Post by Guenter Milde[-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]
Post by Wolfgang EngelmannI must have done something wrong with the encoding of my bib file; I am
getting instead of mutated vowels a combination of characters both in the
lyx file as well as in the pdf output (see attached). I am using Jabref as
the reference manager and Kubuntu.
Is this a matter of the setting in the jabref, and which one, or of the
setting in lyx, and which one?
It looks line you use utf8 encoding for the bib file. I suggest you use
latin9 or whatever your document uses, instead (traditional bibtex and
bibtex8 cannot deal with utf8 encoding properly, anyway).
I suggest to use ASCII with LICR (LaTeX internal character representation)
macros like {G{\"u}nter Milde}. This has the advantage, that you can use the
bib-file with documents in different encodings.
Maybe Jabref supports exporting the bib-file in ASCII with LICRs.
(BTW: LyX does support ASCII for the LaTeX export).
I finally managed to solve the Umlaut issue with the help of this list.
I thought it might help to give a short summary.
/Note/: This is only of interest for those using long reference lists
(>100, lets say).
I am collecting my references (biosciences) by using Medline in the Web
search facility of Jabref.
Under options>preferences>default encoding I select ISO8859_15.
After having selected the references, I put those which come with a
warning re coding in a separate bib-file
Important: do NOT accept the proposal to change the coding.
I end up with two bib files, one of which contains the problematic
I open this file with an editor such as Jedit in which I have also set
the coding to ISO8859_15 by
Extras>file options>character encoding.
The wrong coded characters are highlighted and can be changed to correct
ones (e.g. a long - to --).
In the lyx document I include BOTH files under bibtex generated
If my lyx file does not give a pdf output because of fatal errors as
shown in the terminal and the
error output (which is often difficult to interpret and to trace down to
the place where they occur,
especially if citations are concerned), I remove the bibtex generated
bibliography box.
If the pdf output is now working, I reenter the bibliography box but
with the (hopefully) correct bib file only.
If the output is now correct, I have to check again the bib file with
the problematic entrances.
Otherwise I have to check the "correct" file too.
Thanks to all those being helpful and patient