section titles styles
Alberto Escrig Vidal
2014-09-24 13:18:13 UTC
Dear LyX users

I'm writing a document using the KOMA-Script class. I prefer all titles to be also in roman, so I added to my preamble \addtokomafont{disposition}{\rmfamily}.

The problem is that filenames appear in some titles, which I want to be typed in Sans. By selecting the filename and modifying the text style to Sans, LyX does nothing, since it believes the title is in Sans. Is there a solution for this that involves neither ERT boxes nor editing stdsections.inc?

Thanks so much


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Richard Heck
2014-09-24 14:58:10 UTC
Post by Alberto Escrig Vidal
Dear LyX users
I’m writing a document using the KOMA-Script class. I prefer all
titles to be also in roman, so I added to my preamble
The problem is that filenames appear in some titles, which I want to
be typed in Sans. By selecting the filename and modifying the text
style to Sans, LyX does nothing, since it believes the title is in
Sans. Is there a solution for this that involves neither ERT boxes nor
editing stdsections.inc?
You need to inform LyX of this change. Try adding to Document> Settings>
Local Layout:

Format 49

Style Section
Family Roman

And similarly for any other cases.

Alberto Escrig Vidal
2014-09-24 16:48:19 UTC
Thanks so much Richard! Works like a charm.

Is it possible that child documents inherit the local layout of the master document?

I know that a user module may be written in such a case, but to me is a bit inconvenient to have to store it in a different folder than that of the document (especially when working with several computers).

Thanks a lot for LyX. It's just great! The equation editor is amazing.


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De: Richard Heck [mailto:***@lyx.org]
Enviado el: miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014 16:58
Para: Alberto Escrig Vidal; lyx-***@lists.lyx.org
Asunto: Re: section titles styles

On 09/24/2014 09:18 AM, Alberto Escrig Vidal wrote:

Dear LyX users

I'm writing a document using the KOMA-Script class. I prefer all titles to be also in roman, so I added to my preamble \addtokomafont{disposition}{\rmfamily}.

The problem is that filenames appear in some titles, which I want to be typed in Sans. By selecting the filename and modifying the text style to Sans, LyX does nothing, since it believes the title is in Sans. Is there a solution for this that involves neither ERT boxes nor editing stdsections.inc?

You need to inform LyX of this change. Try adding to Document> Settings> Local Layout:

Format 49

Style Section
Family Roman

And similarly for any other cases.

Richard Heck
2014-09-24 17:26:27 UTC
Post by Alberto Escrig Vidal
Thanks so much Richard! Works like a charm.
Is it possible that child documents inherit the local layout of the master document?
No, unfortunately. They do at compilation time, but not during editing.


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