error on View [Ctrl-R]: The directory path to the document cannot contain spaces
Roel Schipper - CITG
2013-07-08 11:11:38 UTC
Hi fellow Lyx-fans,

I just successfully installed 2.0.6 for Windows 7, after having used 2.0.0 for a long time without problems.
When I tried to view the PDF of a document that worked OK until yesterday, I get the message:
"The directory path to the document cannot contain spaces."


My path is:
D:\roelschipper\SkyDrive\Documenten\TU-onderzoek\papers-promotie\publicaties RS - concept\thesis\2013-06-22 thesis v3.1.lyx

Anyone a clue?

Roel Schipper

TU Delft Faculty Civil Engineering
Stevin Lab II room 1.55
tel +31 15 278 9933
mob +31 6 215 94 867
e-mail ***@tudelft.nl<mailto:***@tudelft.nl>
Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013-07-08 11:29:18 UTC
Post by Roel Schipper - CITG
Hi fellow Lyx-fans,
I just successfully installed 2.0.6 for Windows 7, after having used 2.0.0
for a long time without problems. When I tried to view the PDF of a
document that worked OK until yesterday, I get the message: "The directory
path to the document cannot contain spaces."
RS - concept\thesis\2013-06-22 thesis v3.1.lyx
Anyone a clue?
Try if Tools > Reconfigure (and a restart of LyX) helps. If not, the output
appearing in View > Messages Pane while doing the reconfigure would be

Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013-07-08 12:02:43 UTC
Thanks for the quick response.
When I have a document with spaces in the path open, Tools > Reconfigure
"The system reconfiguration has failed.
Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.
Please reconfigure again if needed."
Please reply to the mailing list!

We need some more nfo why it fails. Can you please, as requested, post the
output appearing in View > Messages Pane while doing the reconfigure?

Roel Schipper - CITG
2013-07-08 12:15:34 UTC
Thanks for the quick response.
When I have a document with spaces in the path open, Tools >
"The system reconfiguration has failed.
Default textclass is used but LyX may not be able to work properly.
Please reconfigure again if needed."
Please reply to the mailing list!

We need some more nfo why it fails. Can you please, as requested, post the output appearing in View > Messages Pane while doing the reconfigure?

Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013-07-08 12:32:54 UTC
14:12:54.077: Checking whether TeX allows spaces in file names... no
14:12:54.171: latex: Windows API error 161: The specified path is invalid.
I would assume that your MikTeX installation is broken, but I am not a MikTeX
or Windows user myself, so maybe others can help.

Roel Schipper - CITG
2013-07-08 13:21:20 UTC

Still funny however that it worked under 2.0.0 with the same MikTeX distribution.
I used the small installation of LyX, so I did not replace MikTeX.


-----Original Message-----
From: lyx-***@lists.lyx.org [mailto:lyx-***@lists.lyx.org] On Behalf Of Jürgen Spitzmüller
Sent: maandag 8 juli 2013 14:33
To: lyx-***@lists.lyx.org
Subject: Re: FW: error on View [Ctrl-R]: The directory path to the document cannot contain spaces
Importance: Low
14:12:54.077: Checking whether TeX allows spaces in file names... no
14:12:54.171: latex: Windows API error 161: The specified path is invalid.
I would assume that your MikTeX installation is broken, but I am not a MikTeX or Windows user myself, so maybe others can help.

Roel Schipper - CITG
2013-08-28 08:16:37 UTC
-----Original Message-----
From: lyx-***@lists.lyx.org [mailto:lyx-***@lists.lyx.org] On Behalf Of Jürgen Spitzmüller
Sent: maandag 8 juli 2013 14:33
To: lyx-***@lists.lyx.org
Subject: Re: FW: error on View [Ctrl-R]: The directory path to the document cannot contain spaces
Importance: Low
Post by Roel Schipper - CITG
14:12:54.077: Checking whether TeX allows spaces in file names... no
14:12:54.171: latex: Windows API error 161: The specified path is invalid.
I would assume that your MikTeX installation is broken, but I am not a MikTeX or Windows user myself, so maybe others can help.
If I export my file to LaTeX and compile it outside of LyX with my MikTeX it works, so the problem does not seem to be in the MikTeX installation. Btw, I did not change MikTeX during or after updating to LyX 2.0.6. The error also occurs *immediately* after pushing the View (CTRL-R) button, apparently even before calling MikTeX. Modifying all my path names is not a good solution, since all my earlier LyX-work would not be able to find images then.
Julien Rioux
2013-09-05 00:40:32 UTC
Post by Roel Schipper - CITG
If I export my file to LaTeX and compile it outside of LyX with my MikTeX it works, so the problem does not seem to be in the MikTeX installation. Btw, I did not change MikTeX during or after updating to LyX 2.0.6. The error also occurs *immediately* after pushing the View (CTRL-R) button, apparently even before calling MikTeX. Modifying all my path names is not a good solution, since all my earlier LyX-work would not be able to find images then.
Can you please add your issue to the bug tracker for LyX, so that we
don't forget about it. Add a link to this discussion.

2014-08-25 21:13:45 UTC
I'll join the discussion about the problem. I marked the only error I
spotted in red below:

22:10:10.330: Przygotowanie podglądu...

22:10:10.347: (buffer-view: Ctrl+R)Error: Błąd nazwy pliku


ŚcieÅŒka do dokumentu nie moÅŒe zawierać spacji.

22:10:17.860: Błąd w trakcie eksportu do formatu: PDF (pdflatex)

22:11:20.017: Uruchomiono konfigurowanie...

22:11:20.316: python -tt "C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX
2.1/Resources/configure.py" --binary-dir="C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:20.948: checking for DVI to DTL converter...

22:11:20.950: +checking for "dv2dt"... yes

22:11:20.951: checking for DTL to DVI converter...

22:11:20.952: +checking for "dt2dv"... yes

22:11:20.953: checking for a Latex2e program...

22:11:20.954: +checking for "latex"... yes

22:11:20.956: checking for a DVI postprocessing program...

22:11:20.957: +checking for "pplatex"... yes

22:11:20.958: checking for pLaTeX, the Japanese LaTeX...

22:11:20.959: +checking for "platex"... yes

22:11:22.089: platex: The memory dump file could not be found.

22:11:22.090: platex: Data: platex.fmt

22:11:23.721: latex: The memory dump file could not be found.

22:11:23.722: latex: Data: latex.fmt

22:11:23.722: Latex not usable (not LaTeX2e)

22:11:23.723: checking for a java interpreter...

22:11:23.723: +checking for "java"... no

22:11:23.724: checking for a perl interpreter...

22:11:23.724: +checking for "perl"... yes

22:11:23.727: checking for a Tgif viewer and editor...

22:11:23.728: +checking for "tgif"... no

22:11:23.729: checking for a FIG viewer and editor...

22:11:23.732: +checking for "xfig"... no

22:11:23.733: checking for a Dia viewer and editor...

22:11:23.734: +checking for "dia"... no

22:11:23.736: checking for an OpenOffice drawing viewer and editor...

22:11:23.737: +checking for "libreoffice"... no

22:11:23.739: +checking for "lodraw"... no

22:11:23.741: +checking for "ooffice"... no

22:11:23.772: +checking for "oodraw"... no

22:11:23.843: +checking for "soffice"... no

22:11:23.844: checking for a Grace viewer and editor...

22:11:23.845: +checking for "xmgrace"... no

22:11:23.847: checking for a FEN viewer and editor...

22:11:23.849: +checking for "xboard"... no

22:11:23.851: checking for a SVG viewer and editor...

22:11:23.862: +checking for "inkscape"... no

22:11:23.866: checking for a raster image viewer...

22:11:23.876: +checking for "xv"... no

22:11:23.888: +checking for "kview"... no

22:11:23.959: +checking for "gimp-remote"... no

22:11:23.969: +checking for "gimp"... no

22:11:23.971: checking for a raster image editor...

22:11:23.983: +checking for "gimp-remote"... no

22:11:24.014: +checking for "gimp"... no

22:11:24.015: checking for a text editor...

22:11:24.017: +checking for "xemacs"... no

22:11:24.048: +checking for "gvim"... no

22:11:24.080: +checking for "kedit"... no

22:11:24.152: +checking for "kwrite"... no

22:11:24.185: +checking for "kate"... no

22:11:24.257: +checking for "nedit"... no

22:11:24.328: +checking for "gedit"... no

22:11:24.339: +checking for "notepad"... yes

22:11:24.490: +checking for "geany"... no

22:11:24.561: +checking for "leafpad"... no

22:11:24.712: +checking for "mousepad"... no

22:11:24.713: checking for gnumeric spreadsheet software...

22:11:24.715: +checking for "gnumeric"... no

22:11:24.716: checking for an HTML previewer...

22:11:24.717: +checking for "firefox"... no

22:11:24.719: +checking for "mozilla"... no

22:11:24.751: +checking for "netscape"... no

22:11:24.752: checking for a BibTeX editor...

22:11:24.765: +checking for "jabref"... no

22:11:24.777: +checking for "JabRef"... no

22:11:24.848: +checking for "pybliographic"... no

22:11:24.879: +checking for "bibdesk"... no

22:11:24.950: +checking for "gbib"... no

22:11:25.021: +checking for "kbib"... no

22:11:25.092: +checking for "kbibtex"... no

22:11:25.163: +checking for "sixpack"... no

22:11:25.314: +checking for "bibedit"... no

22:11:25.386: +checking for "tkbibtexxemacs"... no

22:11:25.540: +checking for "gvim"... no

22:11:25.691: +checking for "kedit"... no

22:11:25.842: +checking for "kwrite"... no

22:11:25.993: +checking for "kate"... no

22:11:26.145: +checking for "jedit"... no

22:11:26.297: +checking for "TeXnicCenter"... no

22:11:26.608: +checking for "WinEdt"... no

22:11:26.679: +checking for "WinShell"... no

22:11:26.990: +checking for "PSPad"... no

22:11:27.142: +checking for "nedit"... no

22:11:27.453: +checking for "gedit"... no

22:11:27.454: +checking for "notepad"... yes

22:11:27.605: +checking for "geany"... no

22:11:27.916: +checking for "leafpad"... no

22:11:28.227: +checking for "mousepad"... no

22:11:28.228: checking for a Postscript previewer...

22:11:28.229: +checking for "kghostview"... no

22:11:28.230: +checking for "okular"... no

22:11:28.231: +checking for "evince"... no

22:11:28.232: +checking for "gv"... no

22:11:28.303: +checking for "ghostview"... no

22:11:28.305: checking for a PDF previewer...

22:11:28.306: +checking for "pdfview"... yes

22:11:28.307: +checking for "kpdf"... no

22:11:28.337: +checking for "okular"... no

22:11:28.368: +checking for "evince"... no

22:11:28.439: +checking for "kghostview"... no

22:11:28.510: +checking for "xpdf"... no

22:11:28.581: +checking for "acrobat"... no

22:11:28.652: +checking for "acroread"... no

22:11:28.803: +checking for "mupdf"... no

22:11:28.874: +checking for "gv"... no

22:11:29.025: +checking for "ghostview"... no

22:11:29.026: checking for a DVI previewer...

22:11:29.027: +checking for "xdvi"... no

22:11:29.028: +checking for "kdvi"... no

22:11:29.039: +checking for "okular"... no

22:11:29.040: +checking for "yap"... yes

22:11:29.111: +checking for "dviout"... no

22:11:29.112: checking for an HTML previewer...

22:11:29.114: +checking for "firefox"... no

22:11:29.144: +checking for "mozilla"... no

22:11:29.176: +checking for "netscape"... no

22:11:29.177: checking for Noteedit...

22:11:29.178: +checking for "noteedit"... no

22:11:29.179: checking for an OpenDocument/OpenOffice viewer...

22:11:29.190: +checking for "libreoffice"... no

22:11:29.221: +checking for "lwriter"... no

22:11:29.252: +checking for "lowriter"... no

22:11:29.283: +checking for "oowriter"... no

22:11:29.354: +checking for "swriter"... no

22:11:29.425: +checking for "abiword"... no

22:11:29.426: checking for a Rich Text and Word viewer...

22:11:29.427: +checking for "libreoffice"... no

22:11:29.437: +checking for "lwriter"... no

22:11:29.507: +checking for "lowriter"... no

22:11:29.518: +checking for "oowriter"... no

22:11:29.589: +checking for "swriter"... no

22:11:29.660: +checking for "abiword"... no

22:11:29.661: checking for the pdflatex program...

22:11:29.662: +checking for "pdflatex"... yes

22:11:29.663: checking for XeTeX...

22:11:29.663: +checking for "xelatex"... yes

22:11:29.664: checking for LuaTeX...

22:11:29.665: +checking for "lualatex"... yes

22:11:29.666: checking for LuaTeX (DVI)...

22:11:29.666: +checking for "dvilualatex"... yes

22:11:32.297: checking if LuaTeX is usable ... yes

22:11:32.298: checking for a LaTeX/Noweb -> LyX converter...

22:11:32.300: +checking for "C:\Program"... no

22:11:32.301: +checking for "C:\Program"... no

22:11:32.301: +checking for "C:\Program"... no

22:11:32.302: +checking for "C:\Program"... no

22:11:32.303: +checking for "tex2lyx"... yes

22:11:32.304: checking for a Noweb -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.305: +checking for "noweave"... no

22:11:32.306: checking for a Sweave -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.307: +checking for "Rscript"... no

22:11:32.307: checking for a knitr -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.308: +checking for "Rscript"... no

22:11:32.309: checking for a Sweave -> R/S code converter...

22:11:32.310: +checking for "Rscript"... no

22:11:32.311: checking for a knitr -> R/S code converter...

22:11:32.311: +checking for "Rscript"... no

22:11:32.312: checking for an HTML -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.313: +checking for "html2latex"... no

22:11:32.314: +checking for "gnuhtml2latex"... no

22:11:32.315: +checking for "htmltolatex"... no

22:11:32.316: checking for an MS Word -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.317: +checking for "wvCleanLatex"... no

22:11:32.318: checking for a LyX -> HTML converter...

22:11:32.318: +checking for "elyxer.py"... yes

22:11:32.319: checking for a LyX -> HTML (MS Word) converter...

22:11:32.320: +checking for "elyxer.py"... yes

22:11:32.321: checking for "lyxblogger module"... no

22:11:32.322: checking for an OpenOffice.org -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.323: +checking for "w2l"... no

22:11:32.324: checking for an OpenDocument -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.325: +checking for "w2l"... no

22:11:32.326: checking for an OpenDocument -> PDF converter...

22:11:32.327: +checking for "unoconv"... no

22:11:32.328: checking for a LaTeX -> Open Document converter...

22:11:32.329: +checking for "oolatex"... no

22:11:32.330: +checking for "mk4ht"... yes

22:11:32.331: checking for a LaTeX -> RTF converter...

22:11:32.332: +checking for "latex2rtf"... no

22:11:32.342: +checking for "latex2rt"... no

22:11:32.343: checking for a RTF -> HTML converter...

22:11:32.344: +checking for "unrtf"... no

22:11:32.345: checking for a PS to PDF converter...

22:11:32.346: +checking for "ps2pdf"... yes

22:11:32.347: checking for a PS to TXT converter...

22:11:32.357: +checking for "pstotext"... no

22:11:32.358: checking for a PS to TXT converter...

22:11:32.359: +checking for "ps2ascii"... yes

22:11:32.360: checking for a PS to EPS converter...

22:11:32.371: +checking for "ps2eps"... no

22:11:32.372: checking for a PDF to PS converter...

22:11:32.373: +checking for "pdf2ps"... yes

22:11:32.374: checking for a PDF to EPS converter...

22:11:32.384: +checking for "pdftops"... no

22:11:32.385: checking for a PDF cropping tool...

22:11:32.386: +checking for "pdfcrop"... yes

22:11:32.387: checking for a Beamer info extractor...

22:11:32.398: +checking for "makebeamerinfo"... no

22:11:32.399: checking for a DVI to TXT converter...

22:11:32.410: +checking for "catdvi"... no

22:11:32.411: checking for a DVI to PS converter...

22:11:32.412: +checking for "dvips"... yes

22:11:32.413: checking for a DVI to cropped EPS converter...

22:11:32.414: +checking for "dvips"... yes

22:11:32.425: checking for a DVI to PDF converter...

22:11:32.427: +checking for "dvipdfmx"... yes

22:11:32.428: checking for a fax program...

22:11:32.429: +checking for "kdeprintfax"... no

22:11:32.460: +checking for "ksendfax"... no

22:11:32.491: +checking for "hylapex"... no

22:11:32.492: checking for a FIG -> Image converter...

22:11:32.503: +checking for "fig2dev"... no

22:11:32.504: checking for a TIFF -> PS converter...

22:11:32.515: +checking for "tiff2ps"... no

22:11:32.516: checking for a TGIF -> EPS/PPM converter...

22:11:32.527: +checking for "tgif"... no

22:11:32.528: checking for a WMF -> EPS converter...

22:11:32.529: +checking for "metafile2eps"... yes

22:11:32.530: checking for an EMF -> EPS converter...

22:11:32.531: +checking for "metafile2eps"... yes

22:11:32.532: checking for an EPS -> PDF converter...

22:11:32.533: +checking for "epstopdf"... yes

22:11:32.534: checking for an EPS -> PNG converter...

22:11:32.535: +checking for "convert"... yes

22:11:32.536: checking for a Grace -> Image converter...

22:11:32.546: +checking for "gracebat"... no

22:11:32.547: checking for a Dot -> Image converter...

22:11:32.548: +checking for "dot"... no

22:11:32.549: checking for a Dia -> PNG converter...

22:11:32.560: +checking for "dia"... no

22:11:32.561: checking for a Dia -> EPS converter...

22:11:32.572: +checking for "dia"... no

22:11:32.573: checking for an OpenOffice -> EPS converter...

22:11:32.584: +checking for "libreoffice"... no

22:11:32.615: +checking for "unoconv"... no

22:11:32.616: checking for a SVG -> PDF converter...

22:11:32.627: +checking for "rsvg-convert"... no

22:11:32.658: +checking for "inkscape"... no

22:11:32.660: checking for a SVG -> EPS converter...

22:11:32.661: +checking for "rsvg-convert"... no

22:11:32.692: +checking for "inkscape"... no

22:11:32.693: checking for a SVG -> PNG converter...

22:11:32.694: +checking for "rsvg-convert"... no

22:11:32.725: +checking for "inkscape"... no

22:11:32.726: checking for a spreadsheet -> latex converter...

22:11:32.727: +checking for "ssconvert"... no

22:11:32.728: checking for a LilyPond -> EPS/PDF/PNG converter...

22:11:32.739: +checking for "lilypond"... no

22:11:32.740: checking for a LilyPond book (LaTeX) -> LaTeX converter...

22:11:32.750: +checking for "lilypond-book"... no

22:11:32.751: checking for a Noteedit -> LilyPond converter...

22:11:32.761: +checking for "noteedit"... no

22:11:32.762: checking for SGML-tools 2.x (DocBook), db2x scripts or

22:11:32.772: +checking for "sgmltools"... no

22:11:32.803: +checking for "db2dvi"... no

22:11:32.834: +checking for "xsltproc"... no

22:11:32.835: Checking whether TeX allows spaces in file names... no

22:11:32.836: checking for ChkTeX...

22:11:32.847: +checking for "chktex"... no

22:11:32.848: checking for BibTeX or alternative programs...

22:11:32.849: +checking for "bibtex"... yes

22:11:32.850: +checking for "bibtex8"... yes

22:11:32.880: +checking for "biber"... no

22:11:32.881: checking for a specific Japanese BibTeX variant...

22:11:32.892: +checking for "pbibtex"... no

22:11:32.923: +checking for "jbibtex"... no

22:11:32.924: +checking for "bibtex"... yes

22:11:32.925: checking for available index processors...

22:11:32.926: +checking for "texindy"... no

22:11:32.926: +checking for "makeindex"... yes

22:11:32.957: +checking for "xindy"... no

22:11:32.958: checking for an index processor appropriate to Japanese...

22:11:32.969: +checking for "mendex"... no

22:11:33.000: +checking for "jmakeindex"... no

22:11:33.001: +checking for "makeindex"... yes

22:11:33.002: checking for the splitindex processor...

22:11:33.012: +checking for "splitindex.pl"... no

22:11:33.013: +checking for "splitindex"... yes

22:11:33.014: checking for a nomenclature processor...

22:11:33.015: +checking for "makeindex"... yes

22:11:33.016: checking for a spool command...

22:11:33.026: +checking for "lp"... no

22:11:33.057: +checking for "lpr"... no

22:11:33.058: +Indexing TeX files...

22:11:33.209: python: can't open file 'C:/Program': [Errno 2] No such file
or directory


22:11:33.211: done

22:11:33.212: +checking list of modules...

22:11:33.282: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.283: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources\layouts\basic.module

22:11:33.284: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.285: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.286: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.287: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.288: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.299: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.300: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.302: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources\layouts\fix-cm.module

22:11:33.303: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.304: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.305: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.316: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.318: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.319: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources\layouts\knitr.module

22:11:33.320: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.331: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.342: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.344: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.344: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.375: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources\layouts\natbib.module

22:11:33.386: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.387: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources\layouts\noweb.module

22:11:33.388: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.399: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.400: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX 2.1/Resources\layouts\sweave.module

22:11:33.411: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.413: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.423: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.425: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.427: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.428: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.429: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.430: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.431: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.432: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.433: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.444: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.446: C:/Program Files (x86)/LyX

22:11:33.447: done

22:11:33.447: checking LaTeX configuration... default values

22:11:33.449: +checking list of textclasses...

22:11:33.596: done

22:11:33.597: +generating default list of packages...

22:11:33.598: done

22:11:33.599: Przeładowanie konfiguracji...

22:11:38.505: (reconfigure)
Post by Roel Schipper - CITG
If I export my file to LaTeX and compile it outside of LyX with my MikTeX
it works, so the problem does not seem to be in the MikTeX installation.
Btw, I did not change MikTeX during or after updating to LyX 2.0.6. The
error also occurs *immediately* after pushing the View (CTRL-R) button,
apparently even before calling MikTeX. Modifying all my path names is not a
good solution, since all my earlier LyX-work would not be able to find
images then.
Can you please add your issue to the bug tracker for LyX, so that we don't
forget about it. Add a link to this discussion.
jabber: ***@manveru.pl
gg: 1624001
Marcus Glöder
2013-07-08 11:53:26 UTC
Post by Roel Schipper - CITG
Hi fellow Lyx-fans,
Hello Roel,

if you close your document, rename the subdirectory

[...]\publicaties RS - concept\[...]



reopen your document and click the Eye-Button, it should be work.
It’s not tested, but I think so.
Post by Roel Schipper - CITG
Roel Schipper
Best regards
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