You want to use a package called fancyhdr.
This code will put the page number at the bottom left on odd numbered pages
and right on even numbered pages.
\fancyhf{} %clears everything
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %make header line 0 width
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} %make footer line 0 with
%Note that this is the actual number on the page number not the page number
%because the second page starts at 1. The second page is actually an odd
%because it is labeled as 1.
\fancyfoot[LO]{\thepage} %Place the page number on the left for even pages
\fancyfoot[RE]{\thepage} %Place the page number on the right for odd pages
Just as a note, there are many answers to this question if you google
search "move page number". Look up the documentation for fancyhdr and make
it to your style. I am unaware of any lyx specific functionality that does
this but the amount of latex code is minimal. Also, place that code in your
On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 5:13 AM, Wolfgang Engelmann <
Post by Wolfgang EngelmannFor Koma script you can use in the preamble
%%Seitenangabe oben rechts >>page number top right
\usepackage{scrpage2}%%ohne diesen Befehl gehen die folgenden nicht!
\pagestyle{scrheadings} %% auf benutzerdefinierten Stil umschalten
\ohead{\pagemark} %% Seitenzahl oben mittig
Dear Lyx Users,
the journal for which I am writing an article is asking a different page
numbering with "page numbers go in the upper right-hand corner, starting
with p. 2 as the Abstract in the manuscript (which is the page 3 of the LyX
How would that be possible ?
Thank you very much in advance,