LyX 2.1.1 Cyrillic in ERT not possible
2014-09-26 07:54:22 UTC

In LyX version 2.1.1 it is not possible to write text in Cyrillic in ERT
boxes. The program prevents to write any character if the keyboard is
switched to Macedonian (Cyrillic letters).
In previous versions I used this possibility to enter figure captions.
However, old .lyx files with such text in ERT are correctly compiled.

Do you have any suggestions how to enable this?
Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-09-26 09:09:31 UTC
Post by Sergey
In LyX version 2.1.1 it is not possible to write text in Cyrillic in ERT
boxes. The program prevents to write any character if the keyboard is
switched to Macedonian (Cyrillic letters).
In previous versions I used this possibility to enter figure captions.
However, old .lyx files with such text in ERT are correctly compiled.
Do you have any suggestions how to enable this?
It is intentional (but under discussion). See

Helge Hafting
2014-10-01 12:08:10 UTC
Post by Jürgen Spitzmüller
Post by Sergey
In LyX version 2.1.1 it is not possible to write text in Cyrillic in ERT
boxes. The program prevents to write any character if the keyboard is
switched to Macedonian (Cyrillic letters).
In previous versions I used this possibility to enter figure captions.
However, old .lyx files with such text in ERT are correctly compiled.
Do you have any suggestions how to enable this?
It is intentional (but under discussion). See
I don't think LyX should prevent the user from writing any plain text
(including non-ascii) into ERT.
Having some text inside ERT is a very common case. I.e.
\markupcommand{some plain text}
For the non-english user, "plain text" may contain any
latin/greek/cyrillic/... character! Being limited to
latin1 (or even worse, ascii) will seem like a very random limit.

If it is hard to allow all characters that will work in ERT while also
disallowing all that won't work - please err on the side of allowing too
much. ERT is for "LaTeX specialists" - they can easily crash the compile
with \invalidcommand or mismatched braces anyway. If you use ERT, you
accept the responsibility and may have to debug your document.

But many users have latex set up for their own language, so using it in
ERT tends to work. Loosing access to non-latin text will disrupt
\mymarkup{text} which is a common case.

Helge Hafting
Jim Oldfield
2014-10-01 12:40:46 UTC
From: lyx-***@lists.lyx.org [mailto:lyx-***@lists.lyx.org] On Behalf Of
Helge Hafting
Sent: 1 October 2014 1:08 PM
Post by Helge Hafting
Having some text inside ERT is a very common case. I.e.
\markupcommand{some plain text}
I agree with your overall point, but I just want to point out that you can
also achieve \latincommand{non-latin text} by just putting "\latincommand{"
and "}" in two separate ERTs on either side of the non-latin text.

Jürgen Spitzmüller
2014-10-01 14:20:30 UTC
Post by Helge Hafting
I don't think LyX should prevent the user from writing any plain text
(including non-ascii) into ERT.
Having some text inside ERT is a very common case. I.e.
\markupcommand{some plain text}
For the non-english user, "plain text" may contain any
latin/greek/cyrillic/... character! Being limited to
latin1 (or even worse, ascii) will seem like a very random limit.
Sure. However, the problem is that ERT is internally defined as latin1.
This is a LyX limitation (and a bug IMHO), but it needs to be fixed first
before we can open ERT to other encodings. Note that the restriction was
introduced as a bugfix to prevent uncompilable documents (#9012).


2014-10-01 13:03:26 UTC
Post by Sergey
In LyX version 2.1.1 it is not possible to write text in Cyrillic in ERT
boxes. The program prevents to write any character if the keyboard is
switched to Macedonian (Cyrillic letters).
In previous versions I used this possibility to enter figure captions.
However, old .lyx files with such text in ERT are correctly compiled.
Do you have any suggestions how to enable this?
I successfully wrote cyrillic in ERT by using copy-paste.
However I agree with what Helge Hafting said.