $(\tau_{\sigma_{2}}=\upsilon_{\sigma_{3}})$ such that, for

some $\sigma_{1}$, $\sigma_{1}\,\,(\tau_{\sigma_{2}}=\upsilon_{\sigma_{3}})$

is a node on the branch.) The extension of the predicate \emph{S}

at each world is the domain of that world, which in this case is also

the domain of the model. That is,

The individual constant \emph{d} denotes $\{p_{1},d_{1},q_{1.1},r_{1.1}\}$

at $w_{1}$, but does not denote at $w_{1.1}$. That is,

but $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}d,w_{1.1})$ is undefined. For any valuation

\emph{$\mathcal{V}$} relative to this model\emph{ $\mathcal{M}$}

(since the domain of the model has only one member there is only one

such valuation) $\mathcal{M}_{\mathcal{V}}\mathrm{(\forall x\square

\footnote{The model \emph{$\mathcal{M}$} and valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}

given here apply to the language \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}. Since grounded

terms (i.e., grounded names and parameters) are not symbols of

they are assigned no values by either \emph{$\mathcal{M}$} or

But if we add the stipulation that\emph{ $\mathcal{V}$} assigns

to $p_{1},d_{1},q_{1.1}$, and $r_{1.1}$, and we leave \emph{$\mathcal{M}$}

unchanged, the result is a model and a valuation of

that falsify \emph{faux} (UI). %


\subsubsection{A Tableau for (Act3)}

In section 6.1 I noted that a central feature of actualism is expressible



\item [{(Act3)}] $\forall x\mathsf{A}\mathcal{E}(x)$.


Although (Act3) is true in the intended model it is not SAT valid,

as the following tableau shows.



& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\neg\forall x\mathsf{A}\exists y(y=x))$~~~~1. & & & & &
& \tabularnewline

& & & & $1\,\,\,\,\,\neg\mathsf{A}\exists y(y=p_{1}))$~~~~~~2. (From

1 by $\neg\forall$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & \textbf{@} ~$\neg\exists y(y=p_{1})$~~~~~~~~~3. (From 2

by $\mathsf{\neg A}$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & ~~~~~~~~~~~~$\circ$ & & & & & & \tabularnewline



The negated existential rule cannot be applied to line 3 because no

parameter with subscript @ appears on the branch. But this tableau

can be used to provide insight into the distinction between logical

truth and \emph{a priori} truth. For suppose we want to prove that

(Act3) is actually true. A plausible way of proceeding would be to

use the tableau method but start by supposing that (Act3) is false

in the actual world. So we would get:



& & & & \textbf{@} ~$\neg\forall x\mathsf{A}\exists y(y=x))$~~~~1. & & & &
& & \tabularnewline

& & & & \textbf{@} ~$\neg\mathsf{A}\exists y(y=p_{@}))$~~~~~~2. (From

1 by $\neg\forall$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & \textbf{@} ~$\neg\exists y(y=p_{@})$~~~~~~~~~3. (From 2

by $\mathsf{\neg A}$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & \textbf{@} ~$\neg(p_{@}=p_{@})$~~~~~~~~~~4. (From 3 by

$\neg\exists$.) & & & & & & \tabularnewline

& & & & \textbf{@} ~$(p_{@}=p_{@})$~~~~~~~~~~~~5. (By Self =.) & & & & & &

& & & & ~~~~~~~~$\times$ & & & & & & \tabularnewline



The assumption that (Act3) is actually false leads to contradiction.

So if one knows, independently of experience (as we all do), that

the world one inhabits is the actual world, then the reasoning embodied

in the preceding tableau is an \emph{a priori} proof of (Act3).%

\footnote{Possibilists may complain that line 2 begs the question against

because it assumes that the object denoted by $p_{@}$ is an actual

object. But as I noted in section 6.1, if quantifiers are given a

possibilist interpretation then (Act3) is valid, a result that possibilists

presumably do not want.%

} (Act3) is true \emph{a priori} even though it is not necessary and

not logically true.


I've shown that an actualistic and seriously actualistic quantified

modal logic with desirable formal and philosophical properties is

possible. These properties include, most notably, uniform substitution

of complex predicate abstracts for simple ones in logical truths,

replacement of logically equivalent subformulas within sentences \emph{salva

veritate}, and a sound and complete proof system. Indeed by defining

SAT and proving that it has these properties I've shown that such

a logic is actual. I've also compared SAT with several other treatments

of the issues with which it deals. I believe it deserves serious

in ongoing logical and philosophical discussions of modality.

\section{Appendix: Soundness and Completeness}

It is not difficult to verify that the soundness and completeness

results given here for SAT hold also for SAK, SAB, SAS4, and SAS5.


The intuitive idea behind the soundness proof is simple. To demonstrate

soundness of the tableau proof system it is sufficient to show that

if a set of\emph{ }prefixed formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}

appearing on a tableau branch is satisfiable in a certain sense, then

the set obtained by adding prefixed formulas that result from applying

tableau rules to members of that set is satisfiable in this same sense.

Satisfiability of a set of formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$ }was

defined in section 3.4. The expanded notion of satisfiability of a

set of prefixed formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}, used

in the soundness proof,\emph{ }is defined as follows.%

\footnote{The definitions and proofs concerning soundness are similar to

of Fitting and Mendelsohn \cite{Fitting1998}, pp. 57-60, 121-124,

152-153. %


A set \emph{S} of prefixed formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}

is \emph{satisfiable in a model} $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle

\emph{relative to a valuation} \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} if there is a

function $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$ that assigns to each prefix $\sigma$

occurring in \emph{S} a world $\mathit{\Theta(\sigma)}\in\mathcal{W}$

such that :


\item [{1.}] For every prefix $\sigma$ in \emph{S}

and if $\sigma.n$ also appears a prefix in \emph{S},

\item [{2.}] If \textbf{@} occurs as a prefix in \emph{S},

= @.

\item [{3.}] If the parameter $\pi_{\sigma}$ occurs in \emph{S}, then


\item [{4.}] Let $\iota$ be an individual constant of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$,}

and let $\iota_{\sigma}$ be the grounded name of

}that results from subscripting $\iota$ with the tableau prefix $\sigma$.

If $\iota$ and $\iota_{\sigma}$ both appear in \emph{S}, then

is defined,


\footnote{As specified in section 6.1.1, all grounded terms of

are treated semantically like variables. Given a model

and a valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} relative to

\emph{$\mathcal{V}$} assigns to each grounded term a single, model-wide

denotation from the domain of the model,

Clauses 3 and 4 reflect this, since together they require that any

term grounded with $\sigma$ designates, at each world of the model,

a member of $\mathit{\mathcal{D}(\Theta(\sigma))}$. And of course


Notice that $\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\iota,\mathit{\mathit{\Theta(\sigma)}})$

may be defined even if $\iota_{\sigma}$ does not appear in \emph{S}. %


\item [{5.}] For any prefix $\sigma$ and formula $\phi,$ if $\sigma\,\,\phi$

is in \emph{S} (that is, if the pair consisting of $\phi$ prefixed

with $\sigma$ is a member of \emph{S}), then


A\emph{ branch of a tableau is satisfiable} if the set of prefixed

formulas appearing on that branch is satisfiable in some model relative

to some valuation. A \emph{tableau is satisfiable} if one or more

of its branches is.

The connection between a set of prefixed formulas appearing on an

open tableau branch and a model-valuation pair ($\mathcal{M}$,

that satisfies them, relative to a function $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$,

is straightforward. Given a branch that is satisfiable in this sense,

$\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$ maps tableau prefixes to worlds of $\mathcal{M}$

in a way that induces on the prefixes the roles of relation $\mathcal{R}$

and world @ (clauses 1 and 2). Clauses 3 and 4 require that a term

grounded with a given prefix denotes an object in the domain of the

world associated with that prefix.%

\footnote{For example, clause 3 requires that the parameter $p{}_{1}$

throughout the model, an object from the domain of world

Clause 4 requires that the grounded name $c_{1.1}$ designates, throughout

the model, an object from the domain of world $\mathit{\Theta}(1.1)$.

By contrast, if no occurrence of the individual constant \emph{c}

has a tableau prefix as a subscript, clause 4 does not require that

\emph{c} be given an assignment by $\mathcal{M}$\emph{ cum }$\mathcal{V}$.

Individual constants are not required to denote at every, or even

any, world.%

} Clause 5 requires that each prefixed formula on the branch be satisfied

at the world corresponding to its prefix.

The Soundness Lemma is the heart of the soundness proof. Once it is

established, the Soundness Theorem itself follows easily. Proof of

the Soundness Lemma (and of the Completeness Lemma in the next section)

will be facilitated by the following Substitution Lemma for


\item [{Substitution~Lemma~(for~\emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$})}]~


Let $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

be a model of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}, and let \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}

be a valuation relative to $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$. Where

$\psi(\alpha)$ is a formula of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$ }containing

at least one free occurrence of the variable $\alpha$ (but no free

occurrence of any other variable), and $w\in\mathcal{W}$:

\emph{Part 1}. Let $\tau_{\sigma}$ be a grounded term of

$\mathcal{V}(\tau_{\sigma})\in\mathcal{D}(w)$, and $\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$

the result of replacing all free occurrences of $\alpha$ in $\psi(\alpha)$

with $\tau_{\sigma}$. Suppose $\mathcal{U}$ is the $\alpha$-variant-at-$w$

of $\mathcal{V}$ such that $\mathcal{U}(\alpha)=\mathcal{V}(\tau_{\sigma})$.


\emph{Part 2}. Let $\iota$ be an individual constant of

$\iota_{\sigma}$ be a grounded name of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}

(that is, $\iota_{\sigma}$ is the grounded name of

that results from subscripting $\iota$ with the tableau-node prefix

$\sigma$), $\mathcal{V}(\iota_{\sigma})\in\mathcal{D}(w)$, and

the result of replacing all free occurrences of $\alpha$ in $\psi(\alpha)$

with $\iota_{\sigma}$. Suppose $\mathcal{U}$ is the $\alpha$-variant-at-$w$

of $\mathcal{V}$ such that


Proof of the Part 1 is straightforward by induction on the complexity

of $\psi(\alpha)$. Since a grounded name is a grounded term, Part

2 is a special case of Part 1. It is convenient to have the Lemma

stated in this form in some of the following proofs. $\blacksquare$


\item [{Soundness~Lemma.}] Tableau Rules Preserve Satisfiability


If a tableau rule is applied to a satisfiable tableau, the result

is another satisfiable tableau.


Proof: It is sufficient to restrict attention to application of a

tableau rule to a node or nodes that appear in a satisfiable branch

of a tableau, and to show that at least one satisfiable branch results

from application of the rule. So suppose $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

is a branch of a tableau $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{T}}},$ \emph{S}

is the set of prefixed formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}

that appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, and there is a model

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}},$ a valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$},

and a function $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$ that together satisfy 1-5.

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is thus a satisfiable branch of

We want to show that whenever a rule is applied to a member of

the result is at least one branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}^{\prime}$

that extends $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ and is such that, for

the set $S^{\prime}$ of prefixed formulas of

that appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}^{\prime}$, there is

a model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}{}^{\prime}$ a valuation

and a function $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta{}^{\prime}}}$ that together

satisfy 1-5.

Proofs of the cases for truth functional and modal connectives are

simple and straightforward, as in Fitting and Mendelsohn \cite{Fitting1998},

pp. 58-59. The cases for the actuality connective are trivial.

For the universal quantifier case, assume that the prefixed formula

$\sigma$~~$\mathrm{\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)}$ is in \emph{S},

that clauses 1-5 hold, and hence that

By clause 10 of section 3.4,

for every valuation \emph{$\mathcal{U}$} that is an

of \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}. By 3 and 4,

for each grounded term $\tau_{\sigma}$ that appears on

(i.e., for each parameter or grounded name with subscript $\sigma$

that appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$). So part 1 of the

Substitution Lemma yields

for each grounded term $\tau_{\sigma}$ that appears on

So the branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}^{\prime}$ that results

from one or more applications of the universal quantifier rule to

$\sigma$~~$\mathrm{\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)}$ is satisfiable

in $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$\emph{ }relative to \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}

and $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$.

For the negated universal quantifier case, assume that the prefixed

formula $\sigma$~~$\neg\mathrm{\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)}$ is

in \emph{S}, that clauses 1-5 hold, and hence that


By clause 10 of section 3.4,

for some valuation \emph{$\mathcal{U}$} that is an

of \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}. Since each node on a tableau branch is just

finitely many steps from the origin, for any given node only finitely

many distinct parameters appear in the nodes up to and including it.

So a parameter $\pi_{\sigma}$ that does not appear on

will always be available for application of the negated universal

quantifier rule. Let $\mathit{\mathcal{U}}^{\prime}$ be the

of \emph{$\mathcal{U}$} such that

So by part 1 of the Substitution Lemma,


$\mathit{\mathcal{U}}^{\prime}$ satisfies clauses 1, 2, and 4, since

\emph{$\mathcal{V}$} does. And $\mathit{\mathcal{U}}^{\prime}$ satisfies

clause 3 because it makes all the same assignments to parameters other

than $\pi_{\sigma}$ as \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} does, and because

So the branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}^{\prime}$ that results

from application of the negated universal quantifier rule to

and thereby adds the node $\sigma$~~$\neg\mathrm{\psi(\pi_{\sigma})}$

to $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, is satisfiable in

}relative to $\mathit{\mathcal{U}}^{\prime}$ and

For the predicate abstraction cases recall that a predicate abstract

$\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle$ is satisfied by a term

at a world if and only if the term denotes an object in the domain

of that world and the object satisfies $\psi(\alpha)$. Form 1 of

the rule for unnegated predicate abstraction applies to prefixed formulas

of the form $\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\iota)$,

where $\iota$ is an individual constant. In this case the predicate

abstract is instantiated with the grounded name $\iota_{\sigma}$,

which may or may not already appear somewhere on

(If $\iota_{\sigma}$ does already appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

it was introduce either by form 1 of the atomic formula rule or by

a previous application of the very rule under consideration.) So suppose

$\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\iota)$ is in

\emph{S}, that clauses 1-5 hold, and hence that

There are two subcases:

(a) If $\iota_{\sigma}$ already appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

$\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\iota,\mathit{\mathit{\Theta(\sigma)}})$ is



(by clause 4). Since

there is an $\alpha$-variant-at-$\mathit{\mathit{\Theta(\sigma)}}$

of $\mathcal{V}$, \emph{$\mathcal{U}$,} such that


(clause 12a of section 3.4). But since $\iota$ is an individual constant,


and so by the identities already established

So by part 2 of the Substitution Lemma

(b) If $\iota_{\sigma}$ does not appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

then, since

$\mathcal{I\mathrm{(}}\iota,\mathit{\mathit{\Theta(\sigma)}})$ is

nonetheless defined and

(clause 12a of section 3.4). Furthermore

where \emph{$\mathcal{U}$} is the

of $\mathcal{V}$ such that

(by clause 12a of section 3.4 and the definition of

in section 3.3). But there is no guarantee that

So let $\mathcal{V}^{\prime}$ be the

of $\mathcal{V}$ such that

Clearly $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$, $\mathcal{V}^{\prime}$,

and $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$ satisfy clauses 1-3 of the definition

given at the beginning of the present section, and when the node

is added to $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ by application of form

1 of the unnegated predicate abstraction rule, clause 4 is also satisfied.

Let \emph{$\mathcal{U}{}^{\prime}$} be the

of $\mathcal{V}^{\prime}$ such that

So by part 1 of the Substitution Lemma (with $\mathcal{V}^{\prime}$

as $\mathcal{V}$, $\iota_{\sigma}$ as $\tau_{\sigma}$,

as $w$, and \emph{$\mathcal{U}{}^{\prime}$} as \emph{$\mathcal{U}$})



and \emph{$\mathcal{U}{}^{\prime}$} differs from \emph{$\mathcal{U}$}

only in what it assigns to $\iota_{\sigma}$, which does not appear

in $\psi(\alpha)$,


So the branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}^{\prime}$ that results

from application of form 1 of the rule for unnegated predicate abstraction

to $\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\iota)$, and

thereby adds $\sigma\,\,\psi(\iota_{\sigma})$ to

is satisfiable in $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$\emph{ }relative

to $\mathcal{V}$ and $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$, or satisfiable

in $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ relative to $\mathcal{V}^{\prime}$

and $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$, depending on whether $\iota_{\sigma}$

already appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$.

Having given detailed proofs for the quantifier rules and one of the

predicate abstraction rules, I'll just sketch the proofs for the remaining


The proof for form 2 of the predicate abstraction rule is similar

to that for form 1, but simpler, since the grounded term $\tau_{\sigma}$

that is instantiated appears in the premise. The proof for form 3

combines features of the proofs for form 2 and the negated quantifier


The proofs for the first two forms of the negated predicate abstraction

rule are straightforward in view of the explanation given in section

8.2.4, where they are introduced, and the proofs for predicate abstraction.

Form 3 does not require a separate proof since it can be treated as

a derived rule.

The proofs for the two identity rules are straightforward.

Forms 1 and 2 of the atomic formula rule are similar, respectively,

to forms 1 and 3 of the predicate abstraction rule, and their proofs

are similar. The proof for form 3 of the atomic formula rule is trivial.



\item [{Theorem~6.}] Tableau Soundness for \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}


If $\phi$ is a sentence of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} and $\Gamma$ is

a set of sentences of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}, then if $\phi$ is derivable

from $\Gamma$, $\phi$ is a consequence of $\Gamma$. In abbreviated

form, if $\mathrm{\Gamma\vdash\phi}$, then $\mathrm{\Gamma\vDash\phi}$.

Proof: Suppose that $\phi$ is not a consequence of $\Gamma$. Then

$\Gamma\cup\{\neg\phi\}$ is satisfiable. Hence there is a model
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

and a world\emph{ }$w\in\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{W}}}$, such that

for any valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} relative to

and each sentence $\psi\in\Gamma\cup\{\neg\phi\}$,

So for any finite subset $\Gamma^{\prime}$ of $\Gamma$ and each


For any such $\Gamma^{\prime}$ consider the set of ordered pairs

\emph{S} =

\emph{S} is a set of prefixed formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} and

hence of\emph{ $\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$. }If we define the function

$\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}$ so that $\mathit{\mathit{\Theta}}(1)=w$,

clauses 1-5 at the beginning of this section are satisfied. Thus \emph{S}

is a set of prefixed formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$

}that is satisfiable in $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ relative

to \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}. Since \emph{S} is finite, its members constitute

the initial sentences of a tableau. Call this tableau

By definition, $S^{\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{T}}}}$ is a satisfiable


By the Soundness Lemma, any application of a tableau rule to

results in another satisfiable tableau. This means that in every such

extension of $S^{\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{T}}}}$ there is a branch

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, a model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$,

and a valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} such that, for every node

appearing on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

}But by the definition of satisfaction, no formula and its negation

can both be assigned the value 1. Hence $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

is not closed, and thus $\phi$ is not derivable from $\mathrm{\Gamma}$.



Although the details of the completeness proof are complex, the basic

idea behind it is simple. If a tableau has an open branch in which

all the rules that can be applied have been applied, that branch contains

information sufficient to determine an interpretation and a valuation

under which all the formulas of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}

on the branch are satisfied. The worlds of this interpretation are

the prefixes of nodes appearing on the branch, and the individuals

are the equivalence classes of grounded terms determined by the identity

statements appearing on the branch. The atomic formulas and grounded

names appearing on the branch determine the assignment of extensions

to predicates and individuals to individual constants, respectively.

The valuation assigns to a grounded term the equivalence class of

which that term is a member, and it makes an arbitrary assignment

of these equivalence classes to variables.

As is common in tableau proof systems, some tableaus will contain

infinitely long branches. This is because some rules may have to be

applied repeatedly to the same node (or pair of nodes) of a tableau.

The rules for necessity, universal quantifier, and substitutivity

of identity fall into this category. I'll call a branch \emph{complete}

if all applicable rules have been applied to all its nodes.

Consider a complete and open branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

of a tableau $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{T}}},$ and define a \emph{categorical

model} $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

and a \emph{categorical valuation} \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} (relative

to\emph{ }$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$) \emph{induced by

as follows.


\item [{$\mathcal{W}$:}] $\mathcal{W}$ is the set of prefixes that appear

on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

\item [{@:}] @ is \textbf{@}, if \textbf{@} appears as the prefix of a

node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$; otherwise @ is 1

\item [{$\mathcal{R}$:}] $\mathcal{R}$ =

appears on

and $\sigma.n$ both appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$\}


In order to define $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{D}}},$ the function

that assigns sets of individuals to the worlds in $\mathcal{W},$

some further notation is needed. As before, let $\sigma_{1}$, $\sigma_{2}$,

$\sigma_{3}$, ... be prefixes of nodes that appear on

and let $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$, $\tau_{\sigma_{2}}$, $\tau_{\sigma_{3}}$,

... and $\upsilon_{\sigma_{1}}$, $\upsilon_{\sigma_{2}}$,

... be grounded terms. Also let $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{G}}}$ be

the set of grounded terms that appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}},$

and $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{E}}}$ the set of formulas of

}of the form $(\tau_{\sigma_{2}}=\upsilon_{\sigma_{3}})$ such that,

for some $\sigma_{1}$,

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. Since

is a complete branch, and in view of the tableau rules for identity

in section 8.2.5, $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{E}}}$ defines an equivalence

relation on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{G}}}.$ Let

be the set of equivalence classes (of members of

determined by $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{E}}}$. If

let $\overline{\tau}$ denote the member of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{Y}}}$

of which $\tau$ is a member. (Thus for any tableau prefixes $\sigma_{2}$

and $\sigma_{3}$, and grounded terms $\tau_{\sigma_{2}}$ and

$\overline{\tau_{\sigma_{2}}}=\overline{\upsilon_{\sigma_{3}}}$ if

and only if there is a prefix $\sigma_{1}$ such that

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. For example, if

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ , then $\overline{a_{1.2.@}}$=

$\overline{p_{1.1.2}}$. That is, the grounded name $a_{1.2.@}$ and

the parameter $p_{1.1.2}$ denote the same individual, namely the

equivalence class of grounded terms of which both are members.)


\item [{$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{D}}}$:}]

= \{$y\mid y\in\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{Y}}}$ and at least one member

of $y$ is a grounded term with subscript $\sigma_{1}$\}


So the domain of world $\sigma_{1}$ consists of all and only those

members of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{Y}}}$ that contain at least

one grounded term with subscript $\sigma_{1}$. Since the domain of

a model is the union of the domains of its worlds (section 3.1),

That is, the domain of the model is the set of equivalence classes

of grounded terms defined on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{G}}}$ by

Thus for every prefix $\sigma_{1}\in\mathcal{W}$,

The interpretation $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ of model

makes assignments to the individual constants and predicates of

\footnote{$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ does not, however, assign values

to the grounded terms of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$ }or to the

variables of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}. These are given their values

by \emph{$\mathcal{V}$.} %

} Let $\iota$ be an individual constant of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$,

}$\sigma_{1}$ a prefix of a node that appears on

and $\iota_{\sigma_{1}}$ the grounded name (and hence grounded term)

that results from subscripting $\iota$ with $\sigma_{1}$.


\item [{$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$:}] If $\iota_{\sigma_{1}}$ appears

as part of a formula on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

Otherwise $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}(\iota,\sigma_{1})$ is undefined.


Since $\overline{\iota_{\sigma_{1}}}\in\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}\sigma_{1})$,

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ satisfies the constraint imposed

by clause 1 of section 3.2, namely, that if an individual constant

of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} designates at a world, its designation is

a member of the domain of that world.

Next, let $\theta$ be an \emph{n}-ary predicate (perhaps =), $\sigma_{1}$

a prefix that appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ (perhaps

\textbf{@}), $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ a grounded term,

the equivalence class of grounded terms such that

$\langle...,\overline{\tau_{\sigma_{1}}},...\rangle$ an \emph{n}-tuple

of equivalence classes of grounded terms of which

is the \emph{$m^{th}$} member, and $\theta(...\tau_{\sigma_{1}}...)$

an atomic formula of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$} in which all

the individual symbols are grounded terms with subscript $\sigma_{1}$

and of which $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ is the \emph{$m^{th}$.}


\item [{$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$:}]


is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$\}


If $\theta$ is the identity predicate, this becomes


\item [{$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$:}]


is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$\}


In view of the definitions of set $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{Y}}}$

and function $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{D}}}$, for each

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}(\theta,\sigma_{1})$ assigns an \emph{n}-ary

relation on $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}\sigma_{1})$ to the predicate $\theta$.

So $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ satisfies the first part of clause

2 of section 3.2, namely, the requirement that the extension of a

predicate at a world contain only objects from the domain of that

world. Furthermore, if $\theta$ is =,

is the set of ordered pairs

where $\overline{\tau_{\sigma_{1}}}$ is an equivalence class of grounded

terms, and

That is, for each $\sigma_{1}\in\mathcal{W}$,

is the identity relation on $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}\sigma_{1})$. So

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ also satisfies the second part of

clause 2 of section 3.2. This completes the definition of a categorical

model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ induced by a complete and open

branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$.

Given a such a model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$, the categorical

valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} relative to $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$

is easily defined. Recall (section 8.1.1) that grounded terms of

(i.e., parameters and grounded names) are treated semantically like

variables and thus have their values assigned by \emph{$\mathcal{V}$.}

Where $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{G}}}$, as before, is the set of grounded

terms that appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, and

is the set of variables of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$,} \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}

is a function from

into $\mathcal{D_{M}}$ such that


\item [{$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{V}}}$:}] For every grounded term


\item [{$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{V}}}$:}] For every variable

\emph{$\mathcal{V}(\alpha)$} is some arbitrarily selected member

of $\mathcal{D_{M}}$.


This completes the definition of a categorical valuation

induced by a complete and open branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

(relative to\emph{ }a categorical model$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$

induced by this same branch $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$).%

\footnote{It is important to bear in mind in what follows that individual

and grounded names are treated very differently in the semantics of

\emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}. In the categorical model and valuation

($\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ and \emph{$\mathcal{V}$}) just

defined, this difference may manifest itself in initially surprising

ways. For example, if the grounded names \emph{$b_{1}$}, \emph{$b_{1.1}$},

and \emph{$b_{1.1.1}$} appear on a branch, each will have been introduced

by application of a tableau rule to the individual constant \emph{b}.

Yet it may turn out that, under $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ and

$\overline{b_{1}}\neq\overline{b{}_{1.1}}\neq\overline{b_{1.1.1}}$. %



\item [{Completeness~Lemma.}] A Categorical Model and Valuation Satisfy

all the Formulas on the Branch that Induces them


Let $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ be a complete and open branch

of a tableau $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{T}}},$ and let
$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle W\mathrm{,}\mathrm{@

}be a categorical model\emph{ }and \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} a categorical

valuation (relative to $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$) induced by

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. For any formula $\phi$ of

and any prefix $\sigma$:


Part 1. If $\sigma\,\,\phi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,


Part 2. If $\sigma\,\,\neg\phi$ is a node on



Proof is by induction on the number of connectives and quantifiers

in $\phi$.

\emph{Basis}: Part 1.

\emph{Case a}. Suppose $\phi$ is an atomic formula made up of the

\emph{n}-ary predicate $\theta$ and \emph{n} grounded terms,

all of which have $\sigma$ as their grounding subscript. Represent

$\phi$ as $\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$. By hypothesis

is complete. So, by the definition of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$,

the extension of $\theta$ at $\sigma$ contains

if and only if $\sigma\,\,\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$ is a node

on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. And by the definition of


So if $\sigma\,\,\phi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,


\emph{Case b}. Suppose $\sigma\,\,\phi$ is a node on

where $\phi$ is an atomic formula made up of the \emph{n}-ary predicate

$\theta$ and \emph{n} terms, and where these terms may include individual

constants of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} as well as grounded terms (parameters

and grounded names). Individual constants of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}

are ungrounded (and hence have no subscripts), and parameters and

grounded names may be subscripted with tableau prefixes other than

$\sigma$, the prefix of the node $\sigma\,\,\phi$ with which we

are concerned. By hypothesis $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is complete,

so all possible applications of all rules will have been made to all

nodes on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. So if the formula $\phi$

of node $\sigma\,\,\phi$ contains individual constants, repeated

application of form 1 of the atomic formula rule will have added a

node $\sigma\,\,\phi*$, where $\phi*$ is like $\phi$ except that

each occurrence of an individual constant $\iota$ has been replaced

by the corresponding grounded name $\iota_{\sigma}$. So $\iota_{\sigma}$

will appear as part of a formula on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

and thus by the definition of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$,

Similarly, if $\phi*$ contains (one or more occurrences of) a grounded

term $\tau$ with a subscript other than $\sigma$, application of

form 2 of the atomic formula rule will have added a node of the form

$\sigma\,\,(\pi_{\sigma}=\tau)$, where $\pi_{\sigma}$ is a parameter

that has not previously appeared on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$.

So by the definitions of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{Y}}}$ and

$\overline{\pi_{\sigma}}=\overline{\tau}$, and thus

And application of the substitutivity of identity rule will have added

a node $\sigma\,\,\phi*^{\pi_{\sigma}}$, where $\phi*^{\pi_{\sigma}}$

is like $\phi*$ except that $\tau$ has been replaced by $\pi_{\sigma}$

throughout $\phi*$. Since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is complete,

this will have happened for each term appearing in $\sigma\,\,\phi*$

that is grounded with a subscript other than $\sigma$, and occurrences

of distinct terms of this kind will have been replaced by distinct

parameters, each of which was new to the branch when it appeared.

Call the resulting formula $\phi**$. So the node $\sigma\,\,\phi**$

will appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. Each term that appears

in $\phi**$ is subscripted with $\sigma$, and so as in \emph{Case

a} above

And since $\mathcal{V}(\pi_{\sigma})=\mathcal{V}(\tau)$, for each

parameter $\pi_{\sigma}$ that was substituted for a grounded term

$\tau$ in the creation of $\phi**$ from $\phi*$, $\phi**$ will

contain, at each of its individual-term positions, a term that denotes

the same member of $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}\sigma)$ as is denoted by

the term in the corresponding position in $\phi*$. So

and hence

Finally, recall that $\phi*$ was defined as differing from $\phi$

only in containing the grounded name $\iota_{\sigma}$ at places where

$\phi$ contains the corresponding individual constant $\iota$. By

the definition of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$, if $\iota$ is

an individual constant of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$ }and the grounded

name $\iota_{\sigma}$ appears as part of a formula on


Thus since

it follows that

So if $\sigma\,\,\phi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,


\emph{Basis}: Part 2.

\emph{Case a}. As in \emph{Case a} of Part 1, let $\phi$ be an atomic

formula made up of the \emph{n}-ary predicate $\theta$ and \emph{n}

grounded terms $\tau_{\sigma}$, all of which have $\sigma$ as their

grounding subscript. Represent $\phi$ as $\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$.

Suppose $\sigma\,\,\neg\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$ is a node on

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. By hypothesis

is open, so $\sigma\,\,\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$ is a not a node

on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. Suppose, for \emph{reductio},


Since $\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$ is an atomic formula of

by clause 2 of section 3.2 each term $\tau_{\sigma}$ in $\phi$ denotes

a member of $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}\sigma)$. And by the definition

of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ of the categorical model given

earlier in this section, a node of the form

appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

is thus closed, which contradicts the assumption of the Completeness

Lemma. So by \emph{reductio}

\emph{Case b.} Let $\phi$ be as in \emph{Case b} of Part 1. That

is, $\phi$ is an atomic formula made up of the \emph{n}-ary predicate

$\theta$ and \emph{n} terms, where these terms may include individual

constants of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} as well as parameters and grounded

names that are subscripted with $\sigma$ or with tableau prefixes

other than $\sigma$. Suppose $\sigma\,\,\neg\phi$ is a node on

By hypothesis $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is open, so $\sigma\,\,\phi$

is a not a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. Again suppose,

for \emph{reductio}, that

Since $\phi$ is an atomic formula of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$},

by sections 3.2 and 3.4 each term in $\phi$ denotes a member of

even though those terms my be unsubscripted or subscripted with prefixes

other than $\sigma$.%

\footnote{Strictly speaking sections 3.2 and 3.4 present only the semantics

of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}. \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$},\emph{

}introduced in section 8.1.1, is \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} plus grounded

names and parameters, which are treated like variables. %

} And by the definition of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ of the

categorical model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ given earlier in

this section, a node of the form $\sigma\,\,\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$

appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, where each term $\tau_{\sigma}$

in $\theta(...\tau_{\sigma}...)$ is grounded with $\sigma$ and denotes

the same member of $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}\sigma)$ as the term at

the corresponding position in $\phi$ (even though the latter terms

my be unsubscripted or subscripted with a prefix other than $\sigma$).

It can then be shown that $\sigma\,\,\phi$ is a node on

which contradicts the assumption that $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

is open. So by \emph{reductio}

The proof that $\sigma\,\,\phi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

is straightforward but complex. Rather than giving a fully general

proof, I give an example that should be sufficient to convince the

reader of its truth. Let $\theta$ be the five-place predicate $F$

and let $\phi$ be the atomic formula $Fa_{1}\, b_{1.2}\, p_{1.1}\, b\, c$.

Also let $\sigma$ be the tableau prefix 1.1. Then by our assumptions

$1.1\,\,\neg Fa_{1}\, b_{1.2}\, p_{1.1}\, b\, c$ is a node on

and (for \emph{reductio}) $\mathcal{M}_{\mathcal{V}}(Fa_{1}\, b_{1.2}\,
p_{1.1}\, b\, c,\,\,1.1)=1$.

Since the individual constants $b$ and $c$ appear in an atomic formula

that has the value 1 at world 1.1, by the semantics of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}

(sections 3.2 and 3.4 above) $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}(b,1.1)$

and $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}(c,1.1)$ are defined and each is

a member of $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}1.1)$. And since the members of

$\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}1.1)$ are equivalence classes of grounded terms

that appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, $b_{1.1}$ and $c_{1.1}$

must both appear somewhere on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, by

the definition of interpretation $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$

of the categorical model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ given earlier

in this section. But then by this same definition,

and $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}(c,1.1)=\overline{c_{1.1}}$. Similarly,

by the definition of the valuation $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{V}}}$

associated with the categorical model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$

defined earlier in this section, $\mathcal{V}(a_{1})=\overline{a_{1}}$,

$\mathcal{V}(b_{1.2})=\overline{b{}_{1.2}}$, and

So by the semantics of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} (sections 3.2 and 3.4



\item [{1.}]


But then there must be grounded terms subscripted with 1.1 that are

members of the equivalence classes $\overline{a_{1}}$ and

For the semantics of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} (sections 3.2 and 3.4

above), states that a predicate is satisfied by an \emph{n}-tuple

of objects at a world, only if each of those objects is a member of

the domain of that world. Suppose these grounded terms are the parameter

$q_{1.1}$ and the grounded name $d_{1.1}$, respectively. $q_{1.1}$

and $d_{1.1}$ will appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ in

nodes of the form $\sigma_{1}\,\, a_{1}=q_{1.1}$ and $\sigma_{2}\,\,

where $\sigma_{1}$ and $\sigma_{2}$ may be any prefixes. Thus


\item [{2.}] $\overline{a_{1}}=\overline{q_{1.1}}$ and


Substituting $\overline{q_{1.1}}$ for $\overline{a_{1}}$ and

for $\overline{b_{1.2}}$ in 1 yields


\item [{3.}]


But then by the definition of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{I}}}$ of

the categorical model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M}}}$ given earlier

in this section


\item [{4.}] $1.1\,\, Fq_{1.1\,}d_{1.1\,}p_{1.1\,}b_{1.1}\, c_{1.1}$ is

a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$.

From 4 and the fact that $\sigma_{1}\,\, a_{1}=q_{1.1}$ and $\sigma_{2}\,\,

appear on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, the tableau rule for

of identity yields


\item [{5.}] $1.1\,\, Fa_{1}\, b_{1.2}\, p_{1.1}\, b_{1.1}\, c_{1.1}$

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$.


Finally, by two applications of form 3 of the tableau rule for atomic



\item [{6.}] $1.1\,\, Fa_{1}\, b_{1.2}\, p_{1.1}\, b\, c$ is a node on



Hence $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is closed, which contradicts

the assumption that it is open. So by \emph{reductio}
$\mathcal{M}_{\mathcal{V}}(Fa_{1}\, b_{1.2}\, p_{1.1}\, b\, c,\,\,1.1)=0$.

This completes the proof for \emph{Case b} when $\phi$ is $Fa_{1}\,
b_{1.2}\, p_{1.1}\, b\, c$,

$\sigma$ is 1.1, and $\sigma\,\,\neg\phi$ is a node on

It should be clear that an analogous proof can be given for any atomic

formula made up of an \emph{n}-ary predicate and \emph{n} terms, where

these terms may include individual constants as well as parameters

and grounded names that are subscripted with $\sigma$ or with tableau

prefixes other than $\sigma$. Proof of the basis of the induction

is thus complete.

\emph{Inductive Step}: Assume the result holds for formulas with fewer

than \emph{n} logical operators, and show that it holds for formulas

with \emph{n} operators. There is a case for each of the operators.


\item [{Conjunction}] $\phi$ is $(\psi\wedge\gamma)$. So we must show



1. If $\sigma\,\,(\psi\wedge\gamma)$ is a node on


2. If $\sigma\,\,\neg(\psi\wedge\gamma)$ is a node on



If $\sigma\,\,(\psi\wedge\gamma)$ is a node on

then, since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is a complete branch,

$\sigma\,\,\phi$ and $\sigma\,\,\psi$ also appear on

So by the inductive assumption

and thus

So part 1 holds. On the other hand if $\sigma\,\,\neg(\psi\wedge\gamma)$

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ then again, since

is complete, either $\sigma\,\,\neg\phi$ or $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi$

appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. So again by the inductive

assumption either


and thus

So part 2 also holds.


\item [{Negation}] $\phi$ is $\neg\psi$. So we must show



1. If $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,


2. If $\sigma\,\,\neg\neg\psi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,



If $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

this case is covered by part 2 of one of the other cases, including

part 2 of the basis case if $\psi$ is atomic. So part 1 holds. On

the other hand if $\sigma\,\,\neg\neg\psi$ is a node on

then, since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is complete, so is

So by the inductive hypothesis

and hence


\item [{Actuality}] $\phi$ is $\mathsf{A}\psi$. So we must show



1. If $\sigma\,\,\mathsf{A}\psi$ is a node on


2. If $\sigma\,\,\neg\mathsf{A}\psi$ is a node on



If $\sigma\,\,\mathsf{A}\psi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

then, since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is a complete branch,

$@\,\,\psi$ also appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. So

by the inductive assumption

and thus by the semantics of $\mathsf{A}$

So part 1 holds. On the other hand if $\sigma\,\,\neg\mathsf{A}\psi$

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ then again, since

is complete, $@\,\,\neg\psi$ appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$.

So by the inductive assumption

and thus

So part 2 also holds.


\item [{Necessity}] $\phi$ is $\square\psi$. So we must show



1. If $\sigma\,\,\mathsf{\square}\psi$ is a node on


2. If $\sigma\,\,\neg\square\psi$ is a node on



For part 1 there are separate cases for SAK, SAT, SAB, SAS4, and SAS5.

1.a (for SAK) If $\sigma\,\,\mathsf{\square}\psi$ is a node on

then, since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is complete, a node of

the form $\sigma.n\,\,\psi$ appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

for each prefix $\sigma.n$ that is part of a node on

So by the inductive hypothesis $\mathcal{M}_{\mathcal{V}}(\psi,\sigma.n)=1$,

for each such $\sigma.n$. But since $\sigma\mathcal{R}\sigma.n$

for each such $\sigma.n$,

1.b (for SAT) If $\sigma\,\,\mathsf{\square}\psi$ is a node on

then, since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is complete, $\sigma\,\,\psi$

appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, as does a node of the

form $\sigma.n\,\,\psi$, for each prefix $\sigma.n$ that is part

of a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. So by the inductive

hypothesis $\mathcal{M}_{\mathcal{V}}(\psi,\sigma)=1$ and

for each such $\sigma.n$. But since $\sigma\mathcal{R}\sigma$ and

$\sigma\mathcal{R}\sigma.n$, for each such $\sigma.n$,

1.c-e (for SAB, SAS4, and SAS5) The proofs of these cases are

modifications of 1.a and 1.b.

The proof of part 2 is the same for all systems. If

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ then, since

is complete, a node of the form $\sigma.n\,\,\neg\psi$ also appears

on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, where \emph{n} is an integer

and the prefix $\sigma.n$ has not appeared on

prior to $\sigma\,\,\neg\square\psi$. So by the inductive assumption

$\mathcal{M}_{\mathcal{V}}(\psi,\sigma.n)=0$. But since


The cases for the quantifier and predicate abstraction rules depend

on the Substitution Lemma of section 7.1.


\item [{Quantification}] $\phi$ is $\forall\alpha\psi$. So we must show



1. If $\sigma\,\,\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)$ is a node on


2. If $\sigma\,\,\neg\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)$ is a node on



If $\sigma\,\,\forall\alpha\psi(\alpha)$ is a node on

then, since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is a complete branch,

a node of the form $\sigma\,\,\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$ also appears on

$\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, for each grounded term $\tau_{\sigma}$

that appears anywhere on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. So by the

inductive hypothesis

for each such $\tau_{\sigma}$. But then by Part 1 of the Substitution

Lemma, for each such $\tau_{\sigma}$, and for the valuation $\mathcal{U}$

that is the $\alpha$-variant-at-$\sigma$ of $\mathcal{V}$ such

that $\mathcal{U}(\alpha)=\mathcal{V}(\tau_{\sigma})$,

And since the only members of $\mathcal{D\mathrm{(}}\sigma)$ are

the equivalence classes $\overline{\tau_{\sigma}}$ such that $\tau_{\sigma}$

appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

(by clause 10 of section 3.4). On the other hand if

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ then, since

is complete, a node of the form $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi(\pi_{\sigma})$

also appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, where $\pi_{\sigma}$

is a parameter that has not appeared on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

up through (and including) the node

So by the inductive hypothesis

Consider the valuation $\mathcal{U}$ that is the

of $\mathcal{V}$ such that $\mathcal{U}(\alpha)=\mathcal{V}(\pi_{\sigma})$.

Then by Part 1 of the Substitution Lemma,


(by clause 10 of section 3.4).


\item [{Predicate~Abstraction}] $\phi$ is

So we must show



Where $\iota$ is an individual constant:

1. If $\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\iota)$

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ , then

2. If $\sigma\,\,\neg\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\iota)$

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, then


Where $\tau_{\sigma}$ is a grounded term:

3. If $\sigma\,\,\langle\lambda\alpha.\psi(\alpha)\rangle(\tau_{\sigma})$

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, then

4. If

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, then


Where $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$ is a grounded term, and $\sigma_{1}\neq\sigma$:

5. If

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, then

6. If

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, then


The case where $\tau_{\sigma}$ is a grounded term (involving 3 and

4 above) is the simplest. If

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ then, since

is a complete branch, a node of the form $\sigma\,\,\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$

also appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ (from application

of form 2 of the predicate abstraction rule). So by the inductive


and by part 1 of the Substitution Lemma

where $\mathcal{U}$ is the $\alpha$-variant-at-$\sigma$ of $\mathcal{V}$

such that $\mathcal{U}(\alpha)=\mathcal{V}(\tau_{\sigma})$. But then

by the semantics of predicate abstraction (clause 12a of section 3.4)


So 3 is established.

On the other hand if

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ then, since

is complete, a node of the form $\sigma\,\,\neg\psi(\tau_{\sigma})$

also appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ (from application

of form 2 of the negated predicate abstraction rule). So by the inductive


and by part 1 of the Substitution Lemma

where $\mathcal{U}$ is the $\alpha$-variant-at-$\sigma$ of $\mathcal{V}$

such that $\mathcal{U}(\alpha)=\mathcal{V}(\tau_{\sigma})$. But then

by the semantics of predicate abstraction (clause 12a of section 3.4)


So 4 is established.

Consider next the case where $\iota$ is an individual constant. The

proof of 1 is exactly like that of 3 except that it appeals to form

1 of the predicate abstraction rule and part 2 of the Substitution

Lemma. The proof of 2 divides into two cases depending on whether

or not $\iota_{\sigma}$ appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$.

If it does, the proof is like that of 4, except that it uses form

1 of the negated predicate abstraction rule and part 2 of the Substitution

Lemma. If $\iota_{\sigma}$ does not appear on

then in particular $\sigma\,\,\mathsf{(\iota_{\sigma}=\iota_{\sigma}})$

is not a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, and so by definition

of the canonical model $\mathcal{M}$,

is undefined for all $\sigma\in\mathcal{W}$. So by clause 12b of

section 3.4

To prove 5, consider the case where

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, $\tau_{\sigma_{1}}$

is a grounded term, but $\sigma_{1}\neq\sigma$. By form 3 of the

predicate abstraction rule, both $\sigma\,\,\psi(\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$

and $\sigma\,\,(\pi_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ are nodes on

So by the substitution of identity rule $\sigma\,\,\psi(\pi_{\sigma_{1}})$

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, and thus by the inductive


Since $\sigma\,\,(\pi_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ is on

it follows from the basis case of the induction that

and hence that

But then by part 1 of the Substitution Lemma and clause 12a of section


Finally, the proof of 6 is similar to that of 2 in that it divides

into two cases depending on whether there is a grounded term

and a prefix $\sigma_{*}$ such that

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$. If there is,

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, by the substitution

of identity rule, since $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ is complete.

Also if $\sigma_{*}(\upsilon_{\sigma}=\tau_{\sigma_{1}})$ is a node

on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,

by the definition of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{Y}}}$. So by case

4 above

And since $\overline{\upsilon_{\sigma}}=\overline{\tau_{\sigma_{1}}}$,


On the other hand if there is no grounded term $\upsilon_{\sigma}$

and no prefix $\sigma_{*}$ such that

is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$, then for all grounded

terms $\upsilon_{\sigma}$,

by the definition of $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{Y}}}$. So by the definition

of $\mathcal{D}$,

and thus by 12b of section 3.4,



Weak completeness follows immediately from the Completeness Lemma.


\item [{Theorem~7.}] Tableau Completeness for \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}


Let $\phi$ be a sentence of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$} and $\Gamma$

a finite set of sentences of \emph{$\mathfrak{L}$}. If $\phi$ is

a consequence of $\Gamma$, then $\phi$ is derivable from $\Gamma$.

In abbreviated form, if $\Gamma$ is finite and $\mathrm{\Gamma\vDash\phi}$,

then $\mathrm{\Gamma\vdash\phi}$.

Proof: Suppose $\phi$ is not derivable from $\Gamma$. Thus by the

definition of derivability (in section 8.1.2) no tableau beginning

with the members of $\Gamma$ and $\neg\phi$, all prefixed with 1,

is closed. Hence every such tableau has a complete and open branch.

Let $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ be a complete and open branch

of such a tableau. By the Completeness Lemma $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$

induces a categorical model $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{M=\langle

and a categorical valuation \emph{$\mathcal{V}$} (relative to

) such that, for any formula $\phi$ of \emph{$\mathfrak{L^{\bigstar}}$}

and any prefix $\sigma$:


If $\sigma\,\,\phi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,



If $\sigma\,\,\neg\phi$ is a node on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$,



Since $\neg\phi$ and each member of $\Gamma$ is a sentence of

that appears on $\mathit{\mathrm{\mathcal{B}}}$ with the prefix 1,

$\phi$ is not a consequence of $\Gamma$. $\blacksquare$







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! I can't write on file `"SAT for PL.pdf"'.

Please type another file name for output:

When I try to compile with bibtex (per Stefano's instructions) I get no
console output window at all.

The entire file that I get from

Do the same for a compilation with bibtex (just select bibtex from the
Typeset menu and hit ctrl-T). Cut and paste the console output into an
email message and send it to the list.
Post by William Hanson
Foiled again, I'm afraid. All that's in the bbl file is
Cheers nonetheless.
That means that the bibtex run failed. Run bibtex again from within
TeXworks, and cut and paste the console output into an email message to the
It is hard to help without knowing what is wrong.
Stefano Franchi
Waluyo Adi Siswanto
2014-08-27 22:43:03 UTC
Post by William Hanson
To All,
I have a document that I want to submit to a Springer journal. Their
web site won't accept my LyX file. It wants a TeX file. How do I
convert LyX to TeX?
Bill Hanson
Last time I had a similar problem.
The way I managed to submit correctly to springer system was documented


I hope this is useful.

William Hanson
2014-08-28 03:39:17 UTC
This looks wonderful. However I can't get beyond Step 2 where I'm asked to
create a new folder. I can't do this because I don't have administrative
Post by Waluyo Adi Siswanto
Post by William Hanson
To All,
I have a document that I want to submit to a Springer journal. Their web
site won't accept my LyX file. It wants a TeX file. How do I convert LyX
to TeX?
Bill Hanson
Last time I had a similar problem.
The way I managed to submit correctly to springer system was documented
I hope this is useful.
stefano franchi
2014-08-28 13:52:02 UTC
Post by William Hanson
This looks wonderful. However I can't get beyond Step 2 where I'm asked
to create a new folder. I can't do this because I don't have
administrative status.
Waluyo's bog post explained how to take care of a different problem:
namely, how to install a particular Springer LaTeX class (svjour3) in Lyx
and how to create a LyX document that uses it.
I don't know which class Springer has told you to use (there other others,
depending on journal/book collections), but it is indeed svjour3 you
should have it installed on your system already. You can check by going to
Document>>Settings...>>Document class and clicking on the pop-up menu on
the right just under "Document class". If you have svjour3 installed, you
will see an item taht reads "article (Springer svjour3/global)"
Select it and you are all set.

I'll reply to the other problem (the bibtex issue) in another post.


Stefano Franchi
Associate Research Professor
Department of Hispanic Studies Ph: +1 (979) 845-2125
Texas A&M University Fax: +1 (979) 845-6421
College Station, Texas, USA
